[FEBRUARY, 1882.
out Rajputana, especially in the desert, & portion own horse (P Jav&diA) was cut in two, but he made of which is still called Gog& Deo-kå Thal. His it whole again by his miraculous powers. On his horse Javadia became the favourite name for a return home, very thirsty, his mother induced him Rajpat war-horse. Oaths are sworn by the said to tell the story by withholding water from him, of Goga. The fight was against Mahmud probably and when she heard that he had killed his brothers in his last expedition (A.D. 1024)." In a footnote with his own hand, she cursed him, and bade him on the same page he says, "Gogå had no children, " See her face no more." Gaga then went into the so his guardian deity gave him two barley-corns desert, and besought mother earth to receive him, (javd or jdo), one he gave his queen and one to his but the earth refused as he was a Hindu.. He favourite mare who produced Javadia (barley thoreupon repeated the Muhammadan creed given)." This very natural account makes him a (kalimı), and immediately "sank into her womb." great Rajpat hero, who stemmed the first Muham- This place now called GuggA Morf is 24 miles from madan invasions in the true Rajpat manner. Sirsa. Annual fairs are held here and at Dadrerå, Subsequently he becamedeified or rather canonized, his birthplace, on Bhadon sudi ashtami and ndums and legends were invented to account for this. 1 (Aug.-Sept.), and are largely attended by pilgrims
I will now give the Sirsa account, as obtained from the North-West Provinces and the Panjab. for me by Mr. Kennedy, C.S., from Sirsê itself. A further tale about Goga current is that he was Gaga was the son of Jhewar and grandson of faithful for 12 years to his wife after his death, Umar, a chieftain of Bagar in the Bikaner State." and visited her every night, but one night his His real name was Ugdi, and he was a Chauhan mother discovering this upbraided him with want Rajpat. He was born at Dadrerà in Bikaner, of filial affection, whereon he disappeared and was about 50 miles from Sirsa, and according to local seen no more. ballads he flourished in Aurangzeb's time, who is This legend appears to me to be pure fiction locally known as Naorang Shâh (A.D. 1658-1707). founded much on the lines of that first given, but The story goes that his mother, Bachal, devoted there is an astounding difference in dates - herself 12 years to Gorakhnath (temp. circ. A. D. Mahmud of Ghazni lived A. D. 980-1030 circ. and 1500) in the hope of getting a son,'' but unfortu- Aurangzeb A D circ. 1658-1707. nately when the saint appeared to grant the The Ambala account, pretty correctly recorded request she was away, and her sister, Kuchal, who by Wynyard in his Settlement Report, 1859, paras. was much like Bachal, tricked the saint into 113, 122, 131 and pp. 25-27, is substantially as giving her two boys. When the saint found out follows. Goga Pir was a Chauhan Rajpat of Gur. his mistake he presented Bachal with some gigal DA-Dôra" in the Sirsa district and third son of (incense offered to Hindu gods) as a special mark Raja Ganga. Bindus and Musalmans alike worof his favour, and gave her also a son, afterwards ship him on Bhddon badt naumi at his various the famous Gag. She named the boy, Ugdi, but shrines with flags, money and sweet meats : his the name was changed to Gaga (gugal) in honour worshippers are however all of the lowest classes, of the saint's present. Kachal's twins on growing sweepers, carriers, potters and so on. High poles up demanded a share of Gaga's inheritance, who with blue and white flags, peacock's feathers, refused it. They then went to the Emperor etc. on them, are raised in his honour and carried Aurangzeb (Naorang Shah), and exaggerating the about, and the objects of worshipping are-to avoid value of the property induced him to send a force to being killed by snakes, to procure male offspring, oust Gaga. The force was bowever defeated, and the and fulfilment of certain wishes The belief in his brothers had to retreat to Bharêrâ in Bikaner, where power over snakes is universal, and is alluded to they settled. After a while they raided Gaga's in the montra. The origin of the numerous shrines cattle who were grazing in charge of a herdsman, in his honoar is said to rise in the gratitude Mohan, whose wife, finding out what had happened of those whose desires he has accomplished. when she went to give her hushand his dinner in These are attended by Bhagats or priests, who the field, told the story to Gaga's mother. She are self-elected and confirmed in the priesthood roused her son from his siesta and told him the at the Gur-da-Dêra shrine! Wynyard adds that story. Gaga then went, and recovered his cattle Musalmans say he was a follower of Rathan Håji, after a bloody fight in which he himself killed who is not known to me, and whose name sounds Arjan with a lance and Sarjan with a sword. His mythical if not an impossible combination.
- I cannot find any mention of this chief nor of any ship & novice is supposed to undergo before he can chief of Bagar now or in ancient times in Bikaner or in become a saint or jogi. Bhatner. The Chauhins apparently never held sway Wie being a Hindu, he should have been burnt, not in Bikaner
buried. 10 This adoration by a mother for 12 years of a parti- 21 See above for note on this term of 12 years. cular saint in the hope of getting a son is common in 23 Gur-do-dora doos not exist in fact: probably Gugg tales, and is probably based on the 12 years' apprentice. Mori is meant, or perhaps Dadruri