MAY, 1886.)
Vasumitra and
porary with himself (Saka-Samvat 705; A.D. ruled
years. Agnimitra
783-84), and gives no hint whatever as to the The Ass-kings" - 100
interval that had elapsed between Ajitamjaya Naravahana
and himself. And I have not been able to Bhattabâņa
obtain any other mention of this king AjitamGuptas
jaya, or of his father and predecessor Kalkiråja, Kalkirja
whose name, occurring elsewhere only as that Then Ajitamjaya began to rule.
of the tenth and future avatára of the god According to this account, the Guptas began !
Vishạo, is peculiarly suggestive of this part of to rale after the lapse of seven hundred and
the passage, at any rate, being purely imagitwenty years from the nirvana of Mahavira.
native. The date of this latter event has not as yet
Jinasena has hit off pretty accurately the been satisfactorily and finally settled; but the
duration of the Gupta power; for the latest majority of Orientalists accept B.C. 527-26.
inscriptiordated in the Gupta era, which If we reckon from this date we arrive at
specifically associates the era with the conA.D. 193-94 as the initial date of the Gupta
tinuation of the Gupta rule, is that recorded in rule, which then, according to this Purana,
the Khôh plates of the Parivråjaka Maharaja extended over a period of two hundred and
Samkshobha of the year two hundred and
nines (A.D. 528-29.) But the information thirty-one years.
given by him in the preceding lines, even if NOTE BY MR. FLEET.
right in respect of the succession of dynasties, In order to apply the above passage properly must be wrong as regards the duration of each for chronological purposes," we ought to know of them. For, calculating backwards from what date Jinasena assigns to Ajitamjaya, the A.D. 319-20, the known commencement of the last of the kings mentioned by him, and then the Gupta era, the result, according to Jinacalculate backwards from that date, instead of sêna, for the nirvana of Mahavira, is B. C. forwards from the time of the nirvana of 401-400, later by a century and a quarter than Mahåvira. Mr. Pathak, however, tells me that the generally accepted date referred to by Mr: Jinasêna does not make Ajitamjaya contem. | Pathak above.
(Continued from p. 116.) Hope,-Nědêzhdi, (M.)
HORSE-DEALER, -Gry-engro, (Eng.) HORN,-Shing, (Tch.); shingh, (Psp. M.); shặng, HORBE, A KICKING-Del-engro, (Eng.) (M.); shing, (M. 8)
HORSE-KEEPER,-Herdelezhtu, (M.) HORNED.-Shingalô, (Tch.)
HORSE-RACING, -Gry-nashing, (Eng.) HOBNY,-Shinghêsgoro, (Tch.)
HORSE, A GRBY,-Parnô, (.) HORSE,-Grestur, gristur, gry, (Eng.); gras, HORSE-SHOE, -Petul, (Eng.); nalchas, pètalo, grastê, (Span. Gip.); daväri, grast, gras,
(Tch.); nal agöri, (As. Tch.); såster, gra, (dim.) grastoro, grai, (Tch.); gråst,
sastri, sastri (M.); petalo, (M. 8) (Psp. M.); agori, agora, (Ag. Tch.); grast, HORBE-SHOE, maker of-Petul-mengro, (Eng) (M.); gara, grast, (M. 7)
HORSE-STEALING,-Gry-choring. (Eng.) Horse, draught,-- Telegre, (M.)
Hose,-Kholov, (M. 7) HORSE, of or belonging to,-Grastano, grastês. Host,- Gazhô, gazha, (M.) koro, (Tch.)
HOSTE88,- Gazhi, (M.) 1. This passage has also to be compared with the Samvat, ap to A.D. 1264 (ante, Vol. XI. p. 241.) And extract, commencing with PAlaka, from the PrAkrit one of the Kathi&wAd inscriptions, vix, the Morbt plate GAthda, given by Dr. Bühler, ante, Vol. II. p. 362 f.
of A.D. 804, actually associates the name of the Guptas 15 Archeol. Surv. Ind. Vol. IX. p. 15. The expression with the era, if in line 17 (ante, Vol. II. p. 258), where is Nav-åttare-bda-sata dvay Gupta n ipa-rdjya-bhulau there is obviously an error of some kind or another, frimati pravardhamana-vijaya-rdjye Mah.vayuja. gopt is a mistake for gaupte. But the instance viven sariuvatear! &c.-We have very much later dates in the above is the latest one in which the duration of the ers; e.g. in Népal, without any name being allotted to Gupta sovereignty is connected with the era. it, up to A.D. 854 (ante, Vol. XIV. p. 345, inscription 1 16 ante, Vol. XIV. p. 342, note 1. P.) and in Kethiswd, under the name of the Valabht