JANUARY, 1877.]
Third plate. [13] 274*iffrist: 774-**: alergerar a [W] af 7 [14] उक्तम् [1] बहुभिर्वसुधा दत्ता राजभिस्सगरादिभिः यस्य यस्य यदा [15] T Ten af aar 105H (11) FG FT(FI) PREFT(FTI) 47(T) ria - [18] न्धराम् षष्टिवर्षसहस्राणि कुम्भीपाके स पच्यते [1] सिद्धिरस्तु । Translation.
| Vaijayantis, through devotion for the king Hail! Victorious is the holy one, Jinên (his father) who was dead, cansed to be built a dra, who abounds in good qualities, &c.! temple of Jina at thegloriousand victorious (city
The son of the king Sri-Kakustha, who of) Palâsik i, and gave to the holy Arhats was the glory of the family of the Kadambaa | thirty-three nivartanus (of land), from the on account of his riches which consisted entirely river Matris arit up to the sacred contluence of meritorious actions, was the king rid of rivers called Ingin is a gama, for the Sântivara varma, who was, as it were, & purpose of supporting the Kûrchak a sl, who second son, and whose eyes were like the blue are naked religious mendicants. The specificalotus-flower; as if she were a woman of easy tion of the principal grantees) was-Damavirtue, the goddess of the fortunes of his enemies kirtti, the Bhajaka; and Jiyanta, the was enticed by him from their abodes.
minister and the general superintendent.* His beloved eldest son was the king Sri.
Moreover it has been said :--Land has been Mrige sa, who was most eminent in piety
given by many kings, commencing with Saamong all mankind, and who was worshipped
gara; &c.! He is tormented in the hell called by the twice-born and by chieftains. Having Kumbhakto the
Kumbhî pika for the duration of sixty thoita reflected upon the saying that “The gifts of the sand years, &c.! Muy there be success! poor have a rich reward," he, though poor himself in the sensation of fear, gave great fear to
No. XXII. his enemies.
This inscription consists of five plates, about On the day of the full-moon of (tre month) 7}" long by 9 broad; the device on the seal Karttika, in the Vaisakha years, the of the ring is almost entirely worn away, but eighth of his victory, he, -who uprooted the seems to have been the same as the dog on family of Tungaganga, and who was a very the seal of No. XX. It records grants and fire of destruction to the Palla vas,--while re- ordinances, for the celebration of the Jain residing at the glorious and victorious (city of) ligion, made by Ravivarmà and others.
First plate. [1] जयति भगवाजिनेन्द्रो गुणरुन्द्र प्रथितपरमकारुणिकः
T[2] * rarifegare
FIATTÀ TATTI (33 szt(arat 7TH Tatami qfareMT(S)[f]
The meaning of this expression Vaizakha year' is not Apparent, Vais&kha' being the name of a month, and not of any of the sixty sathutsaras. Vaisakhan was not ori ginally the initial month of the solar year. Perhaps at the time of this inscription it was usual to speak of each year as a 'Vaisakha year, in order to bring constantly to notice, and so to firmly establish, a method of computation that had been only newly introduced. Or it may even be that the year in which this grant was made was the first the initial month of which was Vai Akha; and, if so, it would follow, from the table given at p. 149 of the Useful Tables of vol. II. of. Thomas's edition of Prinsep's Antiquities, that the date of this inscription was A.1. 538. As noted in my remarks above, the contemporary historical allusions, and the style of the alphabet, point to about this time as the
date of Kákasthavarma and his sucsors. Cariously enough, I find that in one of the plate from Dharwad the third year of Mrigéu's reigu is called in a similar way. 'Pausla year. But, by the Useful Tables, the year commoncel with the month Pausha in .c. 451 !
$. Another form of 'Jayantipura', an old wanne of Va, na vasi, modern Banawisi, which was always a Kalamba capital.
Apparently some Jain sect; they are uentioned again
Bhojobe, name of a class of officiating priests in Jain temples: in No. XXII., line 6, we have again Bhajat ind in No. XVIII., line 11, Rajaka.
*Conf.the amended rading and translation of No. XV!.. Il. 10-11, as notified in the mi to vol. V.