June, 1877.]
Yogisvara. The ritual prescription that at the Jayanti festival an arghya gift is always to be given to the moon, which term is on its part again limited to the rising of the moon, serves, on the authority of a passage from the Vishnudharmot- tara, T as a closer determination. If, however, Rohini does not meet the eighth exactly at midnight, it will suffice if this meeting occurs at any other moment either in the diurnal or noctur- nal portion of this lunar date: for this there are quotations from the Vasishthasanhita (fol. 84a) and from another Purá na. In a year in which anch a meeting does not occur at all, then not the Jayanti form, but the simple Janmashtami form of the festival is to be celebrated. But then also the midnight term for the tithi is kept. With this, inoreover, several specialities are connect. ed concerning the various possibilities of the beginning of the tithi, whether it coincides with sunrise, or occurs during the night, t &c. There are, moreover, yet other possibilities added for
the Jayanti form (fol. 840), because the star Rohini belongs to those (see Ind. Stud. X. 306) the connection whereof with the moon lasts throughout 1} Nycthemera. The principal question after all is, How in all these cases is the fast to be placed ?
As & closer discussion of these specialities here would carry us too far, I shall content myself with the subjoined quotations || from the Vishnurahashya (fol. 856), Adityapurára (fol. 856), Vishnudharma, Garuda-Padma-Brahma. vaivarta (fol. 86a)- and Skanda-Purána.
After farther briefly elucidating a special heightening of the sacredness of the Jayanti celebration by quotations from the Padm (fol. 860) and Slanila-Purána, as well as from the Vishnuliarmottara, viz. in the case when it falls on a Monday (somavásara) or Wed. nesday (vudhavisara), the author turns in conclusion to the paranam, i.e. to the infringement of the fast enjoined by the festival on the day
ardhartre tu yogo'yam t &r & patyuda y e tath niyatAmA suchih snátah půjárn tatra pravartayed iti Al. inserts between both hemistichs a third : Jayanti nama Bratris tatra jato Janárdanah
• Vasishthasam hitayam: ahoratrantayor (trattayor, Cod.) yogo 'tyasampurno bhaved yadimuhůrtam apy ahoratro yoga chet tâm uposhayed iti II.
Puranantare 'pt:-rohint cha yada krishnapaksho 'abtamyin dvijottama Jayanti nima s proktà sarvapapabara tithih. (The following verse is, according to R., from Vašishtha): vasare & niśAyAr v& yatra avalp & 'pi (80 also K. yadi yukta ta R.) rohini | višeshena nabhomise (ai R.) saivoposhya manishibhir (80 also K., sada tithir R.) iti | The thirty days (tithi) of the lunar month are distributed in a constantly changing way among the c. 29 Nyethemers which are at its service : see more in my Abh. tiber das Jyotisha, pp. 43-44, Ind. Stud. X. 262.. .
t tatrapi netarishtamfvad divase vedhah, kim ty ardhara travedbah tath cha tasminn eva parinântare (according to R. this is a Pardkaravachanam; Braleysivirte N.): diva A yadi vratrau na 'sti ched rohinikala råtriyuktam prakarvita višeshenendusamyutám itil anyatrd 'pi (D. 336-34): ashtami sivaratris cha hy ardha. ritrld adho yadi driyate ghatika yd, så půrva viddha prakirtitati || iti vedho nirupitab
I suryodayam Arabhys vartamán ashtamt suddha, nisl. thád arvak saptamya kiyatya 'pi yukta viddha.
Wherefore the rohinsahit& 'shtami is in the first place fourfold, -fuddha, viddha, fuddhadhika, viddhadhika; but each of these four species is again divided into three sub-species.
| Vishnarahasye (smriti in R.):
prej &patyarkah asamyukta krishna nabhasi cha 'shtam muhártam api labhyota eo 'poshy sumahiphala 11 muhartam wpy ahorâtre yasmin yoktam hi labhyate ashtamy a rohin i.Tiksham, tám supunya upavased (30 also A., N. Vr.) ita | 9 || ... tatra ya parved yur eva rohiniyukta viddha dhika, tasyam pavasas cha "dityapurane (adipur", R.) smaryate :
vin& riksharn na (riksbena, R.) kartavy navamisamyata 'shtami karya viddb'pi saptamya rohin isamyata 'shtamiti (also the Haribhaktívilasa, cited in sk., reads in the first padariks kena!) Vishnuwharme pi (rmottare in R.): Jayanti Sivaratriceha kheye bhadra jayin vite kritropavAsath tithyante tatha (tada R.) kuryat tu (cha R.) pranam iti!
The examination of the Vishudharma, as it is one of the older dharnaist:8, would here be of special importance (conf. particularly also Bühler's remark in the Z. der D. M. G. XXI. 327): but according to R. it is to be read Vishudharmottare, whereby the quotation considerably loses in interest, as the uttara part of the Vishnudharma is evidently of a much later date than the Vishudharm itself.
Garudapurane 'pi (Garulapurine-Vishnulharmottar. yok, R., p. 31, K. 3-16):
Jayanty & m purvaviddhayam pavlath samacharet 1 tithyante votsavante và vrati kurvita paranam iti il
(Thus Al., fol. 335, in our MS., also reads vrati kur whilst R., p. 82, has nirnayamrite tu pratikuutta paranam iti pathah. For votsa jante R. has afterwards the lection tarakante, but rejects it, because votsa vinte is said to be authorized by Hemidri, Nirnayâmpita, and Madhava.
Padmapurane (the first hemistich_is, according to At. Brahmaviivarte; the whole verse D. 30): karyå viddhi 'pi (viddhi yada ta D.) saptamy rohintsahit Ashtami ta. tropavasa i kurvita, tithibbantan (bhante, D.) cha para. nam iti
Brahmrvaivarte : --varjaniya prayatnoua saptamisannya, tashtami så sa-rkshA (sarikshi, Al. N. K.) 'pi na karta rys saptamisabita 'shtami (41. R.) aviddhayam tu sarksh.. yam jato Deva kinandana ital
Skandapurane (slona-Brakmunivartayol R. p. 31): saptamisainyutashtam yum bhûtvå riksham dvijottama prajapatyam dritige 'hni muhart&rdham bhaved yadi tad Ashtayamikam jneyam proktam Vysdibhib pureti |
Padmapurine : půrvaviddha 'shtami ya tu ndaye (R. K.) navsmidine muhúrtam api samyukta (also X, Stend 'pi R. N.) sampurna sa 'shtami bhavet || 1 kald-kishtha-muharta 'pi yade krishn Rohtami tithih! navamgam suiva gråhya syat saptamisarnyata 'na hiti 21
We have already above (p. 168) the quotation from the Padmap. (pretayoni); but here yet a fourth homistich is added (...višeshata(): kim panar navamiyukta kula. kotyås ta muktideti
Skandapurane (80 also N. 286, K.; Padmapurdna Al.; Brahmavo ivartaḥ R.; the first verse in D. 28) udaye chå 'shtami kimchip davamt sakala yadi bhavet tu vu. dhasamyukt (sâ budhavárena, D.) prAj ApatyarkahasambyatAll api varshasatena 'pi labhyate yadi va na veti
Vishnud harmottare 'pi (in D. as 27). Ashtami vadhavárena rohinisahit yada bhavet ta maniśårdala kim kritair vratakoţibhir itál