MAY, 1882.]
Merkit could no longer resist, and dispersed. has not followed bad people. In all things The Naimans and Merkit having again revolted, consult Khunan and Kokososi. Jochi is my you subdued them. After their dispersal, eldest son. Let Khunan govern the Genigesis Jakhaganbu brought two of his daughters and be attached to Jochi's household." He to me, and thus saved his own people from said further, "Khunan, Kokososi Diegai and destruction. Having nevertheless afterwards Usunebugan have never deceived me but have revolted you devised a plan by which he and told me what they have heard and seen." his people were subdued."
To Jelmi, Chinghiz said, “When I was born Chinghiz thereupon divorced his wife Ibakhu, at Deliunbolda, near the Onon, your father the the daughter of Jakhaganbo, and made her over old man Jarchiudai came from the mountain to Jurchidai. It is not, he said, from any Burkhan with a smith's bellows behind his ill-feeling nor that you lack beauty that I no back, and gave me a sable wrapper; at that longer love you, nor did I ever say your body was time Jelmi was still in swaddling clothes. unclean when I placed you among my wives. He gave him to me, and he has been a faithful I give you to Jurchidai because he has done me slave. He has grown up with me and has brilliant services, has risked his life in battles, been my companion and has performed many and has collected the tribes for me. I enjoin services for me. I absolve him from punishmy descendants that they must not insult the ment till he has committed nine offences." family of Ibakhu."
To Tulun he said, "Why have you and Chinghiz then said to Ibakhu, "Your father your father been entrusted with the governJakhaganbo gave me with you the cook Ash- ment of thousands ? Because you helped him timur together with 200 men. On leaving me to bring together much people. I gave you the leave him also with 100 men as a souvenir." title of Cherbi. Be ruler over the thousands He then turned to Jurchidai, and said, “I also whom you have brought together, and always commit to you 4,000 men of the tribe Uruut." consult Tulukhân." He then addressed Khubilai," and said, "You To Vangur, son of Mungetukiyan, he said, have subdued the savage and unruly, you "Formerly you together with the three Toand Jelmi, Jebe, and Subietai are to me like khuraut clans, the five Tarkhut peoples and the four fierce hounds. No matter whither I have two tribes Chansshikit and Bayan, formed one sent you, you have broken the stones in pieces, camp with me. You did not stay out in the dark have thrown down rocks, have stopped the and fog, nor did you part from me during disdeep water. Therefore it is that I ordered that orders and ill-fortune. You have borne the cold your post should be in the front of the battle, and wet with me. What reward do you wish for?" that of Boorchu, Mukhali, Borouli and Chilaun Vangur said, "If in your kindness you bid mu behind me, and that of Jurchidai and Khuildar choose I should like to assemble the tribe Bayaut, before me, so that my heart may be at peace." who are scattered over several settlements." You Khubilai in all military arrangements Chinghiz consented and said, "Having collected and affairs shall have the lead.” He then added, them be a leader of thousands and govern them." "Speak to Beduun about his unruliness, I do not He said further, “Vangur and Boronl, from this want to make him an independent commander, time in large assemblies in the open field, do and thought it better to bind him to you. you distribute the food and drink on horseback, Act according to your mutual decision." while in-doors stand right and left near the
To Boorchn, Mukhali and others Chinghiz wine cellar, and take charge of it with Tolun said, "Khunan (P who is here meant) is to me and others. With your faces turned towards in the night like a fierce wolf, in the daytime the north do you superintend the eating and like a black raven. He has clung to me and drinking."
* Op. cit., p. 118. In the life of Juchitai, as Jurchidai is this injunction probably means that this rule was to be apparently called in the biographical part of the Yuan- strictly carried out. shi, we are told that he got Jakhaganbu into his 5 i. e. his General Khubilai Noyan. power by craft and killed him, after which his people These names, Khuildar being dead, represent the were subdued. We thus learn the end of Wang Khan's nine örloks already mentioned. " Id., p. 119. famous brother.
4 This clause is confused and apparently corrupt. * Palladius says it became a rule that each member of the chief line of Chinghiz Khan's family took & wife from 50 This passage also seems corrupt. the family of Ibakhu, 1. o. from among the Kerait, and "Probably near the door.
• Id., 120.