came to China, and became a priest. He short term of life were agreeable to one possesswandered through the nine provinces begging ased of the heart of Bodhi. Having refused all a religious mendicant. Afterwards going to India help, he clasped his hands in adoration, and to adore the sacred vestiges, I-tsing met looking towards the West he repeated the sacred him at Nalanda. Afterwards he went to North name of Amita, and when the ship went down India and died when 50 years old or so.
these were his last words. He was about 50 8. Ta ou-lih, a Doctor of the Law, of years of age. He had a follower, unknown to Ping-chau, went by way of the sandy desert and me, who also perished with his master, also the Tsih rock to Nepál, and afterwards came to calling on the name of Amita Buddha. the Ta-hsio temple, where he remained several 11. Matisinha, a man of the capital; his years; he then returned to Nepal where hestillis. common name being Wong-po. This man ac.
9. Ta on-sing, a Doctor of the Law, of companied the priest Sse-pin, and arriving at Ping-chau, called in Sansk pit Chandradê va, the middle land dwelt in the Sin-ché temple. in the last year of the Chéng-kwan period (649 A.D.) Finding his progress little in the Sanskrit went by the Tu-fan road to mid India; he arrived language, he went to Nepal, and died on the at the Bodhi temple where he worshipped the way there, æt. 40. Chaityas; afterwards going to Nalanda, he was 12. Yuan-hwui, a Doctor of the Law, son there much honoured by the king on account of of a general, according to report. Leaving North his youth. After that, going twelve stages to India he dwelt in Kasmir and took charge of the eastward, he came to the King's temple, the royal elephants. The king of this country where they study only the Little Vehicle. He delighted day by day in going to the different remained here many years, learning the books temples, the Dragon-lake Mountain temple, of the Tripitaka according to the Hinayana. the Kung-Yang temple. This is where the 500 Returning to China through Nepal, he died. Rahats received charity. Here also the vener10. Shang-tih, a contemplative priest, of
able Madh yantika, the disciple of Anandan Ping-chan. He longed with devotion for the converted the Dragon king. This priest ex. joys of the Western Paradise, and with the view horted the king of Kaśmir by a great exercise of of being born there he devoted himself to a royal clemency to remit the punishment of life of purity and religion (reciting the name more than 1,000 persons who were condemned of Buddha). He vowed to write ont the whole to death. The king in consequence let them of the Prajña Sútra, occupying 10,000 chapters. go. Having remained here some years he went Desiring to worship the sacred vestiges, and so southwards, and came to the great Bodhi temple, by this to secure for himself the greater merit where he worshipped the Bodhi tree, beheld the with a view to a birth in that heaven, he tra- Lake of "Machin" (Muchhalinda),' ascended velled through the nine provinces, desiring, the Vulture Peak, &c. After this he went back wherever he went to labour in the conversion to Nepal and died there. of men and to write the sacred books. Coming 13. Again there was a man who accomto the coast he embarked in a ship for Kalinga. panied the envoy by the northern route to the Thence he proceeded by sea to the Malaya Tarkhåra country, and there lodged in the country, and thence, wishing to go to mid India, Nava-vihara. In this establishment the prinhe embarked in a merehant ship for that pur ciples of the Little Vehicle were taught. Having pose. Being taken in a storm, the ship began become a priest he took the name of Chittato founder, and the sailors and merchants were varma. Having received the precepts he all struggling with one another to get aboard declined to eat the three pure things, on which 8 little boat that was near. The captain of the Master of the Convent said, “Tathagata, the ship being a believer, and anxious to save our Great Master, permitted these five thingsas the priest, called out to him with a loud voice food, why do you object to them ?" He answered: to come aboard the boat; bat Shang-tih "All the Books of the Great Vehicle forbid them, replied, “I will not come; save the other people," this is what I formerly practised. I cannot now and so he remained silently absorbed, as if his bring myself to change." The Superior answered,
1 Nepal has a poisonous medicine which willa maay.
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PP. 848, 878. "*yil. Jul. IL. 2. n. .