OCTOBER, 1886.)
17 & minn i derarea : (10 m urça: wraT: 1 TEREMT Tarafar:
Erref: [0] 48 वस्व वस्व वा भूमिस्तस्य तस्य सदा फलं ॥ षष्टिं वर्षसहस्राणि स्वग्गै मोदति भूमिदः। आक्षेप्ता चानुमन्ता च
RETT 49 रके वसेत् ।। स्वदत्ताम्परबत्ताम्बा यो हरेत वसुन्धरां । स विष्ठायां कृमिभूत्वा पितृभिः सह पच्यते ॥ सर्लान
तान् भाविनः 50 Ta
r i Ta: 1 Syarian Terasoft: Ifa 51 मलइलाम् विमुलोलां श्रिवननुचिन्त्य मनुष्यजीवित। सकलमिदमुझहतम बुद्धा न हि पुरुषैः परकीर्सयो
firmy 52 प्वाः ॥ वेदान्तैरप्यसुगमतमं वेदिता ब्रह्मतय" वः सासु श्रुतिपु परमः सार्द्धमलेरधीती। वो वज्ञानां समु
दितमहाद53 format PT PTT: Ana Tar: guahiler: 11 [2] TETT ETT JATI
54 y' a ri erreparar | [s]
On the Seal
श्रीनारायणपालदेवस्य. TRANSLATION.
mountains (bhabhsitah), which approached it
fearing the cutting of their wings (pakshaOm ! Hail!
chcheda); and which was always eager to keep (Verse 1.) - Victorious is that illustrious lord within its consts (marydda). of the world, Dasabala (Buddha), -and that (V. 3.)-This mighty one (balin) again gave other (lord of the world), G 8p Aladdva, whose the sovereignty, which he had acquired by heart was resplendent with the jewel of com- defeating Indrarâ ja and other enemies, to passion; whose mistress was Maitif;" whose the begging Chakrá yudha, who resembled wisdom, (arising from) perfect knowledge, A dwarf in bowing, just as formerly Bali washed off ignorance, as the pure water of a had given the sovereignty of the three worlds), river does the mud; and who, having overcome which ho had acquired by defeating Indra and the power of those who were acting according his other enemies (the gods), to the begging to their own desires, attained everlasting Chakrayudha (Vishņu), who had descended to peace !
earth as a dwarf." (V. 2.-From him sprang the brave (V. 4.) To him, who resembled Rama by prince Srl-Dharmapala, who possessed his strict adherence to truth, there arose a royal dignity by birth; who imposed just taxes younger brother called V Åkpåla, who equal(sama-karah); who was able to bear the bar led him by his virtues, and whose majesty was den (of the rule) of the earth; who was the like that of Sanmitri (Lakshmana). Combining only refuge of those kings (bhábhsitah), who i policy and valour in his person, and conforming approached him, fearing the destruction of to the command of his brother, this illustritheir party (paksha-chchheda); who was always ous one cleared the quarters of hostile armies eager to keep within the bounds (maryádá); and and subjected them to one (royal) parasol. whose majesty possessed the coquettish smile (V. 5.)-From him sprang & victorious (i.e. the brilliant whiteness of the milk-ocean, son called Jaya pala, who purified the earth - which (milk-ocean) was the birth-place of by deeds which were worthy of Upêndra. Lakshmi; which contained sea-monsters (8a- Destroying in battle the enemies of his role, makarah); which was able to bear the burden he procured the enjoyments of universal soveof the earth; which was the only refuge of those reignty for his elder brother Devap A12-just 15 Read Teart; the anuevlin is indistinct.
In the car of Buddha, limakarin probably means
Mira; in the case of Gopala, rebels and enemies; compare 1. Rend . Read . Read . " Read a. dharmadvish, verse 5. 10 seems to be corrected from T.
10 Referring to Buddha, Kunti means nirvana, referring * This was evidently the name of Gopala's wife. to GópÅla, peace in his realm. Referring to Buddha, maitre means 'friendship. good " Applied to Viabpu, anali sooms to be used in the will': 10 Childora, u. v. metti.
sense of awatara.