patiently waiting till their husband and their trouble his son about marrying the one-eyed sister should return. They would soon return Kurudi. But the prince would never agree together they thought, but they were doomed to it. to be disappointed.
While a whole army of courtiers were thus After staying with his father for a month, searching for Ganga bat in the various parts the prince returned to the forest with great of the kingdom, she was living comfortably eagerness to meet his dear wives, for he knew in Govinda's house, and her diet consisted nothing of the calamity that had befallen them. daily of the two measures of milk, morning and When he entered he found no joy in the palace, evening. Now Govinda had a daughter named but the three sisters lying down each by herself Gôpi, and she and Gangabai became very good with no mirth or welcome in their counte- friends.. Gaigabal related to her her whole nances. He was greatly vexed, and missed his history one morning, and was anxious to do eldest queen, whom he loved best, and as to something in revenge to Kurudi before joining whom the other queens suspected him.
her sisters in their palace. With a scheme for - Where is my Gangabal, my dears? And this in her head she addressed Gopi thug :why have you all got such dismal faces P "My dear Gôpi, my story is as you have heard, asked Thanuji.
and my heart burns within me when I think of Till then they had thought that their sister my treatment at the hands of that one-eyed was safe with their husband at Sivapuri, but witch. I ask you now to help me to repeat when the prince enquired after her, they fell Kurudi's acts on herself. Convert the milk off their couches, and, weeping and wailing, which your father brings to me at night into inquired what had happened to their sister! It curds. Take the cards with you and cry out was now plain that some trick had been played in the streets-Good curds to sell! Never upon them all by the old woman. The prince have neatherds sold such curds! Fine cards, asked them to relate what had taken place in one hundred mohars per measure ! Good curds! the palace since he had left it, and they told Good curds! Every one will call you a fool for him everything. It then become as clear as putting such a price on your cards; but go to the day to Thiņuji, that the old woman, who the palace and Kurudi will send for you and ask pretended such affection for them, was a rogue, you the price of your cards. Demand as before and that she had taken his love Gangabai to one hundred mdhars. She will give the money Kurudi for some foul purpose. He consoled and buy your curds, and finding them very his three other wives, cursed the day on which sweet will offer to buy some from you every Le took in the old woman, and started at once day. Go on giving her the cards, but do not in search of his lost love. Her sisters were take money for them. Only cultivate her equally anxious abont her, and promised to be friendship. And then I shall let you know careful during his absence.
wirat we must do." "The door shall open to none except to Gopi obeyed Gangabat exactly and in this yourself, my Lord, and that, too, only when way secured the friendship of Kurudi. Then you bring us back our sister," said the youngest said Gangabai to her:of the sisters. And our hero, buried in the "My dear Gôpi, when you go to-morrow to ocean of sorrow, and not knowing how to find the palace put on a sad countenance, and, when his lost love, returned to Sivapuri.
Kurudi comes and asks you the reason for it, He informed his old father Isabhajt of what tell her that you have a sister who has had lately had happened, and they both sent courtiers to small-pox and lost her eyes. Ask her to give different parts of the kingdom to make a care- you a pair of human eyes. She has with her my ful search for Gangabai. The prince also two eyes which she will give you. Bring them secretly made all the requisite enquiries in the to me." palace where Karudi and her mother were | Gopf did as she was told, and when the eyes living. For six mouths the search went came into Gangabai's hands she put them into on, and yet no trace was found of the lost the empty sockets and meditated on the boonprincess. Meanwhile Isabhaji was drawing day conferring goddess Varalakshmi, when her by day nearer to his grave, and again began to sight was completely restored. She now for