Abda, a mountain mentioned by Hêmachandra.........
321 Abdhinagari, another name of Dvârakâ...... 321 Abéria of the Periplus denotes the Abhiras... 321 Abhikala, a town, references to *****************. 321 Abhinava-Pampa, a Kanarese poet, flourished just before Saka-Samvat 1076.......
Abhiras, a tribe (Abéria of the Periplus, and
Abiria of Ptolemy) references to the......... 321 Abhisaras, Abhisâras, a tribe, references to the 321 Abiria of Ptolemy denotes the Abhiras 321 Abisares, Abissares; see Embisaros ............. 321 Aborigines of India, religion of the. ..125ff Achdra-Sára of Viranandi was finished in Saka-Samvat 1076...... áchárya used in the sense of 'a master(mason). ***********....
Achchhôdâ, a river and lake in the Himalaya mountains, references to the..................... 322 Achiravati river; see Ajiravati ...... 320f Achyutadanti, or Achyutanti, a warrior tribe, reference to the.....
*****....... .......................................
322 322 322
Achyutasthala, a place in the Paujâb, reference to Adarsa, a district in the north, reference to Adhishṭhâna, a city, references to ................ Adhrishya, a river, reference to ................... 322 Adisathras of Ptolemy denotes Ahichchhattra 322 Agnêyas, a people, reference to the 322 Agnidhras, a people, reference to the... 322 agriobous of the Greeks is the yak 286 Ahichchchhattra, Ahikshatra, Ahikshetra, a district, references to................ 322 Ahukas, a people, references to the 322 Ahvara, a fortress of the Usinaras, references to .............. Ailadhâna, a town, reference to Aindra grammar, discovery of a MS. proving the real existence of the Ajiravati (Achiravati) river, notes on the identification of... ..... 320f Ajitavati river; a doubt as to the real existence of the name............. 320f ájñádápaka, an official title; probably equivalent to the dútaka of other inscriptions. .161n Akbar marries a Jaṭṭni, a relative of Mihr Miṭṭhå 61 Alans, crushed by the Mongols .................. 175 Alha, a hero of Hindi Epic poetry, 209ff;-his genealogy, 255;-cycle of legends about him 255ff
....................................................... 322 322
PAGE 147
Almaligh; see Kulja........... Amgåchhi plate of Vigrahapâla; edited...... 162ff Amin Malik, general of Jalalu'd-din Khwârizmi-defends Hirst, 82;-Governor of Ghazn!, 83;-defeats the Mongols, 85;defeated by the Mongols Améuvarman, Mahásámanta, and afterwards Maharajadhiraja (Thâkuri family, of Nêpêl); Golmaḍhitôl inscription of him and Sivadêva I., of Gupta-Samvat 318; edited, 97f;-the same noticed, 342ff;his dates were 637, 640, 645, and 651 (?) A.D., 342f, 350f;-his position at different periods of his career, 349;-when a Mahúsá manta, he was a co-ordinate ruler with Sivadêva I., not his feudatory ............... 349 ancestor-worship among the Aborigines of India
126ff 87
Andarab, Indarâb; see Bâmiyân Andhra king overthrown by Singhana II... 314 Andhra kings; an inscription which may per
haps belong to this dynasty................ .331ff anguli ki dalali, the finger-trick'. 157 animals and plants of India which were
known to early Greek authors, identification of the........ 274ff, 303ff, 334ff anthos porphuroun of the Greeks is perhaps the dhdvd-tree........ ants, gold-digging, myth regarding the, clear. ed up, 275, 276;-ancient Greek notices of white....... ....... 309 Apongma, a goddess of the Gâros (Aborigines) Appayya, story of. ..............................................................109ff Arabian Nights, Jonathan Scott's extracts from the; noticed ............. 152 Arabic ornaments on Russian icons............. 238 Aranyaka, Taittiriya; see Mahandrayana
93 261
*********** ************.
Upanishad.. Ardokro, on coins, does not represent a Sanskrit word Ardhógra, which, if it exists, cannot possibly mean Pârvati as the half of Siva................................................ Argal, Rajas of Arjuna, a king overthrown by Singhana II.... 314 Arrån overrun by the Mongols ..................171 Asatika, or Asatika, a tirtha on the Yamuna at which Govindachandra bathed ashṭavidh-drchand, worship with eight materials,' explained