JUNE, 1885.]
[] (about one fourth omitted) prabhu-sakti-lakshmiḥ pûrvvim sapatnîm iva Tasmâd babhûva savitur vasukotivardhi | kâlena chandra iva ladeva[b] ||
[1].... pena vimalena kalâ (tpadena) (A)vâhitena panito bhuvanasya tâpaḥ || Bhava-sakala-vilakshaḥ sangare vâ pradarpâd anadhikrita-vilagnam rajyam âsâdya pitryam [1]
[1] ... nasadmâbhûd. . .
vanipâlaḥ śrî-Mahipala-devaḥ || Tyajan toshâsanga[m] śira(si) kṛitapâdaḥ kshiti-bhûtâvivarṇne sarvvâśaḥ prasabha["]. ... riva ravih [1] bhava. nnaḥ snigdha prakṛitir anurâgo. vasati sma vâ dhanyaḥ prakhyair ajani Nayapalo narapatiḥ | Pitaḥ sanganale (vanaih) smararipoh půjā.
silapatra || Vigrahapâ
[1] ..... viárâme... dhikâra-bhavanaḥ
ka. krite vidvishâm mantavyam dvayam âśrayaḥ śivapasa. pengaga. ndavan (1) śrîmad-Vigrahapâla-deva-nṛipatiḥ [1] (about three fourths omitted) krityasindraikara(prajahu)tågrikarnir [*] (about one half omitted) sa khalu" Bhagirathi-patha-pravarttamâna-nânâvidha-nauvâtaka-sampâdita-setubandha-vihita
["] saila-sikhara-śreņi-vibhramât (1) niratisaya-ghana-ghanighana-ghaițâ-áyâmâyamânavâsara-lakshmi-samârabdha-sannata-jalada-samaya-sandehât udichinâneka
[] narapati-prabhṛiti-kritâprameya-haya-vahini -kharakhurotkhâta -dhûli -dhûsarita -digantara
lât Paramesvara-sevâ-samâyâtâsesha-Jambudvipa-bhûpâlânanta
[*] pâdât bharanamadavaneḥ (śrî-Mudgagiri)-samâvâsita-śrîmaj-jayaskandhâvârât | paramasogato mahiri[j]dhiraja-ri-Nayapala-deva-pid-Anndhyatab parame [] svaraḥ (paramabhattarako mahârâ)jâdhirajaḥ śrîmân
Vigrahapâla-devah kusali ||
Śri-Punḍavardhana. kau Kotivarsham vishadhânuḥ pâti... [] ma (about one third omitted) (petana dhana ha)lakalita || Kâkinîn upâdhikopamâ
[] sa.... (ponnana) drona-dvaya-sameta || shat (t)alya-pramâna-ta(lu-ma) heśvara-sameta Vishamapurâmée samupagatâ se**.
[sha-raja-purashän rajara)náka | rajaputra räjämätys mahasândhivigrahika
hakahapapalika mahisimanta mahisenipati mahāpratihira |
[*] dauḥśâdhasadhanika mahâdaṇḍanayaka | mahâkumârâmâtya rajasthanoparika |
dâsâ paradhika chauroddharanika | dândika | daṇḍapasika sau
[*] Ikika (gaulmika) | kshetrapa | prântapala" | koshapala angaraksha | tadâyukta | viniyuktaka | hastyafvoshtraṇauvalavyȧpritaka | kiśora-vaḍavâgomahishyajâ
[] vi(kilayaksha | dratapesha) pikagamigamika abhitvaramiņa" | vishayapi | grâmapati tarika goda mâlava | khasa | hûna kulika kallata | lâța | châta |
["] (bhata sevakâdîn
37 In the middle of this line, with sa khalu, the identical portion of the two grants recommences.
3 The Bhagalpur plate has vata for våtaka.
30 The name of the capital should be Sri-Mudgagiri. Though the number of the letters on the plate agrees with that name, their traces, which are only very faintly visible, hardly seem to do so.
anyâmé-châ) kirtitân| râjapâdopajivina [h] | prativâsino brâhmahattamottama ka. ma-pa-roga-maidândha-chandala-paryantân |
The letters on the plate are only maharadhiraja, the syllable ja being omitted by mistake.
1 From this, line down to the end of line 26, the version of the Amgachhi grant is new. It mentions the donor, Vigrahapala, the province Pundavardhana, and apparently a town, Kotivarsha.
At the end of this line the two grants again coincide. There is a mention here of a place Vishamapura. The office of mahdkartákritika is omitted in the
Amgachhi grant.-To the title of dauḥsadhasadhanika the Bhagalpur grant prefixes maha. Doked in the transoript of the latter grant is a misprint for dauḥéd as the original plate has it.
The Bhagalpur grant has rajasthantyoparika for rajasthanoparika; also, dasâparadhika, dandapasika and saulkika, with the palatal sa, while the Amgâchh! plate spells with the dental sa.
Prântapala is clearly an error for prántapala.
The Bhagalpur plate has tadayuktaka for tadayukta; it also has khandaraksha instead of angaraksha.
The Bhagalpur plate has abhitvamana (not abhitvamâna, as in the transcript), clearly an error for abhitvaramana. It has also vishayapati for vishayapâ; also hana not hrana, as in the transcript.
The Bhagalpur plate has rájapadopajivinah; and it omits the imperfectly legible word ka. ma or ke. ma.