ass, Indian, ancient Greek notices of the, 284f;-is the rhinoceros Astiah, a fortress in Ghar... Atâbêgs of Azurbâîjân.
aévamedha-coins attributed to Samudragupta, notes on the............ ************ 95n, 180 Audh, notes connected with the history of... 165 augury by Chinghiz Khân 142 Aurangabad District inscription....314ff Azurbálján overrun by the Mongols.... 171
2841 84 .171ff
Bagh Rûdal; see Údal
Baiana, Bayâna, Biânah; see Byâna Baims Jaṭṭs, customs of the Bakragupta, or Vakragupta; this name must be discarded as non-existent balimjigam-galu means a particular staff for measuring land
Balkh, captured by the Mongols................. 143 Ballads, Kanarese; the Insurrection of Rayanna of Sangôlli; edited........... Ballila II. (Hoysala) was overthrown by Singhana II.. Bâmiyân (P) Andarâb, 86 ;-captured by the Mongols.........
...... *************
Banaphal heroes of Hindi Epic poetry Banawasi Prakrit inscription of HâritiputaSatakamņi; edited....... bandages to relieve pain barbarikon, a town on the Indus, in IndoSkythia .338, 339, 341 Baroda' plates of Dhruva II., of Saka-Samvat 757; edited ............ 196ff 'Basahi' plate of Govindachandra of VikramaSamvat 1161; edited, 101ff;-commented on 98ff Basrakoh; see Tâlikan........ 81f Batmalun, derivation of the name........ 27 bdellion of the Greeks is the tree that yields gugal, 'fragrant gum resin'..................... 338 bees; see honey...................... 308f Bêhayânâ, medieval name of Byânâ, q. v. 9 Benagouron of Ptolemy, identified with Wairågarh in the Chând& District....... Benares District inscription Bendigêri or Bendigere plates of Krishna, of Saka-Samvat 1170; edited 68ff Bengal Asiatic Society, notice of the Centenary Review of the
355f Bengal, Bihar, and Audh empire, division of the, in the tenth and eleventh centuries... 164f Bengal, history of the Påla kings of, 162ff;notes on the Sêna kings of................ 183f Bengali books, destruction of, by the Musalmans, 184;-language, religious origin of the modern, 185;-literature, growth of, 187;-vernacular, development of the.. 186f Bero, a god of the Kharris (Aborigines)...... 127
209ff, 255ff
9n 61
87 255
..331ff 29n
292 139f
Bhagavata-Purana; a note as to its date, 185n-a copy of the whole of it, made by Vidyapati, is still in the possession of his descendants
Bhagavatas in the Southern Maratha Country
Bhagavatpura, town in Central India; a residence of Vâkpatirâja of Dhârâ bhaitra is a corruption of bahitra, vahitra, 'a raft'
Bhambhagiri, the lord of, was overthrown by Singhana II. ....................................... 314 Bharatpur State inscriptions Bharaut (Bharhut') Stúpa inscription of Dhanabhati; edited Bhatarka, of Valabhi, fought with the Maitrakas.......... 3281 159
bhattdrika, a title of the goddess Durgå Bhattôsvari, a goddess (probably Durgâ) at Ujjayini Bhaumayantras; description of one from Milwa
Bhayidêva, Dandandyaka, Têrdal inscription of; edited..... 14ff Bhimarathi, a river or stream near Belgaum. 74 Bhoja of Dhârâ; Uvața wrote at Avanti in his time... ..... 62f Bhôja of Kanauj, notes on the history of... 99, 102 Bhôja, a king who preceded Chandradeva of Kanauj 99, 102 Bhôja II. (Silâhåra of Kôlâpur)overthrown by Singhana II. 314 Bhojpuri, a dialect of Bihârî ....209 Bhaihar race, according to tradition, included the Pala kings of Bengal.... ............. 101 Bhopala, the proper name of a king (perhaps Mahipala of Bengal) Bihar, history of the Påla kings of, 164ff;notes on the Sêna kings of................... 183f Bihari Language, Grammar of, 208;-dialects of Bijayagadh, near Byânâ; a reference to inscriptions at this hill-fort..... 8 bird-standard on coins....... . 93, 179. biscobra; see bishkhuprá .................... 306 Bishbaligh visited by Ch'ang Ch'un 146 biskhupra, ancient Greek notices of the 306 bittakos, psittakos, sittakos, of the Greeks is the parroquet ........................................................ 304 boar-emblem on seals......... ....... 140, 380 boats made out of reeds (palm-trees), Greek accounts of Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society's plates of Siladitya I.; edited ..327ff Boram, a god of the Bhaiyâs (Aborigines)... 127 Boru, son of Mukhuli, 268;-succeeds him, 272; his successes in China. 273