(JUNE, 1879.
a Musalman in front of his idol Somanath, to stay without anchor immoveable on the shore and to make a tila on his forehead with the of Mangalûr, and it remained so, and though blood. When the outcry against the oppression the sailors made every effort to move it, it would of the RAJA had much increased, the Prophet not budge. After 2 months had elapsed, the appeared in a vision to one Haji Mahmûd, a Haji was moved at the loss they were susresident of Makka, and desired him to go to taining by this delay, and gave a signal perPatan, and cause this oppression to cease. He mitting the vessel to depart. The boatmen then further told him to go to the port of Hodeidah, sailed for Surat, and arrived there in saluty. where he would find a vessel ready to sail for After this the prophet again appeared in a vision Patan. On this he was to embark, and proceed to the Haji, and said "All the people here adore to that town, and invite Sultan Mahmud Ghaz- you, assume then the title of Saint of Mangrol navi by letter to come thither, and destroy (Mangaluri Shah), and then you will please me infidelity, and introduce Islám. Agreeably to the by visiting Påtan and destroying the infidelity prophet's order the Haji went to Hodeidah, thereof." The Haji at once left Mangalûr, and and saw a boat there ready to sail, and asked the came to Påtan, and alighted at the sbrine which boatmen to permit him to embark. They re- Dow bears his name, where many camel-drivers plied, however, that they had no room, and that had encamped. The Hâji said to them :-“O he had better sit on the shore and wait for brethren! go and deliver to the Rájâ the message another boat. They then sailed off, but though with which I am charged, viz., Believe in the they sailed all day, at night, owing to the Haji's faith and repeat the treed of the prophet,' and curse, they returned to the spot whence they had ye also hearing my advice, come and listen to my started. On discovering this the boatmen were words." All the camel-drivers however said, - much alarmed, and said amongst themselves "Stay where you are, O Haji! the Raja is a "Is there magic on board, or has one of us left a very bad man, who constantly puts Musalmans vow unfulfilled, or what is it which prevents us to death, and loves gazing on newly-spilled progressing." At last one of them said " It is blood." The Haji replied :-""Fear not, make the curse of the Darwesh whom we refused to no excuses, but deliver my message, go and tell allow to embark, let us seek him out quickly, the Rajâ not to be angry, for this message is and put him on board." They then brought one of great excellence, and will prove most him on board with much rejoicing, and weighed beneficial, tell him therefore not to oppose it." anchor, and in one night through the Saint's The camel-men laughed, and said :-"What blessing they reached the port of Mangalûr folly is this, were we to say thus to the Raja, all (Mangrol), when all the sailors were delighted of us would lose our lives. The Rajâ would first at the good fortune which the Háji had brought slay us, and then come and visit you with his them, and commenced to kiss his feet. He told anger." The Haji on their refusal cast his eyes them to put him on shore, as by the Prophet's on their camels, and forbade them moving, and orders he had a mission to perform there. The accordingly, when the drivers wished to take bontmen however said that the port was a bad them to graze, not one of them would stir. one, and that owing to the rocks it would be The camel-drivers therefore collected, and said impossible to land him without wrecking the among themselves :-"Brethren, the Háji has boat, and they implored him to accompany them done this, let us go and complain to the Raja." to Surat, whither they were bound. Then the They went therefore, and told him all the story Haji lifted his hands to God in prayer, and of the Haji. The Râjâ was much enraged, and spread a deer skin on the water, and sat thereon, forswore food until he should have killed the and God brought him safely to shore at the port! Hiji. He rose therefore early next day, and of Mangalar, where he landed, and all the caused his chobdårs to assemble his army, and infidels who saw him trembled for fear of him. set out to slay the Haji. Some of the soldiers The Haji then by way of punishing the sailors had arms, some staves, and some stones in their for their refusal to land him, ordered the boat hands, and the Raja himself mounted in great
Tild, or the custo mark made by Hindus on their fore- the Persian writore Mangalûr, now locally corrupted to beads.
Mangrol, as PAlitana is often called locally Pánitall. The ancient name of Mangrol is Mangalpur, called by