(JANUARY, 1882.
the worship of the gods Siva, Vishnu, and the of the goddess Durgå. At the same place he Sun, which he had established, as recorded in says that Warangal (or Worangal] is a Muhamthe opening lines of the inscription.
madan and corrupt way of writing Orukkal, In the verse commencing in line 107, which means 'One-rock,' and is translated in Rudraddva is called "the sole resting-place Sanskrit books, that mention the place, by of the goddess of fortune who springs forth Ekaśaila, and that there is not the least trace from the womb of the charming ocean of milk of such a name as Aranyakuņda, which Lassen which is the lineage of Kand úr 6daya- gives in his Map as the ancient name of WOChoda." I do not know as yet whether rangal. Lassen was probably led into this this simply refers to the acquisition by him of mistake by the writer of the introductory the Chola dominions, or whether the Kakatya remarks and the translation of the present inkings claim a descent from the Chôļas.
scription, as originally published in the Bengal Dr. Burnell (Variabrahmana, p. vii, note ) Journal, in both of which, though the name is says that the family-name of Kákatya or read correctly in the text itself, Arunakunds' Kakatiya, -or, as he writes it, Kákatéya, -is is substituted for Anmaakundi, Anmaakonda, explained by the commentator Kumarasvamias and Anumakonda, and is identified with being derived from the name of a local form Worangal instead of with Anamkond.
Transcription. [] Om Svasti śrirevvijayas-ch-abhyudayas=cha bhavata || Svasti SamadhigatapaṁchamaL') håśabda-mahamamdaldsvara Anmakumda-paravar-dsvara paramamAhêsvara ('] pati-hita-charita vinaya-vibhshanam
sriman-mahamandaldsvara-Kakati. [•] ya-Rudradêva-råjula
vijaya-rajyam=attarôttar-abhivriddhi-pravarddhama[] nam-a-chamdr-arkka-tarama[gu?) Anmakordapattanamunamdu sukha-samkathê-vit'] nôdambuna rajyambu-s@yuchununda Saka-varshamula 1084 vunenti ChitraI'] bhanu-samvatsara Magha u 13 Vaddaväramanandu tanapéra Rudré. t svaramunu Srf-Vasudevara Sri-Suryyaddvaránu pratishtha-s@yinche
"] Yasy=ôttunga-taramga-tadita-viyat=saptârnnaviyan jalan I p ad-Amgu. [°] shtha-nakh-âgra-daghnam-abhavad=bhúmandal-oddháraņel darshtra-koti-kutira-ko(*) tara-gataṁ trailokyam-ab-bidu-vad-brahmândA iva roma-kada-nikark vamdd vard(1) ham Harim | Sri-Héramba vilambi-kumtala-milan-malli-dalat-kutmala
vrât-oj[* rimbhita[1] [ga]mdha-lubdha-madhupa-dhyân-ôtkarasy=&spada i sphita-prita-mana bhava
tvam=iha me di17-datidarta-dyuti-proddam-Oddalan-aika-vikrama-lasad-damt-An(A)tikanty-Abrayablya) || [*] (Mateeva dugdha-laharibhir=udamchat-iva dugdhôdadhér-amritadidhiti-nirmmit-êva [107 srikhaħda-pimda-paripândura-puttal-iva vaktré Vasatvægviratam ta Sarasvati nab || Bha["] radvaja-kula-sriyah parivridha[bo] sranta-kriya-karmmathab | Śrl-Ramosvara-dikshit8 ["] janayitâ yasya kshit&v=agranih
sô=Chintêmdravaró-Dvayâmrita-ya["] tesishyo yatibo) Sraddhaya Srimad-Rudra-narēsvarasya sumatèrævvamsvalir ["] varpņaye || Srimat-[T]ribhuvanamallộ râjâ KAkatya-vamsa-sambhůtah prabala-ri["] pu-vargga-nåri-vaidhavya-vidhâyak-acharyyah | Sri-Kakatya-narendra-bțimde-tila[*] ko vairimdra-hřit-tåpakah sat-pâtre vagu-dayakah prati-dinam kårint-mano-ramjas kal dushkarta-chaya-dashakab Puraharah(ra)-&ri-pädapadm-Archchakd nyagbhàtikrita
nîyakas=Tri(tri). ["] bhuvana-Śri-malladôvdo babhan || Tat-patraḥ śiva-pådapadma-yugala-dhyân-Amrit-Anam[*] da-bhůr=llumthâk ripu-gumdarijana-mahâsaubhagya-sampach-chhriyah 1 Pro["] lörâja iti prasiddhim-agamad=vairimdra-darpp-Apahồ nisbanka-pratha (dha)na-praban["] dhana-mahahamkira-Lankesvarah I Hasty-&rôhana-karmma-karmmatha-gatim
• The honorary prefix Srl is inserted here in the Dr. Bhau Dejt's reading of ProUrdja is wrong. - middle of the name Tribhutanamalla for metrical pur. The present form of the name, Prou, is probably only Ponen. Dr. Bhau Dajt road tribhuvand Srl-Mallad&vi, by metrical licence for the Prola of 11. 86 and 89. ---but wrongly.