JUNE, 1877.]
the Skandapurána, and on the other hand they promise very special rewards for the fulfilment of a peculiarly meritorious form thereof, which is called Jayanti [where, namely, the solemn festival, i.e. the eighth day of the dark half of the 'last quarter of the month Śråvana (July -Angust) is connected with the star Rohini, Aldebaran]-thus five passages from the Vishnudharmottara, Vahnipurana, Padmapurdņa (fol. 786), Skandapurana, and Bhavishyottarapurd na.t Afterwards he quotes for the Jayanti a variety of different passages from the Purunas and similar works, with detailed information on its special relations: thus from the Vishnudharmottara, the Sanatkum árasarhita (fol. 79a), the Skandat: for some do not celebrate it in Srdvana (nabhas, July-August) but in Praushthapada (nabhusya, Bhadrapada, August-September), those, namely, who end the month with the full moon, or rather cause it to begin with the dark half, with whom, accordingly, the dark
half following the full moon of Sráva na no longer belongs to Śrávana, but to Praushthapada ;$ for this there are also two passages, from the Vishnurahasya and from the Vasieltasarhitd. With this is connected a. detailed explanation of the question (fol. 79a-826) whether, considering the higher position, or, rather, larger effectiveness and bearing of the Jayantivrata, the same ought not to be entirely separated from the Krishnajanmashtamivrata, in favour of which latter doctrine the author finally decides, with a display of much mind isá learn. ing, on five different grounds, namely: náma. bhedat, nimittabhedát, rúpabhedat, suddhamis. ratvabhedat, nirdesabhedách cha. Here his statement based on the third ground, rüpubheda (fol. 800), is of particular interest, namely, that the essence of the Janmashtami celebration consists cnly in the fast (upavasamátrani tasya svaru. pam) enjoined for it; whereas in the Jayanti celebration, the erection of a shed, watching
• Tatha cha smaryate (1 in Al., conf. D. 440; occurs in B. 606-6la, Skande after N.):
ridhramdosah khaga (kharah, Al.)-kAkam syenanh cha munisattama manseth vd dvipadAm bhaktath (bhuikte, Al.) Krishna janm&shta midineill janmashtamidine pr&pte yena bhuktar, dvijottama (nara. ahipa, B.) trailokynsambhavam p¶ tena bhuktam dvi. jottametí (na samsayah B. N.) 13
Bhavishyatpurane (I also N.; 1.3 Bhavishyottare, R.; 1b-3 in B 63, 64, 654, 616, 622)
krivane vahule pakshe Krishnajan m Ash amyratarn na karoti naro yas ta bhavati krQrarakshasa.b||1|| Krishnajan mash tamim tyaktvå yo 'ayad vratam uplente n&pnoti sukritar kiihohid ishtApurtum AthA. 'pi vå|||| varst.e-varshe tnya nari Krishnajanmashtami vrata na karoti mahalcrärå (R., yat p&pt , B.) vyált bhavati kánana iti | 3 |
Skindapurane 'pi (ia, sab. 3a,"in D. 486, 424, 49, 50a): yo na kurvanti janantah Krishnajanm Ashtam vratar te bhavanti mabAprajna vykla (AL., M. omita) vydghrá cha kinane | 1 || ratantihä purAnani bhayo-bhūyo mahamane atitAnsgatan tena (pitrito mátritas chaira, D.) kulam ekottaraiatam 2 11 patitam narako ghore bhunjata (yo bhuikte, AL) Krish navlears (janmani, Al.) iti 13
# Vishnudharmottare Jayantim prakritya pathyate (lb in R. as from the sivarahasya) : yad Alye yach cha ksnm &re yauvane vårddhake tathA vahujan makritam papam hanti so 'poshitA tithir iti
Vahnipurane: Raptajan makritam p&par rajan ynt trividhar prinAm tat kahala yati govindas tithau tasyfin subh&rchitab | 11 upavisa cha tatrokto ma h&pata ka nanah Jayanty &r jagatipala vidhin na 'trs samsaya iti ||
Padmapurane pi: preta yonigatanath ta pretatram nkitam narail (ta yaih, R.) 1 yaih kriti s ravane misi ashtami rohini yuta | 1 | kim punar vudhayrona domena 'pi viheshata itil (here N. re. marks: romah somavára iti kechit, yuktan tu chandrodaya iti M. belongs to the kechit, conf. below, fol. 889.)
Skandapurana 'pi (1), sa to arthan in D. 236, 24a): mshjay rthar kuru tsm Jayantim maktayo naghs ('thard, N.) | dharmam artham cha kama cha mokaham cha maniputhrava || 1!
dad Ati váñehhitin arthân ná 'narthamna 'tidurvalam (ye obA'nye 'py Atidurlabha, NK.) iti 1 2 11.
Bhavishyottare Jayantikalpe (Bhavishye al., 8a. 68),
70a) prativarshavidhanena madbhakto Dharmanandana naro va yadi va nari yathoktam phalam #pnugát (labhate phalam, sa.) 1 |
putrasantanam Arogyam saubhagyam atalam bhavet iba dharmaratir bhato(otva, Al. sa.)mrito vaikuntham &pnu. yád iti | 2 ||.
1 Vishnud harmottare :
rohini cha yada krishne pakshe 'shta myam dvijot. tama Jayanti nama sa proktê sarvap pahari tithir iti il and in the same: prajapatyarkshasamyutA krish ņå nabasi cha 'shtami sopavaso bareh pujám tatra kritve na sidatill (the last hemistich in N., Bhavishyatpurdnat).
Sanatkumarasamhitayam (v. 1 in D. 93): krinushva'yahito rajan kathyamánam maya 'naghar vanasye cha masaaya krishnashtamyêr naridhips | 1! rohint yadi labhyeta Jayanti náma A tithir iti
Skande: prajapatyena samyukta ashtami tu yada bbs. vetravane vahule si tu sarvap papranAsint 1 l
jayar punyam cha karute jay&n panyflrin cha (Jayantim iti, R.) tám vidar iti |
Satra kr Avana iti mukhyah kalpah nabhasya ity anukalpah. Conf. also fol. 836 iyam ashtami krishna pakshidimisavivakshaya bhadrapado bhavati, saiva "shtamt uklapakah dimisavivakshaya frårane bha vati, and fol. 18a : tathA, Jayantiprakarane smaryate:. mai bhdrapade'shtamym krishnapakabe 'rdharit. rake bhavet prajapater riksban Jayanti nAma så smiteti: atrapi Jayanty & bhadrapad Antargatatram masas ya pur nimantatvarn gamayati. Conf. my Abh. über die Naksha. tra II. 281, 342-5.
Vishnurahasye: ashtami krishnapakahuya rohini-şikaha (without sardhs!)-sathyuta bhavet prausthapade mlei Jayanti nima e emritet |
Vasishthasahhitaym (thus also K, Vishnupurane Sk.. but only 1): sråvane v nabhas ye vd rohinisahita 'shtimt) yada kriebne narir labdbA A Jyantiti kirtit 1.1 || Sravane na bhaved yogo (in case), nabhaaye tu bhaved dhruvam tayor abhavo yogasys tasmin varsbena sambhava iti || 21.
Purdndntaram : rohini chs yada kyiahne pakshe 'shtamy(th) dvijottama Jayauti nama sa proktà sarvap&pabara tithir iti
For this there is only one quotation, without mention of the work: kovalen opa v faena tasmin janm dine mama satajanmakritat papan machyato na 'tra maríaya itil