August, 1880.)
BY REV. S. BEAL, B.A. Attention has elsewhere been drawn to the an- the Assembly of the Saddharma Hall, called cient Buddhist inscription at Keu-yung-kwan, Shen-chu. This Déva, whilst wandering to and a small village about five miles to the north of fro in the celestial gardens, with the company the Nankow Pass. This inscription is engraved of Devis who attended him, had heard a voice in the characters of six different nations, viz., proceeding from space, and warning him that Mongol or Båsh pah, Uighûr, Nyuchih, Chinese, in a few days hence he should be called to give Devanagari, and Tibetan. On examination it is up his heavenly estate and be born in hell, found to contain certain Buddhist dhárani or in- after which he should receive a succession of cantations, which in the paper alluded to (Jour. births all more or less miserable and painful. R. A. Soc., vol. V. pp. 14.ff.)' have been translat- On this, the Deva hastened to Sakraraja, and ed by Mr. Wylie and Dr. Haas for the benefit of with doleful voice and many tears laid the case the English reader. These dharanis are found in before him, asking and beseeching for advice various Buddhist works, and are supposed to and escape. Then Sakraråja, having heard the represent the highest and most potent charms words of Shen-chu, at once entered into a state which words proceeding from the top of the of profound abstraction, and, perceiving that illustrious diadem (chuda) of Buddha's head are the case was to be with Shen-chu even as the able to convey. This "honoured diadem of voice had declared, he resolved at once to repair Buddha's head" refers to the well known conceit to the place where Buddha was residing, even of the Buddhists that from the top of the to the garden of Jeta, and there having presentcranium of their master proceeded an elongated ed him with suitable gifts, to seek his counsel excrescence (ushnish), the top of which reached and advice on the point. Accordingly having to the highest heaven. In all probability this done so, and having salated the foot of Bhagaimaginary formation is pictured in the Amara- vat and seven times circumambulated him, he vati sculptures as the pillar of glory surmount- stated the circumstances of Shen-chu's destiny, ed by Om" proceeding from the throne sup- and humbly asked the advice of the World posed to be occupied by Bhagavat (see parti- honoured one." cularly pl. lxxi, figs. 1 and 2, Tree and Serpent Then Buddha caused to proceed from the Worship). These pillars of light are also top of his head every kind of glorious light, referred to by Spence Hardy (Manual of Bud- which spread itself from world to world through dhism, 1sted.pp. 180, 207), and perhaps originated all space. Then this light again returned to the in the idea of the Linga and its worship. Be presence of Buddha, and having revolved around this as it may, it is curious to trace as far back him three times entered through his mouth. as we can the origin of such a peculiar idea; Then the World-honoured gave a gentle smile, and for this purpose we have appended the and addressed Sakraraja as follows: Heavenly translation of a Sútra attributed to the Shaman king, there are certain dharani called the Buddhavara (Fo-to-po-li) of the Yang dynasty. honoured diadem of Buddha's head,' which are
able to deliver from every kind of evil birth, The Sútra of the Dharani of the Illustrious
and to destroy every possible sorrow. If a man Diadem of Buddha's Surmounting Head. once hears these, and if they once pass through
“Thus have I heard. At one time Bhaga- his ears, then all the evil deeds he has ever done vat was residing at Srâvasti, in the garden of shall be cancelled and their punishment remitJeta, the friend of the orphans, together with ted; if he writes them on a wall, or reads them, 1250 great Bhikshus, his disciples, and with 80 written, to others, then shall the same conseupwards of 12,000 great Bôdhisattwas and quences follow and full deliverance be obtained." priests. At this time there was amongst the On this Sakrarâja entreats Buddha to repeat Dévas of the Trayastrinsas Heavens, one in these charmed words, on which he did so.
It belongs to the Mongol age, cir. 1845 A.D.
See also Yale's Marco Polo. vol. I, pp. 29, 144.-ED. 3 The word ushintsha usually means a 'turban, but is used by the Buddhists as a technical term for the top-knot
on Buddha's head, by which all figures of him are distinguisbed; he is never represented in Indian sculpture with any sort of covering on his head.-ED.