(AUGUST, 1882.
[P] Fahri Tofferrauga vaqtare- tranquillity of mind, exclusively engaged in
worshipping Trilochana (Siva). कत्वेन भुवं पालयति । षदर्शनअंवलंवनस्तं
6. After him the illustrious Maunirási भसकलकलाकोविद
appenred, resembling the sun who illuminates
both worlds, unrivalled in destroying the dark[os] Faria E167621Har hat - ness of wrath. The disciple of that ascetic was त्येवं काले केदारराशिना निष्पादितमिदं की
the austere and victorious Y âgesvari who
resembled Süles vari on account of her र्तनं । सूत्र पाल्हण ह
tranquillity, patience, piety and other qualittes. [24] at Brantoof)
7. Her disciple Durvasarasi was equal
to Durvasas. He was mighty among 88Translation.
cetics through austerity and lustre. Om! Hail! 1. May the three-eyed god
1 8. Kedårarási, his disciple, became the protect you, he who abandons one half of his ornament of the ascetics belonging to the pure own self and whose remaining half becomes
Chapala race who resembled the moon, since identical with the foe of Mura (Vishnu), in he grew through keeping his vow and restrictive order to destroy the notion of duality among
rules, just as the moon grows through her kalás, men deficient in true knowledge, he who is the
the fame of whose virtuous life was celebrated birth of...he whose neck is dark-blue as a cloud in the whole world. at the end of the Kalpa, and on whose fore
9. He who out of faith made here an extenhead glitters the crescent of the moon."
sive renovation of the temple of) Kotesvara 2. Glory to Avanti, the home of rich men, (Siva) the Guru of Tridiva pati (Indra) which protects the world by the heroism of its and in the whole of Kana khala a broad lords," cleanses it by the pure and brilliant life pavement of (stone) slabs, by whom the fort of its Brahmans who follow the way prescribed in this place was built, which perhaps may by the revealed texts, and which gladdens it arrest the chariot of the sun in the sky by its through the fragrance arising from the dalliance high walls, and which is a snare terrifying the of its passionate youths.
bird-like moveable mind of Kali. 3. In this city Tâ pasa (arose) from the 1 10. By whom the old home of Atulamonastery called Nûtana, a man eminent natha was repaired, a sublime image, as it through learning and austerity, of firm mind, were, of his new fame, who built here, in front the ornament of the Chapaliya race, follow
of Kana khala na tha, two new solid, large ing the road to the Nirvana and dedicating temples of Sala pani, himself daily with his whole heart to the 11. Whose sister Moksheśvari (a misworship of Chandisa (Siva); he became the tress of liberation, as it were,) on earth, tranquil glorious superior of Chandika srama (the and chaste, built a beautiful temple of Siva, hermitage of Chandika).
12. Erected” in the Maņdapa of this temple 4. The disciple of that ascetic was the re- of Kana khalasa mbhu & row of pillars splendent sage called Våkalara si who made of pure black stone, and shaped like practised great austerities, who was a mine of sacrificial posts, a modern imitation, as it were, judgment, learning and humility, who deeply of those which were used) for the high-famed venerated his Gurus, and was free from vice. sacrifices of yore.
5. Then J y eshtaja rasi succeeded. In 13. As long as this serpent Arbuda easily the next generation after him he who was called
bears Nandivardhana on his back, so long Y âges vararasi was an ascetic full of this song of praise shall rejoice in the world. 1. Lino 22 road area there are two strokes
ignorant. The poet though proclaiming the identity of above the a signifying that it should be removed.
the two gode, yet indicates that Siva is greater than Line 23 read W TO
Vishnu, since one half of Siva is equal to Vishnu. 30 The half of his body, which Siva abandons, is his n Bhujabhrit, which seems to be the reading of the sakti Parvalt with which he is united in his form of text, must be intended as a synonym of bhabhrit (king), Ardhandrijvara. The remaining half identifies itself with though it is not clear how tho word could acquire that Vishnu. The god does this in order to destroy the notion meaning: possibly the poet may have coined it became of duality (dvaitabhava), i.e. the idea that Vishnu and bhubhrit would not fit the metre. Siva are two different deities which prevails among the The subject is Kedirarisi taken up again from v. 8.