33. Raviprabha.
yanastotra he called forth an image of Påráva, 34. Yasobhadra.
near Stambhanaka. He wrote.commentaries on 35. Vimalachandra.
nine angas" and died at Kappadavanijagrama 36. Dewa, founder of the Suvihitapaksha- | in Gurjaradeba. gachha.
43. Jina vallabha, first pupil of Jines37. Nemichandra.
varasûri, a Chaityavâsin of the Korcha pura38. Udd yotana, with whose pupils gachha, afterwards became pupil of Abhayaoriginated the 84 gachhas, now existing. He deva. His works are Pindavisuddhidvipradied on a pilgrimage, which he had under: karana," Ganadharasárdhasataka, Shadafiti etc. taken from Mâlavakadêsa to Satrumjaya, to In Sam. 1167 he was consecrated Sûri by Dêvaworship Rishabha.
bhadrâchârya and died 6 months afterwards. 39. Vardhamân a, the first Sûri, peculiar During his spiritual government the M&to the Kharataragachha,' was at first the pupil dhu k barataras & k h a separated, and this of the Chaityavásin Jinachandra, but passed was the first gachhabhéda. over to Uddyotana. He converted the two 44. Jinadatta, son of Vâchhigamantrin sons Siveśvara and Buddhisagara and the and Váhadadovi,of the Humbadagotra, born Sam. daughter Kalyanavati of the Brâhmaņa Soma. 1132, originally called Somachandra, received Sivesvara received at the diksha the name of diksha Sam. 1141 and the surimantra from DêvaJineśvara.
bhadrâchârya at Chitrakūta Sam. 1169 Vaisakha तदा त्रयोदशसुरत्राणछनोहालकचन्द्रावतीनगरी- | vadi 6. He propagated the Jaina religion by fia n tepue
r e miracles, which he performed in many cities, ऋषभदेवप्रासादः कारितः ... तत्राद्यापि विमलवसही इति composed the Sandéhadolávali and many other प्रसिद्धिरस्ति । ततः श्रीवर्धमानसूरिः संवत् १०८८" मध्ये works, and died at Ajamêru Sam. 1211. प्रतिष्ठां कृत्वा प्रान्ते ऽनशनं गृहीत्वा स्वर्गगतः ॥ Ashadha sudi 11. In Sam. 1204 at Rudrapalli
40. Jines vara went with his brother the Rudrapalliyakharatarašákha" was founded Buddhisagara from Marudesa to Gurjaradeśa. by Jinasokharacharya, this was the 2nd to debate with the Chaityavasing. In Sam." gachhabheda. 1080 in a rájasabha of Durlabha, king of 45. Jinachandra, born Saṁ. 1197, Anahillapura, after the passages on the sádhvd- Bhadra. sudi 8, son of Saha-Råsala and chára had been read out of the Dasavaikalika- Dêlhañadêvi, received diksha at Ajamêru Sam. sútra, which was brought forth from the 1203 Phalguna vadi 9, was made acharya by Sarasvatîbhâņdâgâra, he overcame the Chaitya. Jinadatta at Vikramapura Sam. 1211 Vaisakha våsins and received the biruda of Kharatara. sudi 6 (at the age of 14!), and died Sam.
41. Jinachandra, author of Sauvega- 1223 Bhadra. vadi 14 at Dillî, where a stúpa rangasdláprakarana.
was erected to his memory. He is supposed 42. Abhayadeva, laghugurubhratar of to have had a jewel in his head. Jinachandra, was the son of Dhana, a śreshthin 1 46. Jinapati, born Sam. 1210 Chaitra vadi at Dhara, and Dhanadêvî, and was originally 8, son of Saha-Yasovardhana and Sahavadêvi. called Abhayakumara. By excessive self-tor. San. 1218 Phálguna vadi 8 his diksha took ment he became leprous, his hands fell off, but place at Dilli; Sam. 1223 Kartika sudi 13 his he was healed by a miracle. By the Jayatihr- padasthápand by Jayadevâchârya ; and Sam.
11 The interval of 157 years between Susthita's death 13. That is on the 3rd to the 11th, besides on the let and Vikramaditya is filled up by three names (13-15) updiga. Prof. Jacobi also mentions & commentary of the interval of 400 years between Vajra's death and A.'s on the 2nd upanga, Z.D.M.G. vol. XXXIII, p. 694, Devarddhi by eight (17-24), and the interval of the 550 but of that I am doubtful. According to colophons of the years between Devarddhi and Uddyotana by fourteen Berlin MSS. he wrote the commentaries on Sthana (25-38). There are evidently great gaps here.
and Jnatadharmakatha in Sam. 1120, on Samaudya and 15 In colophons of MSS. of the Kharataragachha there- Bhagavati in Sam. 1128, at Anahilapataka. fore the vidydvarhsa generally begins with Vardhamana, 13 Kielhorn, 1. 1, p. 30.
10 This date is confirmed by inscriptions, 8. Hunter, Imp. Gax.sub. Abu, vol. I, p. 4, from an account furnished
9. For instance a Ganadharasardhasataka (a work of
the same name was also composed by his predecessor by Dr. Burgess.
Jinavallabha). 20 eftgfTcefTa utofa!
35 To this gachha belonged Somatilakasuri, writer of a सहस्राष्टकमानं तत् श्रीबुद्धिसागराभिधं ॥
vritti on silopadefamata, and his pupil Dévénd-asuri, Prabhavakachar, xix. v. 91.
who wrote a vritti on Praanottararatnamala Sam. 1429, 11 Sam, means Vikrama Samvat.
see the pedigrees at the end of Berlin MSS.