DECEMBER, 1882.)
to the above-mentioned in the village of PhiOm. To-day, on Monday the 2nd day of the lasare near the village of Kundhâ vali, light half of Ashadha of the common (laukika) both (together) 110-one hundred and tenyear Samvat 1264 ; while in famous Anahi- (páthas). From these' (110 páthas) 10-ten la pàtaka the illustrions Bhimadeva, - pdthas are to be given to the gardener. the self-elected husband of royal fortune, And for (his) spiritual merit he gave the fol. an incarnation of Nârâ yana the lord lowing 3-three--men to be cultivators (of the of Lań k A," who has acquired great majesty
land granted by himself): Sa ümsariya ü (in consequence of a boon (granted to him by) the son of the husbandman . . ..,and the husband of Umâ, the supreme lord, the the Panchakula" Chånda pa the son of supreme ruler, the king of great kings, who Châ iya, and Chai ya the son of the is adorned by the whole line of kings (his an- | Kolika" Isara cestors), is reigning prosperously and victori
The door-keeper Så khad á also gave from ously, (and) while (Bhimadeva's) prime mi- his own pocket" one hundred Drammas to be nister Ranaka Sri-Châchigadeva, who paid yearly in the large town of Tala jha lives devoted to his lotus-feet, is conducting and the two other places" to the gods for (his) all the business of the seal relating to the spiritual merit. For the worship, etc. of these drawing up of documents, &c., *°; at this period gods he gave to Râüla Uchchadeva the following document (containing) an edict is together with his sons and grandsons dra. written here at Țim bâņa ka with the con- 1-one Dramma-(to be paid) yearly from each sent of the Mehara king Sri-Jaga malla Pádra (P) (which he possessed) in Bâlâ ka. in the affairs (?) of the door-keeper (pratfhára) And he gave rú. 1-one Rúpaka-(to be paid) Sakha da for the attainment of) spiritual daily at the Talapada" rent office in merit.
sim bâņa ka. The Mehara king Sri. Jagamalla This place of worship has to be taken care caused the two idols Sri-Chaüņdareśvara of" as long as moon and sun endure by the and Prithivide vis vara to be erected in following eight trustees together with Râüla the large town of Talajhå for the spiritual Uchchadeva: Thakkura Då had a the merit of his father) Chaündarå (who was) son of the Brahmana Sahadeva (who is) the son of the great man (brihatpurusha") the a native of the large town of Talâjha, ThakMe ha ra king A na, and for the spiritual kura Chhajha the son of Châ hûta, merit) of his mother the Set hahe queen Silâtri the son of Valana, Kênha da Prithivide vi. Then, for the expenses of the the son of Vå div k l A, Âla da the son of personal allowance of these two deities, of the | Goga, Sol â the son of Châ hada, Sûme. offerings of food (required for their) worship, śvara the son of the trader (vyarahárin) Á châ, of the festival on the day of the full moon, (and) Dharaniya the son of Valadarà. in Chaitra, the Pavitri (festival), and the These (trustees) have to arrange together all festival of lamps, of the rams to be sacrificed to business (concerning the grant). If in the the two) Lingas," and of the repairs of the course of time any bad man plunders this place temple, and for the annual white-washing, he of worship, then these trustees, together with gave 55-fifty-five-Pathas" of cultivated and RÂ üla Uchchadeva, have to protect it fallow" land in the village of K Ambala üli by the use of their authority and at the risk of in the eastern direction towards Sû n'a vad ri, their life. If any one among these does not and gave 55-fifty-five-Páthas of land alike raise his voice (against an intruder upon the holy
1 i. e. of Rama-Vishnu. 30 See note 12 on the grant of Arjunadeva. * Comp. line 12 ff. of the grant of Arjunadeva. 13 This translation of lingorana is only conjectural. 13 According to Wilson's Glossary, one pitha is equal to 240 square feet.
** Vahamana bearing and avahamina 'not bearing (grain)'?
" The name of the Kutuubiks has either been left out originally or scratched out afterwards.
» See note 12 on the grant of Arjunadeva.
11 This seems to be the modern Kolt which elsewhere appears as Kolaka ; it may also be Kaulika, & weaver.'
* Vastre seems to stand for bhastra. * Viz. Kimlol and Phulsar.
» Talpat land paying rent to Government.' Wilson's Glossary. Comp. Chaul. Grant No. 5, II, 11.
s! Comp. Chaul. Grants Nos. 6, II, 9, and 11, II, 3, where the word is written T 431901.
32 The substantive sara is probably derived from the Gujarati adjective suruin.