APRIL, 1882.)
defeated the army of the Karnataka. These hands of the Rashtrakūtas till the time of two statements refer to one and the same Govinda III. or of Amôghavarsha I. This thing, the conquest of the Western Chalu- conquest of Vallabha by Dantidurga is rekya king Kirttivarm & II., who commenced corded also in the Elûra inscription, which to reign in Saka 669 (A. D. 747-8), and who further states that he subjugated the kings of was the last of his family to exercise dominion Sandhubhůma or Sandhukupa, Kanchi, Kalinga, in the northern part of the Karnataka, until the Kösala, the Srisaila country, Målava, Lata, Western Chalukyas were restored by Taila II. a and Tanka, and these statements, coupled with little more than two centuries later. That it was the absence of any details concerning his predein the time of Kirttivarma II. that the Western cessors, suggest the inference that Dantidurga, Chalukyas were expelled by the Rashtrakūtas, is not merely extended the dominions of the shown by the facts that there are inscriptions Rashtrakůta dynasty, but was the first to of his father, Vikramaditya II., at Pattadakal establish the power of the branch of it to which and Aihole in the Kalådgi District, whereas he belonged. The name of Dantivarma the only known grant of Kirttivarma II. comes II., as a second name of Dantidurga, occurs from Maisûr and refers to a village in the only in the concluding verse of the present neighbourhood of Hangal, in the south-west of inscription; but the Dantivarmâ mentioned the Dharwad District,-a part of the country there, "attended by a crowd of kings," cannot which does not appear to have fallen into the well have been any one but Dantidurga himself.
First plate. [^] Svasti [11] Sa vô=vyâd=Vedhasa dhâma yan-nâbhi-kamalam kritam | Haras=
cha yasya kant-endukalaya ['] kam-alamkritam || Âsid=dvishat-timiram=adyata-mandalagrð dhvasti(sti)n=nayann'
abhimu[°] khô rana-sarvvarishu | bhupalsuchir=vvidhur=iv=ậpta-diganta-kirttir=Ggovindaraja [] râjasu râja-simhah || Drishtvå chamům=abhimukhi[m*) subhatåttabasam=unnâmitam
sapadi [*] yèna ranêshu nityam i dasht-adharêņa dadhatâ bhrukutim lalátê khadga
kula cha hridayam cha [°] nija cha satvam || Khadgam kar-Âgrå[n]=mukhataś=cha sôbhí mâno manastat(s)
samam=@va yasya | ma['] h-Ahavð náma nisamya sadyas=traya(yam) ripûņia vigalaty-akande | Tasy-âtmajo ja[ gati vibruta-dîrgha-kirttir=artt-artta (rtti)-hari-Hari-visruta-dhama-dhari bhů pah
tri(kri)tishv=a[°] pakrit-Anukritih" krita-jñaḥ Srt-Kakkarája iti gôtra-maņir=vva(bba) bhůvah(va) 1
Yasmin=praśâsa[19] ti mahin-narapô (pa) dvijânat vaitâna-dhâma-nichayaih parikarvuriņi | sandh
yâsu sô(sau) dha-si(si) kha[") râņi vilôkya kókâh kurvvanti vêsma-śikhinô jalad-agam-ôlki(tka)ḥ || Yasya dvija• Vol. VIII., p. 23.
first syllable is certainly tri, but I think the fact that the • 1. e. the Karnul country: see p. 11, abovo.
Visaria of bhiipah before it is not changod into 8 shows Several of the verses of this inscription are repeated, that this tri is a mistake for kri, not for tri.-The second with slight verbal differences, in the Kivi grant of syllable is certainly ti, not vi. --The third syllable may Govinda III. published by Dr. Bühler in Vol. V., p. 144. be read shta, on the analogy of the shi vi of drishtua. In the present passage, he there reads dhwantarthayan, 1. 4, the shtra of Rash rakata, 114, and the shta of * annihilating, or dispelling. The reading of the chatushtay, l. 22 ; but it might also be read shit on the present platos seems the better of the two; dhvastin is a analogy of the bhi of rabhivah, l. 9, and the simu of mistake for dhvastin, i, e dhvastim, the final m of which unmalya, 1. 19. The combination shva does not occur thay booome either anusur or n before the n of nayan. elsewhere in this inscription ; but, on the analogy of the The uppern is imperfect here, 2.8 it is also in mahina v in drishat, l. 2, and suchir-uvidhur, 1. 3, the letter narapa, 1. 10, and in jayante, 1. 19.
may be read here as an imperfect shva, and I read it In the K&vt grant Dr. Bühler ronds here bhi pass 90.-The fourth and fifth syllables, where in Dr. Bühler'a triviah apa-nrip-Anukritih, a king, who resembled(Indra) grant the reading is nripa, are here clearly krita. the king of heaven.'-As regards the present plates, the