May, 1881.]
some others, was exposed by some excavations | kamalla or Sô mês vara II, and is dated made by him in July 1880. The stone, how in Saka 996 (A.D. 1074-5), the Ânanda sasivatever, though lost sight of in the interval, had sara, while his Dandanayaka Näkimayya was previously been brought to notice, as there is governing the district called the Taddevadi an incomplete copy of this inscription in the Thousand. Taddevâdi is the modern . TuddehElliot MS. Collection, Vol. I, p.232. Mr. Joyner's Warree' of the maps, on the south bank of the description of the stone is :-"It is built into Bhimâ, about thirty-six miles to the north of a wall on the left hand of a pathway leading Bijapur; I had overlooked it in searching the into the citadel of Bijapur. It was evidently i map, and it was brought to my notice by built in by Musalmans, and does not occupy its Mr. Joyner, who has visited it, and states that, original place. The stone is basalt. It is as far as he remembers, it contains no remains adjacent to other Hindu remains, which were except a few Masalman tombs. As to the built into a gate-house by the Musalmans, other local villages mentioned in the inscripprobably in the early part of their occupation tion, Kannuvuri is the modern Kunoor' of the of Bijapur, -say A. D. 1500."
maps, about seventeen miles to the north of The inscription is in well-formed and excel. Bijapur; and Bijjanahalli is probably the lently perserved Old-Canarese characters of the Busnal of the maps, about eight miles to the period. It covers a space of about 3' 3' high by east by north of Kunoor'. 26"broad. The only emblems at the top of the In line 42 there commences a second in. stone appear to be the moon over the commence- scription, undated and apparently unfinished, ment, and the sun over the end, of the first line of the time of Tribhavana malla or
The body of the inscription is of the time of Vikramaditya VI. It contains no histhe Western Chalu kya king Bhuvana i torical information.
Transcription. 11 Sri 7 Namas-tuga-siras-chumbi-chamdra-chämara-chåravê trailokya-naxar-arambha
můla-stambhảya San(Sam)bhave || Jayaty=udadhi-marthan-Otthita-vish-Agni-durpp-pabah sva-pada-nakha-darppan-Arppita-Surendra-chůdâmaņih CD salad-rudhira
budbuda-chchhurita-simba-charmma [] suka-sphurad(d) bris-bri)had-urasthala-sthita-bhujanga-hêrô Harah | Svasti
Samastabhuvanâsraya sri-pri(pri)thviva* labha mahârâj-adhiraja paramāśvara paramabhattaraka Satyaśraya-kuļa-tilaka
Châļuky-abharanam śrîmad-Bhuvanaikama. [] lladôvara vijaya-rajyam=uttar-Ottar-abhivridhdhi(ddhi)-pravardhdharddha)mânam=
A-chamdr-årkka-târam saluttam-ire [1] Tat-pâda-padm-ôpajivi [°] Samadhigatapamchamahaśabda-mahâsâmamtâdhipati mahaprachanda-dam dana yakam
vibudha-vara-dayakam vipra-ku!a-kamala[') marttamdam nudid-ante-gamdam såksharika-samudhdha (ddha)raņa satya-Yadhish
thiram sõbh-Âmjanêyam kâryya-Bțihaspati parivara-chintamani [] svâmi-vamchaka-gaja-pamchâ nanam nija-kola-kuvale(la)ya-sudhakaram d harmma
ratnakaram Srimad Bhuvanaikamalladôva-Ram-Adêsa-Ha['] nmam(numar)tam sriman-mahaprachanda-dadanayaka Näkimayyamga! Taddevadi.
sasiramumam dushta-nigraha-sishta-pratipalanan-geydu [] sukhadin=anubhavisattam-irdda Salsa)ka-varsham 996neya Anamda-samvatsarada
Puśya(shya) su(sa)dhdha (ddha) 5 Brisbri)haspativârad-amdi["] n-uttarayana-samkramti-parvva-nimittamägi Vam(bar)kåpurada nele-viļino! Sri
Ballavarasargge bimnapam-geydu råjadhâni-Vija[**] yâparada Sri-Svayambhu-Sidhdhé(ddhê)śvara-devara d êgulama mâdisiy=alliy=
Acharyyar Sri-Yôgêsvarapamditadêvara samipadal-kêļva ta[*] pôdhanarggam bhattarggam=aśan-achchhadanakk=emda [1] Svasti Samasta-jagaj-jana
jégiyamâna-śruta-tapah-prabhậvaḥ sâkshân-Mahad@vah KA!A[] mukha-mukha-tiļakaḥ sva-samaya-sampadit-anamda-palakah tat-kala-lakshmi(kahmi)
viļâsa-niļaya-mûļa-stambhaḥ paribrita-sakaļa-dambhaḥ