[JULY, 1882
Indian Vernaculars. 16 wara . ...
Prakrit vara. 17 kotalu ... ... ... ... ... ... Pashto kútai, a young donkey (Trumpp. 56). 18 taram, tarama--size, bulk, quantity, measure.. taraï, Hem. IV, 86, Mahâr. tara 'it is possible.' 19 saela, publicity, saelakaranawd, to make public Sindhi salanuto divulge.' Trumpp. S. Gr. 263. 20 gond, 'bullock ... ... ... ... ..
Mag.gona (Msichchh. 99, 100, and passim). Hem.
II, 174. 21 baehaera Mald. bera 'out'. ... ... ... Még báhila, (Mrichchh. 43, and Edict V, Cunn. p.
72,) Páli and Prikrit báhira (Hem. II, 140. Ks.
32,) and commou in modern vernaculars. We now proceed to examine the development a few inscriptions, as no other literary remains of the Simhalese language from the earliest exist for this period. Between the 4th and 9th times (first centuries of the Christian era) down centuries we have not even inscriptions, and so to the present day. I need hardly remark that this period must be left out of consideration altothis paper does not pretend to exhaust the sub- gether. After the 9th century the inscriptions ject, as this would require much more time than are more numerous, and in the 13th century was I can spare at present, and also a larger amount composed the first grammatical book in of material to work from than I have got at my Simhalese, viz, the Sidat-Sangardwa, which was disposal now. I will however try to shew the followed by several poetical compositions, as the features which the language has adopted in the Kávyasekara, Guttila, &c. The language of different stages it has gone through, and to give these, however, has been influenced to a great a history at least of those words which can be extent by the pandits, and cannot be considered traced back to an early period. My examples as a real vernacular dialect like that of the indown to the 4th century A.D. are all taken from scriptions. I give below a list of all the in
• List of Books :Ab.-Abhidhanappadipika, Col. 1865.
Beames I, II, III.--Comparative Grammar of the modern Aryan Languages of India, by John Beames, Vols. I., II., III.
Bhag.--Weber, Fragment der Bhagavatt.
E. M. J. P.-E. Müller's Beiträge zur Grammatik des Jainaprakrit, Berlin, 1876.
Gray-The Maldive Islands by Gray, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Vol. X, page 173. Gutt.-Guttila. Hála.--Weber, das Sapta atakam des Hala, Leipzig, 1870.
Hem. = Hemachandra's Grammatik der Prakrit. sprachen, ed. by Richard Piechel, Halle, 1880.
Ját. I. II. - The Jataka, ed. by V. Fausboll, Vols. I. II.
K. 8.-Kalpasutra of Bhadrababu, ed. by Hermann Jacobi.
Kern Asoka =H. Kern, Over de Jaartelling der Zuidelijke Buddhisten en de Gedenkstukken van Afoka.
K. J.-Kusa Jataka. Mah. I.-Mahdwanso, by Turnour, Colombo, 1837. Mah. II.-Mahdwanso II. part ed. by H. Sumangala and BatuwantudAwa, Col. 1877.
Mikl. --Miklorich Uber die Mundarten und die Wanderungen der Zigeuner Europa's, Wien, 1872.
Nam.-Namawalia, Colombo, 1858.
Niray-Nirayávali yasuttam, ed. by Dr. S. Warren, Amsterdam, 1879.
8. L.-Selta Lihini Sandese, ed. by W. C. Macready, Colombo, 1865.
S. 8.- Sidath Sangardwa. List of Inscriptions.
A.-INSCRIPTIONS BEFORE 400, A. D. 1.-Alutgalwihara : E. Müller's Rep. XI, p. 5, and Ind. Ant. vol. IX, p. 12.
2.-Inscription at Badagiri Hambantota (Badag.). 3.-Binpokuna, E. Möller's Rep. II, 1880, p. 3, and Ind. Ant. vol. IX, p. 269.
4.-Eriyewa tank, E. Müller's Rep. II, 1880, p. 3, and Ind. Ant. vol. IX, p. 270.
5.--GajabAhu's inscr. at the Ruanwaeli Dagoba, Anuradhapura (Gaj.) now in Colombo, E. Müller's Rep. XI, p. 3, and Ind. Ant. vol. IX, p. 11.
6. - Habarane (Hab.) Jour. Cey. 18. Soc. 1879, p. 5, and Ind. Ant. vol. VI, p. 319.
8.-KaikAwa, E. Müller's Rep. II, 1880, p. 8,and Ind. Ant. vol. IX, p. 269.
9.- Kirinde (Kir.) E. Müller's Rep. XXV, p. 6, and Ind. Ant. vol.. VIII, p. 226.
10.-Kottarakimbiy&wa, E. Müller's Rep. II, 1880, p. 3, and Ind. Ant. vol. IX, p. 269. 11.-Mah& Ratmala Mah. R.) 12.-Meghavanna Abhaya's inscr. at Mihintale. 13.-NAgamahawihdra at Tissamaharama, E. Müller's Rep. XXV, p. 6, and Ind. Ant. vol. VIII, p. 226.
14.-Nettukanda (Nett.) P. Goldschmidt's Rep. No. XI, P. 4, and Ind. Ant. vol. VI, p. 319.
15.- Periyakadu wihåre, E. Muller's Rep. II, 1880, p. 3, and Ind. Ant. vol. IX, p. 269.
16.-Inscript. at Sandagiriwihara Tissamaharama (Sand.)
17.-Situlpawihra, E. Müller's Rep. XXV, p. 7, and Ind. Ant. vol. VIII, p. 226. 18.--Thalagala. 19:- Tissamahfráma (Tiss.) Jour. C. A. S. 1879, p. 14, and Ind. Ant. vol. VI. p. 320.
20.-Tonigala (Ton.) E. Müller's Rep. XI, p. 4, and Ind. Ant. vol. IX, p. 10. B.--INSCRIPTIONS FROM THE 9TH TO THE
13TH CENTURY. 1.-Abhayawaewa (Abha.) 2.-Ambasthala, Mihintale, (Amb.) Jour. C. A. 8. 1880,
3.-Aetaewiragollaewa, P. Goldschmidt's Rep. XI. D. 9, and Ind. Ant. vol. VI, p. 324; Jour. C. 4. 8. 1879, p. 34 ff. = (Aet.)
4-Attanaykla, E. Müller's Rep. XXV, p. 4, and Ind. Ant. vol. VIII, p. 822.
5.-Nissanka Malla's inscription at Dambulla (D. I.) (translated by Armour, Ceylon Almanac, 1834).
6.-Ellawaewa Pansala (E. P.) P. Goldschmidt's Rep. XI, p. 9, and Ind. Ant. vol. VI, p. 324; Jour. C. A. S. 1879, p. 34 ff.
p. 5 ff.