[DECEMBER, 1885.
[4] . . . . . . . . . •ष्पमाल्यदीपलाद्यपयोगार्थ विहारस्य च खण्डस्फुटितप्रति[स] . [*] . . . . . . . .पण्ड(?)रकूपिका । पुष्यानकस्थल्यन्तर्गत उद्यापद्रक" कुटुम्बिसूर्य्यकप्रत्ययक्षेत्र [तथा] ["] . . . [प्रत्ययक्षेत्र तथा कतिज्जमामे अद्धिकप्रत्ययवापि" | तथा कुम्भारप्रत्ययवापि तयेन्द्राणिपद्रके [१] • • रप्रत्ययक्षेत्र तथा वलभीस्वतलसान्नि पुप्प वाटिकाकूपकचतुष्टयमेवमयं क्षेत्रनयवापि[१] दयपुप्पवटिका"कूपकचतुष्टयसमेतो ग्रामस्सोद्रङ्गस्सोपरिकरस्सवातभूतप्रत्यायस्सधान्यहिरण्या[१] देयस्सदशापराधस्सोत्पद्यमन"विष्टिस्सर्वराजकीयानाम[हस्तप्रक्षेपणीयः
पूर्वप्रत्तदेवब्रह्मदेय["] जिता भूमिच्छिद्रन्यायेनाचन्द्रार्कार्णवक्षितिसरित्पलतसमकालीनोव्यवच्छित्तिभोग्यः धर्मादय"त["] या प्रतिपादितः यत उचित]या [च देवाग्राहारस्थित्या भुज्यमनक: न कैश्चित्परिपन्थनीयः आगा. [] मिभद्रनृपतिभिरण्यस्मद्वंश[जैरन्या " अनित्यान्यैश्वर्याण्यस्थिरं मानुष्यं सामान्यं च भूमिदानफलम["] वगच्छरियमस्मदायोनुमन्तव्यः परिपालयितव्यश्चोते ॥ बहुभिर्वसुधा भुक्ता राजनिस्सगरादि[M] भिः यस्य यस्य यदा भूमिस्तस्य तस्य तदा फलं ॥ यानीह दारिद्रचभयानरन्त्रैर्द्धननि धर्मायतनी["] कृतानि निर्भुक्तमाल्यप्रति मा]नि तानि को नाम साधुः पुनरावदीत ॥ षष्टिं वर्षसहस्राणि स्वर्गे मो [*] देत भूमिदः आच्छेत्ता चानुमन्ता च तान्येव नरके वसेत् ॥ दूतकश्चाव भहादित्ययशाः लिखित [१] सन्धिविमहाधिकृतदिविरपतिवनभहिना ॥ सं २००.८०६ ज्येष्ठ व ६॥
स्वहस्ती मम ॥
BY THE HON BLE K. T. TELANG, C.I.E. This inscription is from some copper-plates The inscription purports to be one of the which belong to & goldsmith of Kandal Western Chalu kya king Pulikesin II., gam, in the Mâlwan Talaka of the Ratnagiri and to record that on the seventh lùnar day District, and were found at the bottom of a of month Magha, in the fifth year of his reign, well in his lands at that village. The original i.e. in Saka 536 (A.D. 614-15),--the vilplates were procured by Mr. Kasinath Pandu- lage of Pirigipa, on the north bank of rang Parab, and were handed over by him to the river Mahanadi in the island of Rêvatime, for publication.
dvipa,' was granted to a Dravida Brahman The plates are three in number, each mea- named Narayanasvamin, for the purpose of suring about 81" by.33". The edges of them maintaining the bali, charu, and vaibadeva appear to be here and there fashioned slightly | sacrifices. thicker, so as to serve as rims to protect the The seal attached to the plates appears to be a writing; and the inscription is in a state of genuine one. But in the opinion of Mr. Fleet the excellent preservation throughout. The plates very irregular formation of the characters, and are strung on a ring, the seal of which the great inaccuracy of the language of the bears the usual representation of the Western inscription, show the plates themselves to be Chalukya boar, standing to the proper right. I spurious,
First Plate. [°] Svasti [ll] Jayaty =âvishkriti® Vishņôr=vvârâha[mo] kshobhitarņava[mo) dakshi[]n-on[n.]ata-da[im*]shtr-agra-visranta-bhuvana[in*] vapu[h*] [[-]. Srimata[in"] Baka la
___bhu[*] vana-sa[m]stayamina-MAnavya-sagbtran[am ]
Hariti-putrâŅA[**] [*] sapta-lokamatribhis sapta-matri(tri)bhir=abhivardhitani[m]
KArt[t]i["] keya-parirakshapa-prapta-kalyana-paramparApA[m]
bhagavan-[N*]ara- Read उच्चापद्रके.
Prof. R. G. Bhandarkar has suggested that Berati
is probably the modern Redi, a few miles to the south of * Read and here and below. Read ge7o. Vengurle in the Ratnagiri District (Early History of " Rend "पुष्पवाटिका. Read पवमान
the Dekkan, p. 37 f.) " Read दाय. Read भुज्यमानक:.
From the lithograph.
* Metre, Sloka (Anushtabh.) Road kritan. " Read रन्यैवा. - Read रेन्द्र ईनानि.
. This ka was at first omitted, and was then inserted - Read लिखितं.
| below the line.
• Read matribhibe