(L. 9.)-His disciple, greater (even than excavations made by General Cunningham and himself), (is) he who has the appropriate name | Mr. Beglar at Bodh Gayâ, in the Gaya of Mahânâman (II.); an inhabitant of District in the Bengal Presidency. Amradvipa; a very ocean of a mighty The writing, which covers & space of about family; born in the island of Lanka; delight- 1'8' broad by 0'1' high, is in a state of almost ing in the welfare of others;-by him this perfect preservation.-The average size of the beautiful mansion of the Teacher of mankind, letters is about '. The characters belong to who overcame the power of (the god) Smara, the northern class of alphabets.-The language dazzling white as the rays of the moon, with is Sansksit; and the inscription is in prose.an open pavilion on all sides, -has been caused the orthography presents nothing calling for to be made at the exalted Bodhimaņd & remark.
(L. 11.) - By means of this appropriate The inscription does not refer itself to the (action) let mankind,-freed from attach- reign of any king, and is not datod ; but the ment to worldly things; having the condition of characters allot it to precisely the same time with (mental) darkness dispelled ; (and),, like the the preceding inscription of A. D. 588-89. It flame of) a torch, 'having no adhesion to ma- is a Buddhist inscription. And the object of terial objects),-enjoy the supreme happiness of it is to record the presentation of the statue perfect wisdom !
on the pedestal of which it is engraved, by (L. 12.)- As long as the sun, the dispeller of Sthavira named Mahân & man, who is obvi. darkness, shines in all directions with diffused ously the second Mahanaman mentioned in the rays; as long as the ocean (is) full on all sides preceding inscription. with its circles of waves that are curved like As pointed out to me by General Cunningthe hoods of hooded snakes; and as long as ham, this inscription shews that Mahậnaman (the mountain) Sumêru, the abode of the god) must have been at least thirty years old when Indra, bas its summits made beautiful by various he visited Bodh-Gaya; by the Buddhist rules, jewelled slabs, in such a way as to be fall of he could not receive the upasaripadd-ordination, lustre,-80 long let this temple of the great before attaining the age of twenty years; and, saint attain the condition of being overlasting ! after that, he would have to wait at least ten
(L. 14.)-The year 200 (and) 60 (and) 9; (the or twelve years, before he could be invested month) Chaitra; the bright fortnight; the with the title of Sthavira or Théra. A further day 8.
point to be noted, is, that Mahânáman's visit
to Bodh-Gays probably oocurred before the No. 167.-BODH-GATA IMAGE INSCRIPTION OF
time when Dhâtusêns became king of Ceylon, MAHANAMAN.
-during the flight of the uncle and nephew This inscription, which also is now published to avoid the persecution of the usurper Paņda; for the first time, is from the pedestal of a according to Mr. Turnour's deductions, this Buddhist image that was discovered in the was between A.D. 434 and 439.
- TEXT. 1 Om D8ya-dharmmd=yam Šakya-bhikshoh Amradvipa-våsi-sthavira-Mahânâ masya" [11]
Yad atra punya tad-bhavata sarvve-sat[t]vånám=anuttara-jan-kvaptayê sta"[11]
TRANSLATION Om ! This is the appropriate religious Whatever religious merit (there is) in this gift of the Sakya Bhikshu, the Sthavira (act), let it be for the acquisition of supreme Mahanaman, a resident of Amrad vipa. knowledge by all sentient beings!
This refers generally to the subjugation of the From Mr. J. D. M. Beglar's ink-impression ; to Pansions, but also specially to the temptation by Mara, also the lithograph. or Love as the Destroyer, which is referred to in Buddh. Read Mahendmnal. Rec. West. World, Vol. II, p. 69.
This stu' (ast) is redundant, m we have already had bharatu.