May, 1877.]
accuses Dêimachos of ignorance for asserting Eratosthenes uses here a peculiar expression : that the Bears do nowhere in India disappear for what is called by others the ripening of fruits from sight, nor shadows fall in opposite direc- and the juices of plants is called among the tions, as Megasthenes supposed.
Indians coction, which is as effective in producing FRAGM. X.
a good flavour as the coction by fire itself. To Pliny, Hist. Nat. VI. 22. 6.
the heat of the water the same writer ascribes Of the Setting of the Bear.
the wonderful flexibility of the branches of trees,
from which wheels are made, as also the fact of Next to the Prasii] in the interior are the Monedes and the Suari, to whom belongs
there being trees on which wool grows. [] Mount Males, on which shadows fall towards
Conf. Eratosth. ap. Strabo. XV. i. 18,-p. 690 :the north in winter, and in summer to the south,
From the vapours arising from such vast for six months alternately. The Bears, Baeton
rivers, and from the Etèsian winds, as Eratossays, in that part of the country are only once
thenes states, India is watered by the summer visible in the course of the year, and not for
rains, and the plains are overflowed. During more than fifteen days. Megasthenes says that
these rains, accordingly, flax is sown and this takes place in many parts of India.
millet, also sesamum, rice, and bosmorum,t and Conf. Solin, 52. 18:
in the winter time wheat, barley, pulse, and Beyond Palibothra is Mount Maleus, on
other esculent fruits unknown to us. which shadows fall in winter towards the north,
FRAGM. XII. and in summer towards the south, for six
Strabo, XV. i. 87,--p. 703. months altornately. The North Pole is visible in
Of some Wild Beasts of India. that part of the country once in the course of the
According to Megasthenes the largest tigers year, and not for longer than fifteen days, as are found among the Prabii, being nearly Baeton informs us, who allows that this occurs in twice the size of the lion, and so strong that a many parts of India.
tame tiger led by four men having seized a mule FRAGM. XI.
by the hinder leg overpowered it and dragged Strabo, XV. i. 20,--p. 693.
it to him. "The monkeys are larger than the Of the Fertility of India.ll
largest dogs; they are white except in the face, Megasthenos indicates the fertility of India which is black, though the contrary is observed by the fact of the soil producing two crops every elsewhere. Their tails are more than two cubits year both of fruits and grain. [Eratosthenes in length. They are very tame, and not of a writes to the same effect, for be speaks of a malicious disposition : so that they neither at. winter and a summer sowing, which both have tack man nor steal. *Stones are dug up which rain: for a year, he says, is never found to be are of the colour of frankincense, and sweeter without rain at both those seasons, whence en than figs or honey. "In some parts of the coungues a great abundance, since the soil is always try there are serpents two cubite long which productive. Much fruit is produced by trees; s have membranous wings like bats. They fly and the roots of plants, particularly of tall reeds, about by night, when they let fall drops of urine are sweet both by nature and by coction, since the or sweat, which blister the skin of persons not moisture by which they eru nourished is heated on their guard, with patrid sorer, There are by the rays of the sun, whether it has fallen
also winged scorpions of an extraordinary size. from the clouds or been drawn from the rivers. Ebony grows there. There are also dogs of
6 "The Mandali would seem to be the same people m The Malli or Malei would therefore be the same people us the Monedes of Pliny, who with the Buari, occupied
Ptolemy's Mandalne, who occupied the right bank of the the inland oountry to the south of the Palibothri. As this
Ganges to the south of Palibothra, or they may be the peois the exact position of the country of the Måndas and Suara, ple of the Rajmahal hills who are called Maler : ..... I think it quito certain that they must be the same moe ...... The Sunri of Pliny are the Babarrs of Ptolemy, the Monedes and Suari of Pliny. In another page Pliny mentions the Mandei and Malli M Occupying the
and both may be identified with the aboriginal Bavarus country between the Calings and the Ganges. Amongst
or Suars, wild race of woodcutters who live in the jun. the Malli there was a mountain named Mallas, which
gles without any fixed habitation."-Ounningham's Anc. would seem to be the same as the famous mount Malens of
Geog. of India, pp. 508-9. the Monedes and Susri. I think it highly probable that | Conf. Epit. 5, 9. both names may be intended for the celebrated mount Conf. Herod. II. 86. "Velleraque ut foliis depectant Mandar, to the south of Bhagalpur, which is fabled to have ten wis Seres? -Virgil, Goor. ii. 181.-Falooner. been wed by the gods and demond at the churning of the
livov, perhaps the Alvor od dmd derðpémy of Arrian. OOD. The Mandei I would identify with the inhabitants
+ Boopopov-Strabo XV. i. 18.