JULY 1877.]
laya, having pondered on the worthlessness of dwelling there shall obediently give to this the world, having considered that life is unstable (deity) everything according to custom, viz. as a drop of water lying on a lotus-leaf, and fully the share of produce, taxes, gold, and the like; understood the rewards of spiritual merit, I have and future kings, whether they belong to our given, confirming the gift by an edict and a liba- family or be strangers, knowing that the retion of water, for the increase of my own and my ward for the merit acquired by such (gifts parents' merit and fame, the above-mentioned of land) is common (to all kings), should agree village up to its boundaries, together with its to and protect this our religious gift. Wherewood, grass, and water, together with the right fore the divine Vyasa has declared.. of pasturing cattle, and with the right of (inflict- This grant has been written by Kanchana, ing) fines and (deciding cases arising out) of the son of Kayastha, Je... Samvat 1043, the ten flaws, to the illustrious Mûlanâtha- on the 15th day of the dark half of Magha, on deva, thatis established at Mandali, in the a Sunday. (The signature) of the illustrious Varddhi zilla† Knowing this, the people | Malaraja.
No. 2.1 Plate I.
(2) ९ विक्रम सम्वत् १०८६ कार्तिक शुदि १५ अोह श्रीमदणाहिल( 2 ) पाटके
( 3 ) मदेवः
समस्तराजावलीविराजित महाराजाधिराजश्रीभी
स्वभुज्यमान कच्छमंडलांत : पतिघडहडिकाद्वादश
( * ) के
मसूरयामें समस्तराजपुरुषान् ब्राह्मणोत्तरांस्तनिवा(5) सिजनपदधि बोधयत्यस्तु नः संविदितं पया अद्य ( " ) कीपर्व्वणि भगवंतं भवानीपतिमभ्यर्च्य कंच्छमंडलमध्यव(7) तिनवणी सकछानविर्गताय
() य भट्टारक
आजपालाय सहिरण्यभागः सदंडदसापराध () सन्नदायसमेत शासनेनोद( 10 ) कपूर्वमस्माभिः प्रदत्तो यस्य पूर्व्वस्यां दिशि घटहटिकाया( " ) मो दक्षिणस्यां ऐकविकायामः पश्चिमायां (2) उत्तरस्यां
इति चतुराघाटोप
Plate II.
(1 ) लक्षितं (2) मानभागभोगादि
(*) विधेयेर्भूतास्मै आजपालाय ( ' ) न्यं (1) कृमिरश्मप्रदत्तधर्म्मदापोयमनुमंतव्यः
This is apparently the etymon of the modern name of Malaraja's temple at Siddhapura, Rudramála. It means 'the palace of Rudra, i.e. Siva.
समुपनेतव्यं वुध्वाऽश्मद्वंशजैरन्यैरपि
At a late visit to Mandal I inquired in vain for any trace of this once famous temple, and the monastery attached to it, which occurs so frequently in the grants. Nobody had ever heard that such a temple had existed. An ingenious vahivancha or bard at last suggested that the temple might have stood near a well called Molu-ka-kaa, about two miles east of Mandal, and that Molu might be a corruption of Malaraja. I should say that it meant brackish. I believe that the temple stood on the south side of the taldo, where many sculptured stones lie about. † Yarddhi is a synonym of Vadhiar, the ancient and also
modern name of the country adjacent to the Ran of Kachh from Rådhanpur to Jhinjhuvada. The word Vadhir represents Sanskrit Vriddhikara, not Vardhi.
Measurements of the plates 9 inches by 7 inches. Characters modern Brahmanical Devanagari, frequently mixed with the ancient forms of da, na, da, dha, bha, sya. Preservation good. Transcript, made under my supervi sion, by NArAyaps Sletri.
5 L. 8, read देशापराधः L. 10, insert भाघाटा : L. 11, "द्र in धरवद्रिका doubtful.
I. 4, rond बुद्धास्मद्रं I. 5, road 'स्मत्प्रद.