JULY, 1882.)
phyak, to destroy. hmyop hmlút, to bury, submerge. hlan
hmlot, to turn over. kmyng
hmlung, to elevate. khacũ
khák, to sever, detach. Shan: pan, to twist, twirl; phan, to press or knead with the hands or the body.
In Amoy and Hokkien similar relations are
expressed by changing the tenues to the tenues aspiratæ.
In the preceding paragraphs we have considered some of the most important features of Indo-Chinese languages, with the view to determine further on, the influence of foreign, especially Aryan languages, upon the literary idioms of Further India.-(To be continued.)
(Continued from p. 141.) XVI.
place in the night-guard, he must be banished to a Having rewarded the various companions distant place and another must be selected to take who had served him so well in his early days, his place. No one must oppose any person who Chinghiz Khân proceeded to reorganize what wishes to enter the guards." The millenarians may be described as his household troops. The and centurions in accordance with the wish of details of this organization which follow are Chinghiz made & conscription, and raised the recorded in the Yuan-chao-pi-shi alone, and are number of the night-guards to 800. Chinghiz too frequently obscure. According to this ordered them to make it 1,000, and appointed authority Chinghiz Khân, having distributed Yekeneurin as first millenarian. The 400 picked the various rewards as already described, said archers were entrusted to Jelmi, Yesuntai, and
_"Formerly I had only 80 mon for the night- Bugidai. The Sanban archers when on duty watch and 70 men in the body-guard, Sanban. were divided into four sections or watches ; Now inasmuch as heaven has willed that I the captain of the first was Yesuntai, of the should rule all peoples, let there be chosen second Bugidai, of the third Khorkhuda, and of 10,000 men for my body-guard, Sanban, and as the fourth Lablakha, -Yesuntai being put at they will be attached to my person, let them be the head of all four sections. selected from the children of titled and free Up to this time, Ogelecberbi, Boorchi's nearpersons, and let active, tall, strong men be est relative, had commanded the body-guard, chosen. The son of the tisiadnik, millenarian Sanban. He was now given command of the or commander of 1,000 men shall bring with first division of it, which was raised to 1,000 him one relative and 10 companions, the son of strong. The second division of 1,000 was made the sotnik, centurion or commander of 100 men over to Bukbe, the near relative of Mukhalibi, must bring & relative and five companions, the third to Alchidai's nearest relative, Ilugaibi, while the sons of a desiatnik, decurion, or the fourth to Dodaicherbi, the fifth to Dokholcommander of 10 men and other free-born khu, the sixth to Chanai, the nearest relative of people a relative and three companions each. Churchedai, the seventh tc Akhutai, the nearest The horses for the 10 companions of the son relative of Alchi. The eighth section of select of the millenarian must be supplied by the braves was made over to Arkhaikhasar. In men under his command as well as the harness, peaceful times these were Sanbans, but in war and they must be equipped according to the time they were the first braves. recent decree. Except in regard to things These eight divisions of 1,000 stiung each, given by a man's father or such things as he with the 2,000 archers, formed the full body has earned himself, the horses for the com- of guards. Chinghiz declared they should in panions of the son of the centurion, decurion, &c. future form the centre of the army, i.e. that will be furnished according to the former section immediately commanded by the Khan. decree. Any millenarian, centurion or decurion He said further, the guard will be divided who shall oppose this shall be punished. If into four turns, of which Bukha shall command any one who has been selected fails to take his one, Alchidai a second, Dodaicherbi a third,
* I do not know what this refers to