May, 1882.]
sent as an envoy to Persia by Selim, emperor valuable note. He tells us that it was in use of Hindustan. Mir Munshi bore the style of among the Kin Tartars, and reports how Ashraf Khân; Biram Khan that of Khan an ancestor of Aguta, (the famous founder of i-Khanan, and Quatremère adds that during the the real importance of that race,) who was domination of the Mongols in India we have the called Suiko, having become a great reformer following list of titles in which Khân is used :- among his people, was thence styled Bekin. Leshkar Khân, Muzaffar Khân, Vazir Khân, He says that with the Kin Tartars the title Mirza Khân, Nejabet Khân, Azem Khân, Ghairet meant honourable, noble. Bekin was no doubt Khân, Dianet Khan, Asad Khân, Kizelbashi the equivalent of the Mongol Beki. Both Khân, Bibedel Khân, Khân-i Devran, Akidet words, as Palladius suggests, and in my view Khân, etc. etc. At the Persian court a governor the Turkish Bek also, are doubtless derived from of a province was called Khân, and eventually the the Chinese bo or bi, one of the hereditary title there and in Afghanistan became so degrad- honorary titles. Another derivation was appaed that it is now merely equivalent to noble, | rently the title bé-gi-lie or beili meaning great, while as Colonel Yule says it is used in India honourable, also used by the Kin Tartars. The now among Musalmans as a common affix to title bi or bo was formerly more important than names. This humbler use of the title is of now, and meant the eldest or the first person old date however in some places. Thus Juveni in a society. Thus the head of a family, when in reporting the doings of the Khuarezm Shâh China was divided into appanages, was styled Jelalu'd-din Mankberni tells us that being bo or bi. The meaning of. eldest in a tribe irritated against the greater number of his prin- only remained attached to the derivatives Beki cipal dependents, he assembled the Kháns and and Bekin, and thence the use of the term generals who were devoted to him. Presently Bek aul.** he selected a certain number of amirs and Let us now turn again to Chinghiz Khân. gave some of them the title of Khân and After his own elevation to the throne of Tartary others that of Malik. While according to the he proceeded to reward and promote the Mesalek Alabsar the titles of Khân and Malik various companions to whom he owed his were used by the great officers of the court of position. He told Shigi Khutukhu to summon Delhi in the time of the pre-Mongol sovereigns. Boorchu, Mukhali and the rest. Shigi Khutu
From the word Khân the Turks formed that khu thereupon reminded him how great his of Khanum, which has passed into the language own services had been, that he had been with of Persia, and which is used indiscriminately him from childhood till he was grown up, and with begum and khatun to distinguish the asked what his reward was to be. You have sovereign's wife. In the Turkish edition of become my sixth brother,' he replied, and have a Abulghazi the title Khanum is always so used. right to possessions equal to those of my own Baber also uses it; so does the Armenian his- brothers. I absolve you from punishment till torian of Timur's expedition, who calls the you have committed nine crimes ;" be you my wife of the sovereign of Samarkand the eyes and my ears." Let no one disobey your Khanum. Clavigo tells us Cano meant the commands. I give you authority to try and to great empress, while the second wife was styled punish robberies and cheating and to punish Quinchcano, (i. e. Kichik Khanum, the little those with death who deserve it; to settle the lady, la señora pequeña). In the Zafernameh division of land among the people and to note mention is made of Seraimulk Khanum, while down decrees on the black tablets, so that they Chardin says Khanum means the king's mis- may not be changed. 80 Shigikhutukhu replied, tress. 20
“I am the youngest of the brothers. How shall Another title in use among the Mongols to I dare to claim equal possessions with them. If which a few words should be devoted is that you will extend a favour to me, give me a people of Beki. Upon this title Palladius has a living inside an earthen rampart." Chingiz
* Quatremère, Histoire des Mongols, pp. 10-12, 84-88. Yule's Marco Polo, vol. I, Introduction p. 9.
21 Palladius, op. cit., notes 464 and 465. * i. e. granted him the privileges of a terk han.
** i. e. his privy councillor and adviser...
30 Palladius says these duties were afterwards per. formed by the great judge, Yeke Jarkhuchi.-Op. cit., note 440.