JUNE, 1879.)
wrath. When, however, the Haji cast an angry and see it, and how it has since ages been susglance at them, they became unable to move pended in the air without support. The lip either hand or foot. The Råjå alone retained acquires sweetness by merely uttering the name the power of motion, and the proud idolater of Somanath." The Haji however rejoined : being humbled, fell at the Haji's feet, and pro- "Trust in the faith, and put off your infidelity, fessed himself his servant, and begged for the and utter the creed of firmness with your release of his men, who, he said, had all re- mouth." Then the Râjâ said :-“O Háji, if you nounced any hope of life. The Haji then glanced have any skill, show it, read or sing something, at the men, and their power of motion was re- or perform some marvel with the idol of the stored to them, and they drew near, and began temple. Do something so that we may witness to converse with him. Suddenly all the temple your performance." The Haji replied :-“Come bells began to sound, and the Hâji asked what with me, and let us see the temple, and I will disturbance there was in the city. The Râjâ then display my art." Then the Râjâ said :answered :-"Those are the bells of my temple "O Haji, come with me, and I will take you of Somanáth, come and let me show you the and show you all the temple, and you shall use place." The Râjâ then took the Haji with him all the ceremony and shall hear all the singing into the city, and caused him to alight at an and music now going on." The Râjâ then excellent lodging, and placed before him deli- took the Hâji with him, and showed him all the cious food, and invited him to eat. The Hâji temple of Somanath, and caused him to listen to however refused to eat food cooked by a Hindu, the music and singing with which the temple and said he would go and alight with any resounded. Many Brahmans and Brâhmanis Musalman who might live in the city. This were singing and dancing, and musical instrumuch offended the Raja, who treasured upments were being played upon, and many malice in his heart. Einally, the Háji found an infidels were adoring there. The Rájà also old Ghånchan (oil-presser's wife) weeping, be- showed the Haji a wonderful lamp of lovely cause it was the turn of her son to be executed colours which was in the temple, and which had before the idol in the morning. The Haji com- cost two lakhs. The temple was beautifully paintforted her, and told her that he would go in ed, and had jewels set m it, and was adorned on all place of her son, and she then gladly served sides with idols. Fruits were lying before the him. When the Raja's men came to take away image of Somanåth, but were rotting as none of the Ghånchan's son, the Háji offered himself as them were eaten by him. As the Brahmans sung a substitute, and they took him away. But a hymn, the Haji fell into deep thought, and when the Râjâ saw him, he said to the men :- prayed fervently to God, and thus pondering fell “Why did you release the Ghanchan's son, and into a religious ecstasy. Seeing this, the Raja bring this ascetic ?" The men replied, that he said:-“Now, friends, is your time, drag him forth had willingly offered himself in the youth's from the temple, and put him to death." Then place. The Raja then said to the Haji:-"Re- those persons treacherously came to seize him, turn to your place, we never sent for you, and but were unable to put forth hand or foot. The here only the Gbånchi is wanted, return then, Hâji now awoke from his trance, and the infidels and send him." The Haji replied :-"Do you said to him :-" Who has aroused you ?" The Haji not fear God that you seek to slay the beloved replied :-* O faithless and unbelieving ones, son of this poor old woman, who is both poor who have listened to what the Raja has said, and helpless. I warn you that you will reap you plot treachery, consider now all of you the punishment for this." The Rajâ being incensed, excellenceof Islam, and repeat the creed with your said :-"Take this fellow in front of the idol, and tongues." Now, there was a stone bull in front slay him, and let his blood flow, and then I will of the temple with fruits and sweetmeats strewn come and make a till of his blood, and wor. in front of him, and with eyes made of brilliant ship." The Haji fearlessly replied: "O sapphires. The Haji said :-"There are delicious tyrant, why do you seek to oppress any one. foods in front of the ball, feed him, so that he Your idol is false, consider then what great may eat sweetmeats, wherefore does he not eat, advantages God has bestowed on the faithful." is he whole or broken ?" Then the Rajâ reThen the Rajâ said :-"My idol is true, come all, plied :-"Haji, are you mad, the bull is of stone,