AUGUST, 1881.]
21" broad, with a seal which bears a bull couchI have recently received some interesting ant, with the moon above it; found with No. 1; copper-plate grants from Mr. R. Sewell, M. C. S.; presented to the Madras Museum. - This is an and, as some time must elapse before I can find inscription of Dêvêndravarma, son of Anantaleisure to publish them in detail, it will be useful varma, of the Ganga family. It is dated, in meanwhile to give in this journal a brief notice words, in the fifty-first year of the victorious of the contents of each of them.
reign of the Gångêya-vamsa; the Saka year is not No. 1.
given. The order is issued from the city of A set of three plates, each about 7 long by Kalinganagara, to the kutumbi at the village of 1" broad, with a seal with a motto on it which Tamarachheru in the district of Varahavartani, is now illegible; found, together with Nos. 2, 3, and records the grant of that village on the 4, and 5, and a sixth grant which has been lost occasion of an eclipse of the sun.-This Dévên. sight of, suspended by their rings on an iron bar dravarma must be another son of the Anantaacross the mouth of a large pot which was dis- varma, who is mentioned by Dr. Burnell in covered in digging the foundations of a wall at ! South Indian Palæography, p. 53, note 4. These Chicacole in the Ganjam District; purchased by kings are, from the style of their grants, undoubt. Mr. W.F. Grahame, M. C. S., and presented to edly lineal descendants of the Indravarms of the Madras Museum. - This is an inscription of Nos. 2 and 3 above; and they are assigned by Nandaprabhasjanavarma, king of Kalinga. It is Dr. Burnell to the end of the tenth century A. D. not dated; but it is decidedly ancient, and is
No. 5. probably pre-Chalukyan. The order is issued A set of three plates, each about 7" long by from the city of Sarapalli, to the kutumbi at the 21 broad, with a seal which bears a bull, couchvillage of Adeyavâta or Adeyavata, and records ant, with the moon, an elephant-goad, and a an agrahara-grant of that village.
floral device; found with No. 1; presented to No. 2.
the Madras Museum.-- This is an inscription of A set of three plates, each about 6" long by Satyavarma, son of Devendravarma, of the Ganga 21" broad, with a seal which bears what we should family, and king of Kalinga. It is dated, in expect to be a bull couchant, but what seems to be words, in the fifty-first year of the centuries of more like a Chalukya boar standing; found with years of the Gångêya-Tamsa; the Saka year is No. 1; presented to the Madras Museum. This is not given. The order is issued from the city of an inscription of Indravarma, king of Kalinga, of Kalinganagara, to the kutumbis at the village of the Ganga family. It is dated, in numerical sym- Tarugrama in the district of Galela, and records bols, in the one hundred and twenty-eighth year the grant of that village on the occasion of an of the victorious reign of his dynasty), on the eclipse of the sun. fifteenth day of the month Chaitra ; tbe Snka year
No. 6. is not given. The order is issued from the city of A set of three plates, each about 8" long by Kalinganagara, and records a grant of the village 3,8" broad, with a seal which bears a ball, couchof Tamaracheruva, in the district of Varahavar- ant; marked "No. 93; from the Acting Printant, on the occasion of an eclipse of the moon on cipal Assistant Collector of Vizagapatam." -This the day of the full-moon of the month Margasira. is another inscription of Devendravarma, of the No. 3.
Gånga family, king of Kalinga. It is dated, in A set of three plates, each about 6" long by words and figures, in the two hundred and fifty. 20" broad, with a heal the emblem on which is fourth year, on the first day of the bright fortnow unrecognisable; found with No. 1; presented night of the month Phålguna; the Saka year is to the Madras Museum.--This is another inscrip- not given, nor is it stated to what era the date tion of Indravarma, of the Gânga family. It is does belong. The order is issued from the city of dated, in numerical symbols, in the one hundred Kalinganagara, to the kutumbis at some villages in and forty-sixth year of the victorious reign (of his the district of Davadamadavam, and records a grant dynasty), on the twelfth day of the month Magha; of those villages by Dêvêndravarma's maternal the Saka year is not given. The order is issued ancle Dharmakhêdi. The names of the villages from the city of Kalinganagara to the kutumbes are included in the word Taluvamå sinapulilasoat the village of Talamula in the Korosotaka liga(P)muduļå; but they cannot be separated propañchali, and records a grant of that village on perly until some clue is had to the identification the seventh day of the month Magha.
of them, No. 4.
No. 7. A set of three plates, each about 7" long by A set of three plates, each about 6" long by 3."