labdhapraudhapratapa) and resided in Anhil. The Musalman congregations of Somanatha våd. The only new attribute given to him Pathan are appointed trustees. (nihsaikamallaarirayahridayasalya) remains am- The grant is written in very bad Sanskrit. biguous in the absence of information from other The Sanidhi rules are rarely observed ; noung sources. It may mean the foe of the hostile often remain uninflected (1. 25, 27f.), and are in king (arirája) Nihếa i ka malla or the foe this state joined together by tatha (1.21f. 24, of Nihsankamalla and Ariraya'; finally Nihsan- 30f.). Other irregularities are : stháyini for sth dyi kamalla may also be a biruda of Arjuna- in a compound (1. 18), sakhayatva for sahayatva deva. His prime minister was called Maladeva. | or sakhitva (1.20), and the verb udgarati (for Two other proper names occurring in the 9th line | udgirati) used as an intransitive (1.36). As was of the subjoined inscription, viz. Gandaari- to be expected, the grant affords also a few Para vira bhadra and Sri- A bha yasiha, Gujarati words: घाणी 'an oil-mill,' चूना 'lime,' are found again in the two Prasastis lately छोह 'mortar' (now छो; compare Hindi छूई published by Mr. Dhruva (see Ind. Ant. vol. | 'chalk'), and छाधक 'thatch' (now छाज: compare XI, p. 98ff.). The first Prasasti, which was Hindi छाजना 'to thatch'). I subjoin a list of probably written in the course of the first ten the numerous Arabic and Persian words occur. years of Arjanadeva's reign, records in its 29th ring in the grant : verse a donation made by Gandaấri-Virabhadra, नाखू नोरदीनपीरोज%DHUNTRA and the second Prasasti of S. 1328 was accord- खोजा अबूब्राहिम=
40135 ing to its colophon engraved with the permission अमीर रुकनदीन =tbloS40135 of Sri-Abhayasimha.
हुर्मुज or हर्मुज =
j oriralB The purpose of the inscription is to grant मषामदीना (for मखा)= katiyan the income from a piece of land covered with रसूलमहंमद = d*UP houses, from an oil mill, and from two shops to शहड =4-or 100% a Masjid built by the donor, a Muhammadan मुशलमान = Udam shipowner from Hurmuz, the small island after मिजिगिति=o03 (= m, s, j, d) which the straits leading out of the Persian खतीब = Gulf are called, and which was then under
मालिम =rls the sway of the Amir Ruknu'd-d in. The
मोदिन = grant provides also for the expenses of parti- जमाय =&lis% cular religious festivals to be celebrated by the चुणकर =kinio (2). Shiite sailors of Somanat Pathan. The Of these words मिजिगिति (1. 30) and जमाय eventual surplus is to be made over to the (1.37f.) are not inflected, while पीरोजेन occurs holy district of Makka and Madina (ulog'i). three times.
Transcript. [1] ओ॥ ओं नमः श्रीविश्वनाथाय ॥ नमस्ते विश्वनाथाय विश्वरूप नमोस्तुते । नमस्ते सून्यरूपाय [*] लक्षालक्ष नमोस्तुते ॥ १ श्रीविश्वनाथप्रतिवद्धतीजनानां वोधकरसूलमहंमदसंवत् ६६२ त. ["] था श्रीनपविक्रमसं १३२० तथा श्रीमद्वलभीसं ९४५ तथा श्रीसिंहसं १५१ वर्षे आषाढ वदि १३ र. [+] वावद्येह
श्रीमदणहिलपाटकाधिष्टितसमस्तराजावलीसमलंकृतपरमेश्वरपरमभट्टारक[] श्रीउमापतिवरलब्धप्रौढप्रतापनिःशंकमलअरिरायहृदयमल्यश्रीचौलुक्यचक्रवर्तिम[ ] हाराजाधिराजश्रीमतअर्जुनदेवप्रवर्द्धमानकल्याणविजयराज्ये
तत्पादपरोपजीविनि [1] महामायराणकश्रीमालदेवे श्रीश्रीकरणादिसमस्तमुद्राव्यापारान् परिपंथयतीत्येवं का. [8] ले प्रवर्तमाने इह श्रीसोमनायदेवपत्तने परमपाशुपताचार्यमहापंडितमहत्तरधर्ममूर्ति[] गंडश्रीपरवीरभद्रपारि महं श्रीअभयसीहप्रभृतिपंचकुलप्रतिपत्तौ । तथा हुर्मुजवेला[१] कूले अमीरश्रीरुकनदीनराज्ये परिपंथयति सति कार्यवशात् श्रीसोमनाथदेवनगरं स
Anahillapátaka, as in Chaul. Inscr. Nos. 8 to 11, L. 3, ther of distinct. L. 4, read 87. L. 5, road while the word is spelt with one l in the earlier ones.
नि:शकमारिराज°(2). L.7, स्तमुद्रा obliterated. 10 L. 1, read शून्य. L. 2, read लक्ष्यालक्ष्य and नौजनानां |