JANUARY, 1877.]
he protects the whole earth (gomandala) by de- lives now at Luņa vada. The grantee prostroying hostile princes (samuddhata vipaksha- bably was one of their ancestors. The object bhubhrit), just as Purushottama protected the granted is the village Bahu abata ka, situatherds (gomandala) by raising a wingless mountain ed in the zillâ (vishaya) of Suryapura, (samuddhatavipakshabhábhrit),+ whose toe-nails on the banks of the Vappoik â river (P1. possess a brilliancy enhanced by the jewels in the II. 1. 24). diadems of numerous princes prostrated (at his The purpose for which the village was given feet), and who has effected a conquest of the faces is to defray the expenses of an agnihotra and of the nymphs of all quarters of the universe." other sacrifices.
Siladitya deva V. is the eighteenth king The date I am inclined to read as "Sarvat of the dynasty who has become known. The 441, Kartika Suddha 5," or "the fifth day of the number of Siladityas who have now revealed bright half of Kartika of the year 441." The themselves becomes rather perplexing. It is first two signs must be taken together and evident that the Jaina legend, attributing the read as 400. This is perfectly certain, as the reëstablishment of their faith to "Silâditya of Gondal grants of Sîlâditya IV. are dated 403. Valabhi," is about as explicit as a narrative The next following figure might be read as 4 would be which referred an event to the reign on account of its resemblance to the second sign. of "Louis of France."
which must be taken with the sign for 100. The grantee is an Atharvavedi Brâhman of But as a horizontal stroke follows, which apthe Påråśara gotra, called Sambhulla, the pears to represent 1, it must be taken as a son of Datalla, who resided at Dahaka. He figure denoting one of the numbers between is called tachchaturvidya, i.e. "a member of the 10 and 90, and it comes nearest the sign for 40. community of the Chaturvedis of that (town)." I admit, however, that the last horizontal stroke (Pl. II. 11. 23-4.) The three names are not may in reality be meant to form part of the Sanskrit, but apparently Desi words. It ought third sign. In that case the whole stands for to be noted that a small colony of Atharvavedis 404.
Plate I. (') स्वस्ति गोद्रहकसमावसितजयस्कन्धावारात्प्रसभप्रणतामित्राणां मैत्रकाणामतुलबलसंपन्नमंडलाभो
गससंक्तप्रहारशतलब्धप्र(2) तापात्प्रतापोपनतदानमानार्जयोपार्जितानुरागस्खनुरक्तमौलभृतश्रेणीबलावाप्तराज्यश्रियः परममा
TT: ftraei641(') छिन्नवंशान्मातापित्रिचरणारविन्दपणतिपवित्रीकाशेषकल्मषः शैशवात्प्रभृति खडुद्वितीयबाहुरेव
समदगजघटास्फोटनप्रकशितसबनिक(1) षः तत्प्रभावप्रणतारातिचूडारत्नप्रवासंसतपादननरश्मिसंहतिः सकलस्मृतिप्रणीतमार्गसम्यक्रियापा
लनप्रजाहृदयरंजनान्वर्थरा(*) 71021lenailareddamatégia: Hyfa: FICTING geriafugatuara arrastar
_ नः शरणागताभयप्रदाणपरतया (°) तृणवदुपास्ताशेषस्ववीर्यफलः प्रार्थनादिकार्थप्रदानंदितविद्वत्महत्प्रणयिहृदय पादचारीव सकलभुव
नसंडलाभोगt I take the compound samuddhatavipakshabhabhrin. that it may be Surnt. This identification cannot stand, as mikhilagomandalarakshah to consist of Bahuvrihi-80- Surat is a modern town. I am unable to offer wuy kux. muddhatt vipakshabhbhrito vena 80-and a Tatpurusha gestion as to the whereabouts of the town. nikhilasya gomandalasya árakshah-which together
Line 1, read ALATT . L. 2, read THEY form a Karmadhiraya compound. It is possible to explain the grammatical connection of the first part differently, L. 3, read fua; Torranato ;
4 ° L. 4.reant but the general sense remains the same. There is a pun on the words samuddhatavipakshabhubhrit and gomandala,
7H h ;
f . L. 5, read ET; frwhich the story of Kțishna's lifting Mount Govardhana sug.
grei; PETTY Tro. L. 6, read am; gested.
Forbes, R43 Mara, vol. I. p. 245, names Súry pura as TCC 4:. one of the harbours of the Anhilved kingdom, and thinks 141117184.