[JULY, 1880.
But those, who violating this order act other- impression from which the photozincograph has wise, or inoite others to act otherwise, will | been prepared. certainly not be pardoned. And the kings 1 The inscription is very badly mutilated. But who may come after us should protect this it is clear that it contained a grant of a village, grant, understanding that it is a bridge to which was given to the fraternity of Buddhist heaven' built by a former king for his own and monks residing in the sivadeva-vihara. others' welfare. And it has also been de- The name of the donor in line 3 is not distinct. clared (in the Mahabharata), 'Oh Yudhishthira, It seems to me, however, that the faint traces of zealously protect the (grants of land given to letters visible point to the reading given in the
Brahmans by former kings; oh best of kings, | transcript. In favour of this reading the followprotecting is better than giving. The giver ing additional reasons may be adduced. of land rejoices in heaven during sixty thousand Firstly, the letters exactly agree with those years; he who interferes with a grant of of the preceding inscriptions. Secondly, the land), and he who permits it, will dwell in hell grant is in favour of a monastery founded by for as long a period.' (This is my) own order, Sivadêva. Thirdly, that the dá taka (1. 36) is called and the executive officer here is prince Jaya Sivadeva-bhattaraka, the lord Sivadeva. On the tenth day of the bright half of dê va. The epithet bhatta raka is only given to Philguna Samvat 119."
a king or to a high priest. It is not known that No. 13.- Inscription of Sivadeva, dated a priest ever exercised the office of dataka, Srsharsha Saavat 143.
while we have several instances where the king This inscription is incised on & stone just is his own ddtaka. outside the southern gate of the enclosure of the | As to the date, the figures for 100 and for temple of Pasupati. I have not seen it myself. three are, though faint, distinctly visible. The A friend in Nepal, who used to go about with middle figure I take to have been 40. But I will me, and to assist me in my work, sent me the not dispute that it may not have been 20 or 30.
Transcript. [1] --भद्राधि---------------
--- [पशुपतिभट्टारकपादानु
- [2] गृहीतो बप्पपा दनुध्यातः] ------- परममाहेश्वरपरमभट्टा[] रकमहाराजाधिराजश्री शिवदेवः कुशली] - अतग्रामे प्रधानपुरस्सरा[*] न्सर्वकुटुम्बिनः कुशलमाभाष्य] --- गुप्तवभु ---- धयि[5] कामो भगवत्पशुपती सुरितसु --- --- न सर्वे विना --- ["] मनुरोधार्थ
---------------- [] ह्यपर
वि [9] ष्टिरहितो
-------------------- [१] भयच
----------- [10] पञ्चापराधकारिणां ------ राजकुलानाम् -- -- कल्पत्रादि सर्व-य[1] स्यार्यसञ्जस्य ------ शिवदेवविहारचतुर्हिगार्यभिक्षुसकायास्मा[1"] भिरतिसृष्टः सीमा चास्य पूर्वोत्तरेण श्रेष्ठिनुल्मू-श्रीगुप्तमध्यमाली तस्याः किञ्चित्पू. [] वेण बृहदाल्या दक्षिणमनुसृत्य [बृह] हा- मिम्पूर्वदक्षिणेन वेष्टयित्वा ---म[14] मार्गस्तदक्षिणमनुसृत्य सरलवन [ग्राममार्ग स्त------सृत्य --- [1] लिकक्षेत्रपश्चिमकोणादक्षिण पश्चिममनुसृत्य श्रीविदूरिकविहारस्य सन्धी [16] मरिमक्षेत्रपश्चिमाल्या दक्षिणात्वा] - - छम्भूदक्षिणेश्वराम्बतीर्थक्षेत्राणां सन्धिः ["] --------------दक्षिणकोणात्किञ्चित्पश्चिमङ्गत्वा मित्तम्भूमे[19] दक्षिणमनुसृत्य तत्पूर्वदक्षिणाल्या : पश्चिमङ्गत्वा किञ्चिदुत्तरञ्च ततः पश्चिम- . [१] मनुसृत्य च निभूदक्षिणपश्चिमकोणादक्षिणकता लोप्रिड्जामकगोष्ठिकक्षेत्रम्
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