APRIL, 1882.]
["] vra(bra)hmachâriņê Vasishtha-gôtrậya Bhatta-Trivikrama-pantrâya Křishṇabhatta-15
putra(traya) Náraya["] nabhattâya vêda-vêdâmga-pâragâya agnihotra-va (ba)li-charu-pravarttana-nimittam [8] bhūya (mi)chchhidra-nyayêna udaka-purvvô dattah | Sa ch=&-châta-bhata-praveśya a["] sat(n)-nara-pravritti-vinivritt-âchârah sarvvårvva)-vå (bâdha-parihårên=&smad-vamsyai["] r=anyair=vvâ pratipalanîyô nripatibhiḥ [[*] Yasya cha pûrvvatah U(?)vâtyal@(?)vå
Third plate. [] a1(P)*-grâmah | dakshiņatah Paragâvå-"' vrâ(brahmana-grâmaḥ paschimatah
Vilva(?) vade18 [") grâmah uttaratah Aïtavado-grâmah évam chatur-âghâta-lakshitô gramah || Sa-vriksha
27 mála-kula[h) sva-sma-paryanta-siddhy-adi-hiranyâ(pya)y()-cha sa-dada-dôsha-das(6)-- ["] parâdha(dh) yathasamuchita-bhaga-bhôga-kara-sarvvôtpat[t]y-adi-sahitô dattah | ["] Asya bhumjatah bhumjâpayatasya (6=cha) krishatah karshậpayatasya (s=cha)" vå
na kênachit-paripa[*]nthana karya || Uktam bhagavatů Vyêsêna | Sva-dattár para-dattám vâ yê harêta va["] sundharam s hashtim varsha-sahasra (srâ)ņi vishta"yam jậyatê krimih || Yah sam[] padbhir=anupta(ddha)tah para-hita-vyâsangin yasya dhih
yas-tatr=&py= u pakarttum=i. ["] chchhati mahad-varggasya k=&stha dhanê têm(tê)n=Endrêņa narendra-vrinda
sahitah(ta)-Sri-Da[") ntivarmm-ajñaya [ 1 *) prity=édam likhitam tad-unnata-yakah-prodbhâsana sasanam || Translation.
way three things belonging to them unseasonMay he," the waterlily in whose navel is ably faded away,--the sword from their hands, made a habitation by Vedhas," protect you; the lustre from their countenances, and at the and Hara, as whose head is adorned by the same time pride from their minds. lovely crescent of the moon !
(L. 7.)-His son, by name Sri-Kakkarája, (L. 2.)-There was a pure king, by name a king whose extensive fame was heard of far Gô vinda râja, a very lion of a king among and wide in the world ; who possessed a majesty kings, whose fame reached to the ends of the which was as celebrated as that of Hari in regions, and who, uplifting his scimetar and removing the sufferings of the unhappy; and looking straight before him, brought his who in his actions returned evil for evil, (but enemies to destruction in battle; just as the was) grateful for services rendered to him,clear moon, whose radiance reaches to the ends became the jewel of his lineage. While he, of the regions, raising the tip of its orb (above the king, was governing the earth, the tame the horizon) and shining straight forward, peacocks, --when in the evenings they saw the destroys at night the darkness. When he saw turrets of his palaces made of a variegated the army (of his enemies) confronting him, colour by the masses of the smoke of the straightway he always, biting his lower lip and oblations of the Bråbmans,-uttered their cries, frowning, with the loud laughter of a brave thinking that it was the approaching of clouds. warrior lifted up his sword in war, and His Brahmans were purified by the water that (elevated) his family, and raised) bis own accompanies the declaration of purification ; heart and courage. When his enemies heard and every day people walked about in his his name (uttered) in the great battle, straight- palace, ancle-deep (in those waters).
15 Thin letter ifa was at first omitted and then insert ed in rather & cramped position.
18 The Shatri read Navatyal valht, and translated "New Tyalavalhi." Here, again, the first four letters are engraved over cancelled ones.
» The Astri read Paragôvd, and gave "Paragópa" in his translation.
The Sastri read Higurvidem, and gave the same in his translation. Here, again, the first two syllables, and also the preceding word, have been engraved over cancelled letters.
The S Astri read Aitavata, and gave "Artavate"
in his translation. Here, again, the first three syllables, and also some of the preceding, have been engraved over cancelled letters.
10 This letter, ta, was at first omitted, and is inserted in miniature on the upper line of the writing.
* This form is not justified by Monier Williams and Westergaard. The correct form is karahayatah; and the mistake is to be attributed to the use of bhuthjape. yatal, which is a correct optional form, just before.
* Shtyd was engraved, and then they was cancelled, though it appears in the lithograph. Vishpu. * Brahma.