points. I may also remark on these inscrip
Ibrahim I, king of Bijapur, died in A. H.
965. He left six children, namely, four girls
the name of his grand-father, and known as Ibrahim II, the successor of A'li, who had no offspring. Inscription No. I is of the time of A'li, whose full name is Abu Al-Muzaffer A'li A'âdil-shâh, Ben Ibrahim A'âdil-shâh, Ben Isma'il A'âdil-shâh; he was murdered by a eunuch in A. H. 988, and was succeeded by his nephew Ibrahim II, named above, who is mentioned in the other two inscriptions; the first and the third are in Arabic, but the second is in Persian. It will be seen from them, that in the first and third there is a difference of a few years between the date given in words and that stated in arithmetical figures, and that in the second it is given only in words.
The writing of No. I is in rilievo, and therefore was of more troublesome execution than mere incision. It may be considered beautiful. It consists of four lines, and presents no difficulty; it is in the bastion of the northern wall of the outer line of fortifications. No. II is even more beautiful and likewise in rilievo, but the words are so crowded and placed over each other, that each of the five short lines contains a complete distich. This stone was formerly fixed in a niche in the inner side of the north-wall of Hanuman's bastion, but has lately been removed to Gulburgah" by order of the Sadr Ta'lukdar. No. III is merely incised, and not only interior in caligraphy to the two preceding inscriptions but in every other respect. It may be said to consist of nine lines, if the bars be considered which separate them from each other, and the carver appears to have had no idea where diacritical points were required, sprinkling them with the greatest liberality, and committing other blun. ders; but he was pedantic enough to give under several letters their isolated form, altered by ligatures in the text. This inscription is at
house, at the east gateway of the outer wall;
original position, as appears also from the text.
1 Began 24th October 1557.
Began 17th February 1580.
No. I.
قل الله في الارضين ابوالمظفر علي عادلشاه | and two sons, the elder of whom Ali succeeded غازي خلد الله ملکه و سلطانه بنا الدره طاهرخان | him; the younger, Tahmasp, left a son bearing سنه احد سبعين وتسعما به ۹۷۸
We think it is a great mistake, except in cases of necessity, to remove inscriptions like this from their original positions.-ED. I. A.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم تمر من الله و فتح
[MAY, 1882.
phulbilul as cyo gall
In the name of Allah the merciful, the clement! Aid from Allah and a speedy victory and bear good tidings unto the faithful." In the reign of the most high Sultân, shadow of Allah in the two countries, Abu Al-Muzaffer A'li A'âdil-shâh the hero,-may Allah perpetuate his kingdom and power, the bastion was built by Tâher Khân, in the year nine hundred seventy-one, 978.
No. II.
کشت ز توفیق خدا نہایت برج بامدادي شفيع ما محمد درعیه ابراهيم عادلشاه معظم کشت پایه محکم که ابتدا این برج
زعون عیب ملک ریحان صاحب ملک با قوت نایب بنا کردند تاجي این سعادت منازل یافت بر ناجي
که رو آورد الى القبله مداعث که ارامش یکهزار و هود و هجرت رسید و برج جوزا باوج عزت
The tower was completed by the grace of God With the help of our intercessor Muhammad, In the reign of his Majesty Ibrahim A'âdilshah. For, the foundation of this tower was laid firmly, With the aid of the Grantor of the realm; Rayhân Saheb
ابتدا برج فادر درته را بع عشر شهر جمادا لاول | the back of the zenana of the Jemadar's
ختم الله عز وجل في العصر هميون [.sic] الاعظم but as the stone is not fixed, this is not its
خاقان المعظم مالک خلیل الله سلطان ابراهيم و جعل مثوبه الجنه
ما دلشان ظل الله
They built the crown of the realm [i.e. tower]
with the authority of the Nâyb.
No. III.
Upon the crown this felicity alighted That it always faces the Ķiblah [towards Mekkah.]
At its date A. H. 1018. The sign Gemini reached the acme of honour.
Kuran, S. lxi. 13.
Kurán, S. ii. 223.
The year given in words began 21st August 1563, and that in figures 5th June 1570.
Began 6th April 1609.