JULY, 1880.]
[] कमहाराजाधिराजश्रीशिवदेवः कुशली । वैद्ययामके प्रधानाग्रेसरान्सकल[*] निवासिकुटुम्बिनो यथाशलमभिधाय समाज्ञापयति विदितमस्तु भव
तां यथायडामः शरीरकोट्टमर्यादो पयुक्त श्याटभटानामप्रावेश्येनाचन्द्रार्का[] वनिकालिको भूमिच्छिद्रन्यायेनाग्रहारतया मातापित्रोरात्मनश्च विपुलपु. [] ण्योपचयहेतोरस्माभिः
स्वकारितश्रीशिवदेवेश्वरं भट्टारकनिमित्तीकृत्य" [9] तदेवकुलखण्डस्फुटितसंस्कारकारणाय वशपाशुपताचार्येभ्यः प्रति[१] पादितस्वदेवमवगतार्भवद्भिः
समुचितदेयभागभोगकरहिरण्यादि[१] सर्वप्रत्यायानेषामुपथ[च्छ]द्विरेभिरेवानुपाल्यमानैरकुतोभयैः
स्वक["] मानुविधायिभिरितिकर्तव्यताव्यापारेषु च सर्वेष्वमीषामाज्ञाश्रवणविधे[१] यैर्भूला सुखमत्र स्थातव्यं सीमा चास्य पूर्वेण बृहन्मार्गो दक्षिणपूर्वतश्च ["] शिवी प्रणाली तामेव चानुसृत्य स्वल्पः पन्था दक्षिणतश्च तेलूः पश्चिमे["] नापि तेलः उत्तरतस्यामपि चिशिमण्डातिलमकः उत्तरपूर्वतश्यापि सहस्र[2] मण्डलभुमिस्ततो यावत्स एव . बृहन्मार्ग इत्येवं सीमान्तर्भूतेस्मिभय[७] हारे भोट्टविष्टिहेतोः प्रतिवर्ष भारिकजनाः पञ्च ५ व्यवसायिभिर्य["] हीतव्याः ये बेतामाज्ञाम्व्यतिक्रम्यान्यया कुर्युः कारयेयुर्वा तेस्माभिर्भशन [18] क्षम्यन्ते ये चास्मदूर्ध्वम्भूभुजो भविष्यन्ति तेपि पारस्वहितापेक्षया पूर्वराज[१] कृतोयं धर्मसेतुरिति तदविगय] --- रवा --- संरक्षणी[१] यस्तथा चोक्तं पूर्वदा द्विजातिभ्यो यत्नाद्रक्ष युधिष्ठिर महीं महीम-] [1] तां श्रेष्ठ दानाच्छ्योनुपालनं ॥ षष्ठि वर्षसहस्राणि स्वर्गे मोदिति भू-] [*] मिदः आक्षेप्ता चानुमन्ता च तान्येव नरके वसेत् ॥ इति स्वयमा[22मा दूतकश्चात्र राजपुत्रजयदेवः संवत् ११९ फाल्गुन शुक दिवा दशम्याम्
|.the grant to last as long as the moon, the sun, Om. Hail! From the famous palace (called) and the earth endure. You, understanding this, Kail&sakata ! The supreme lord and great giving to him (the Acharya) all the income, king of kings, illustrious Sivadeva, who viz., the proper share (of the produce) and the resembles a tree of Paradise to which the taxes in gold and so forth, being protected by creeper, Fortune, clinge, who has received favour | him (the Aoharya) alone, fearlessly following froin the feet of the lord, the divine Pasupati, your occupations, and obeying him in respect to and meditates on the feet of Bapps being all work that may have to be performed, shall live in good health, sends due greeting to the there in peace. And the boundaries of this headman and cultivators residing in the village (village are as follows) : To the east the highof Vaidyaka, and issues (these) orders :- road, and to the south-east the sivt water-con"Be it known to you that this village, including duit and the little footpath along it, and to the the land, the sky above and the nether regions Bouth Tenkha, to the west also Tenkha, further below, together with . . . . has been given by to the north the Chisimand watercourse (tilaus in order to gain much spiritual morit for our inaka); and further to the north-east the parents and ourselves, as an Agrahara to the Sahasramandala field, thence as far as the Vansapdbupatáchárya for the sake of the lord (above-mentioned) high-road. From this AgraŚribivadê vê svara, dedicated by ourselves, hårs, which is enclosed by the abovementioned in order to repair his temple, the village being boundaries, the authorities shall take annually not to be entered by our police officers, and five (5) load-carriers for the Thibet service. - L. 7, rond 4 ° ; 1. & road 4°; L. 21, rend
"I take chafabhata to stand for chafan prati bhata, lit. soldiers against robbers, and to be name of the royal police, 100 Aloo the Kumdrapdlacharita.