[OCTOBER, 1878.
such as are desired; and who meditates on the (?) Vatra, one pattiká; to Drôņa sarma, feet of his mother and his father, -issues his half a pattika; to the second Drôņas ar mâ, instructions to all the lords of districts and the half a pattikd.-To V app as vámi, of the Mahattarasal of countries and villages and the K & sya pa gôtra, three pattikás; to DurgaAdhikarikas and others :
sarma, half a pattiká ; to Dattaya, half a Be it known to you that, on the day of the pattiká.To Vâda, of the Kaun dinya full-moon of the month) Vaisakha, in order gôtra, .........., balf a pattiká; to to increase the religious merit and the fame of Sala, one pattiká; to Drôņa, one pattiká; to Our mother and father and of Ourself, the Sôma, half a pattiká; to Sala, half a pattika; village of Pariyaya, which was formerly to (?) Vatrasarma, half a pattiká; to (called) Sand hiyara", included in the dig- Bhayisyami, half a pattiká.—To Visatrict of Kåśå küla, has been given by us with kha, of the Mad har a gótra, one pattika; to plentiful libations of water,-with the udranga Dhara, one pattiká; to Nandi, one pattiká; and the uparikara, and free from all the ditya" to Kumâra, one pattiká; to Rama, one and the liability to forced labour" and the pattiká; of B & bra, half a pattiká; to Gaņa, prátibhédiká, and to be enjoyed) by the rule of half a pattikd ; to Korttuva, half a pattika ; bhúmi-chchhidra's, and not to be entered (forto (?) Bh â yivatta, half a pattika; to the purpose of billeting) by the irregular or the Narmå, half a pattikd; to Rama sarma, regular troops", -to the general body of half a pattiká.-To Dharmadhara, of the officiating priests and religious students of the Harita gôtra, two and a half pattikas.-To village of) Ja i būs ara, who belong to the Bhatti, of the Vaishnava gôtra, one Vå jasaneya (sect) and the Kâņva (school pattiká.--To Dhara, of the Gautama of the Vêda). (The shares are) :-Of Aditya- gótra, half a pattiká; to Ammadhara, half ravi, of the Bharad vaja gôtra, two pat- a pattika; to Sela, half a pattiká.-To Dâ ma, tikás"; to Indra sû ra, one pattik& ; to Távi- of the sandila gôtra, half a pattika.-Of s û ra, two and a half pattikás; of i śvara, half | Karka, of the Lakshmana gôtra, one pata pattiká; to D à ma, one pattiká; to Drôņa, tiká.-To G ô på ditya, of the Vatsa gôtra, half a pattiká; to (?) Attasvâmi, half a pat- one pattikd; to Visakha, half a pattika; to tikd ; to Maila, half a pattikd; to Shashthi- | $ û ra, half a pattika; to Bhå yis vámi, half dê va, half a pattika; to Sôma, half a pattiká; to a pattiká; Yakshasar ma, half a pattika ; Råmasar ma, half a pattiká; to Bhây ya, half to Tå viédra, one pattiká; to Karka, half a pattiká ; to Droņa dhara, half a pattika.- a pattiká; to Tâ visar ma, half a pattika; to To Âvuka, of the Dhû mråya na gôtra, two Sarma, half a pattiká; to Kumara, half a and a half pattikás; to Sara, half a pattika. - pattika ; to Matriśvara, half a pattiká; to To Bhatti, of the Daundaki ya gôtra, one Båtala, half a pattiká. . pattikd ; to Samudra, two and a half pattikás ; This, Our gift,-(which is given to all of these to Drôņa, three pattikás; to Tâ visarma, for the purpose of maintaining the Bali and the two pattikás; to Bhatti, half a pattikd ; to Charu and the Vaišvadeva and the Agnihotra
31 The precise meaning of Mahattara and Adhikarika, as classes of officials, is not very well settled as yet.
" Sandhiyara-puruvina, 1.9. But the morning is very doubtful. Perhaps it should be, which was the ancestral property of the Sandhiyaras." Prof. Dowson reads wrongly Sandhiyanprivyina, and does not suggest any explanation, except that some name or descriptive title of the village granted must be intended.
13 Prof. D.wson derives ditya from da, da, 'cut, split', and pratibhédiká from prati + bhid, break, tear', and suggests 'cutting and hewing (of wood) as the translation.
1. Vishti is the Sanskrit equivalent of the Canarese bitti, compulsory and unrequited labour. We have had it also in l. 49 of the Lakshmeswar tablet, at p. 101 above. ,
* No satisfactory explanation of this term has been
** A-chdta-bhata-prdvesyaḥ. The explanations of this term are various. Prof. Dowson adopts as the translation "into which the entrance of cheats and outcasta is interdicted"; and he quotes, as translations by others,-1, "there sball be no passage for troops", Sir Charles Wilkins; 2,"the
village is not to be entered into by the troope and followers of the king'', BAI Gangadhar Sastri; and 3,"exempt from the ingress of fortane-tellers and soldiers", Prof. Fitx Ed. ward Hall. I follow the translation given by Dr. Bühler at Ind. Ant., Vol. VI., p. 71. It is borne out by the erpression samasta-rdjakiyanam-a-pravébyam, not to be entered by any of the king's people', in the 110 and Umet4 grants of Dadda II.
37 Except in one instancu in l. 16, where it is written patlika, this word is always written in the present inscription with the dental t-pattika. On the other hand, in the cancelled inscription at the back of these plates, No. XLVII. below, it is invariably written patrika. There is no doubt that pattika is the oorrect form : though, at the same time, pattikd may be an authorized variation of it. Prof. Dowson translates it by 'share', and suggests that it may be connected with the pace of the joint-tenancy villages in the North-West Provinces. I prefer rendering it by 'strip of land.' Conf. Ind. Ant., Vol. VI., p. 29, note 1 ; and Jour. Bo. Br. R. An. Soc., Vol. XII, p. 895, note 18.
See note 17 above.