APELL, 1882.]
खस्योः प्रतिपर्व शालिकणिकापिण्डेन सुश्रद्धया
Om! Salutation to Ganapati !
1. There is in great Anandapura (Naसार्द्व वेदपुराणपाठनिपुणैः पुण्यापणैर्ब्राह्मणैः
gara or Vadnagar) the unblemished Kapishश्राद्धं तेन विधीयमानमतुलं सारस्वते सकते thala family : in it was born the Upadhyaya
Sômêsvara, who bore the burden of the revival दर्शदर्शमतीव हृष्यति दिवि श्रीवीसलक्ष्मापतिः।।१३||
of the Brahmanical faith: from him sprung a मुखे यदीये विमलं कविवं
son Amatha-Dikshita, of holy lustre, a
receptacle of the sacred writings; and his son बुद्धौ च तत्वं हृदि यस्य सत्वं
was Govinda, the delighter of the minds of करे सदा दानमयावदानं
good people. पादे च सारस्वततीर्थयामं ॥ १४
2. The exertions of Sri to settle the mutual
dispute with sarad â were crowned with काव्येषु नव्येषु ददाति कर्ण
success by (the birth of) his son NAnaka, the
boundary mark of the learned of various sorts, प्राप्नोति यः संसदि साधुवर्ण
the home of good acts or good works. विभूषणं यस्य सदा सुवर्ण
3. (Nánáka) who knew the whole of the प्राप्ते तु पात्रे न मुखं विकणं ॥ १५
Rigréda (by heart), who was highly proficient in
grammar, who had learnt rhetoric, who was रचित उचित उच्चैः यस्य भक्त्यार्चनाय
skilled in the sacred sciences, and who had द्युतिजितकुमुदालिः शालिजस्तंडुलौघः crossed over the ocean of the) Smritis and the
Puranas. नयति सुमहसः श्रीसोमनाथस्य कामं
4. Best in the family of Dhavala, was born शिरसि शशिकलायाः कौमुदीमेंदुरवं ॥ १६ of Vira dha vala, at this time the lord
Visala, comparable to the glorious Siddhaश्रीवीसलब्रह्मपुरीद्वितीयावासवासिना
raja, and the light of all lights, the heavens तेन नानाकनाम्नेदं तेने सारस्वतं सरः ।। १७ on high became terrifically dark by the rings मार्तण्डप्रतिमप्रतापवसतेः श्रीवीसलक्ष्मापते
of smoke rising from Mala v a, set ablazing
at the time of his attack. . र्धाराध्वंसमहाप्रबन्धमधुरोन्मीलद्यशोवैभवः
5. Liberal Ni nika, the chiof of all chiefs, एता(sic.) सत्कविसंगतिर्गणपतिव्यासः प्रयासं विना
went up to the councillors of this king obtain
able through one's good deeds (and) passed चक्रे निर्मलचित्रकाव्यरचनाभित्ति प्रशस्ति नवाम्॥ an examination, the hope of the learned, in the
Vedic and other sciences.
6. Now once the sovereign of the world समुलसन्मौलिरुहद्विरेफः
king Visala, who resides in the hearts of the प्रपत्रकेदारपदारविन्दः
range of (his) warriors, and who is of pure
or spotless race, performed a pilgrimage लिलेख चोटॅकितवान कलादः
to some svara, with very various (religious) प्रल्हादगोविन्दसुतः प्रशस्तिम् ।। १९ observances.
7. He, having bathed near the confluence of जागर्तिपातूतनयस्य यस्य(?)
the Sarasvati and the sea, and worshipped सावित्रि (sic.) भर्तुमहिमा स कोपि
Sômëśvara, -He, putting on the sacred gar
ments, the knower of the proper difference यस्यानुजो(sic.)पाल्हणनामधेय
(betwocen the good and others), hnving inquired श्वकार केदारसुवर्णपूजां ॥ २०
after a Brahman, remarkable for learning,
8. (He) in the sacred Prabhåsa, the habita।। संवत् १३२८ वर्णगड श्री भाव यजुर्वेद अग्रा०
tion of good actions, gave to Nan Aka, the बृहत्पुरुषराज लाडाणरिह० श्री अभयसिंह प्रतिपत्तौ । Poet and Pandit, having washed his feet, a
palace among the mansions of the Brahmapuri प्रशस्लिरुद्घाटिता ॥
founded by himself.
Dr. Bühler, Ind. Ant., vol. VI, pp. 210 et seq. the king himself in his oopperplato grant published by