bricks, large.............
1 brigadenburgat ............... 349 Brihaspati, the 12-year cycle of 321ff Buddha ........................... 258-9 Buddha and Early Buddhism
by A. Lillie ..................... 336 Buddhisagara, Jaina convert . 248 Buddhism, 116, 178; among
the Uighurs, 76; in China,
294-5; in Tibet, &c. ......... 3274 Buddhism-Hibbert Lectures. 300f Buddhist caves in Afghanistan 299 Buddhist shrine originally at
Pandharpur ...................... 155 Buddhist saint worship, by A.
Lallie............................... 299 Bairakh Khân, Mongol......... 275 Bundelkhand, History of ...... 326 burgat=brigade ..................... Başhâ and Budha ............ 199 Burmese language ............ Buruta .............................. 276 butter-men .......... ............
copperplates, W. Chalukya ... 66
» Valabhi........... 305 copper pot sellers ............... 145 corruptions of English words. 297 Cosmogonic Hymn of the
Rigveda ........ ............... 2611 cotton-cleaners .............. 145 criers of Bombay ............... 44 crow-language.................... Cunningham (Gen.) on the
Gupta era........................ curry-stuff ............. Cust on African languages ... 299
*******........ 258.9
299 145
Chandraśokhara, Jaina sůri ... 255 Chandrivati, in Gujarat 220, 223 Ch'ang Te ....................... 277 Channa Bodhisatwa ............ 49 Chapala sect .................... 220 Charles II., coins of ............ 314 charm for headache .........38, 39
scorpion bite ......... 38 ► snakebite ................ 33 I toothache ............... 36-7
charu ......................... 114, 162 *chatty'...........................87. 115 Chaturanana, -Brahmâ, g. ... 19 chaturvédin, chaturvidya ...... 159 Chaudhri caste............... 118, 120 chaulukya ...............102, 221, 242 Chaulukyas ... 71-73, 220, 241f, 337 Chaündarêśvara, god ......339, 340 chédi .................................. 70 Cheruman Perumal ............ 116 chess-the knights' tour ...... 115 chétiya Chhajja Singha ................... 175 Chhatåpâni sharpers ............ 174 Chhimba, washerman caste... 41 Chittur, city ..................... 40 chittur-an old shoe ............ 88 Chinghiz Khan &c.76ff, 132, 134-6,
189f, 2756 Chitrakta .....................21, 248 Chitrapur, Chitrod& Brah. mans......
............ 100 chitréra
......... 298 Chôdas, Cholas ......10, 11, 18, 114 Chôdôdaya, king ...............11, 18 Chronological Tables by R.
Sewell ........................... 271 chronology of the Mongols ... 132 chúld-top-knot .................. 30 chúli-tresses ....................... 31 Chuphas, Panjab sweeper tribe
32, 41 clan names ........................
....... 121 "cobily mash" ................. 294 cocoa-nut juice .................. 144
► sellers.................. 44 code of Chinghiz Khân........ 1921 coinages of the East India
Company ........................ 313 coins of Arabs in Sind ......... 89
Arabs ................. of Bengal ............
of Kharibaël .......... 327 , of the Sikhs ......... 327 copperplates, Chaulukya ...71, 337 » Râshtrakața 108, 109,
125, 156
Cairo gates ........... calico printers.............. camels--white............. canal song .......... Carlleyle's Archæol. Report ... 293 Carpini.................................
76 Châchigadêva .................... 339 Chagdo, king of Sindh......... 8 chaitra
274 chaitya .....................20f., 48, 71 Chaityavasins, sect ............. 248 Chakan the Tangut ........... 81 Chakhra, city ................... 359 chaluleya, chalukya .........67, 160n Chalukyas, Early, 66ff; Eastern, 156; Western, 66ff, 110
111, 114, 124, 126, 160 Châlukyas, West......... 10, 11, 17 Chammar caste ..................... Champakamalati of Kuntala. 85 Chamukha's death ........... 79, 80 Châmundaraja (Chaul.)......... 71 Chandalas .......................... Chandel inscriptions............ Chandella dynasty................ Chandeli casto ............... 121 Chandikå ........................ Chandiša, -Siva ............... Chandra, Jaina sdri ......247, 252 Chandrabhågå, riv.... 152, 155, 156 Chandragutti--Renuka Am.
må at............. ................ 122 Chandrahasya..................... 84-6
Dabhoi, Darbhavati, in Gujarat 100 Dâdå, honorific name ......119, 120 Dæsius, Daisika, month ...... 128 Dairusun ........................ 78, 79 Daityas....... Daitya, riv. ......................... 350 Dakot Joshis ..................... 24 Daksha............................... Dal lake, near Srinagar... 230, 232 Dalu-rai, King of Sindh ...... 5 Dåmaji.............................. 61 Damana, Suibâ hâra .......... 129 damandropana.................. 274n Damaträta Acharya ............. 129 danapala
****............ 243 dinasala ........................ 68, 70 Dånavas, giants ..........234, 297 Dandábipathaka, district ...... 72 dandawat procession............ Dandi sect .......................... 24 Dandivala beggars ............. 172 Dandukavâlâ beggars ......... 173 Dångli beggars .................... 24 Dantidurga (Râsh.) 109, 110, 111,
114, 124 Dantiga (P Pallava) .........126, 127 Dantivarma I. (Râsh.) ......... 109
II. 109-11,
114-15, 124 Daphlas, tribe. ................... 266
100 Darius .................................. Darkhat clan .................... Daśapura, town .................. Dåśarathi....................... Disari soct ................ 24 Dasarna country .............22, 327 Dasrau Kumarau ................ 17 dates in figures 12, 71, 107, 221,
274, 337 , in numerical symbols 258-9,
309 in words 71, 112, 126, 159, 310