[APRIL, 1877.
moon on his crest-tuft, and having pleased his is born as a worm in ordure for the duration mind by bringing all countries into a state of of sixty thousand years, who confiscates land quiet, was like Yudhishthira on account of that has been bestowed, whether by himself or his excessive affection, and like Vå sud ê va* by another! This chartez has been written by on account of his being the beloved of the god. - $ r 1-R â ma punya vallabha, the High dess of fortanet, and like Parasurama on (Minister), who is entrusted with the arrangeaccount of his being the elephant-goad of kings, ment of peace and war." and like Bharata on account of his being the refage of kingst--thus issues his commands to
No. XXX. all people
This is another from Sir W. Elliot's facsimile "Be it known to you! Six hundred and eleven collection. It is marked as having been obtainyears of the Saka (era) having elapsed, in the ed through Captain Newbold from the Karnůl tenth year of (Our) angmenting and victorious district. The original consists of three plates reign, at (Our) Victorious camp which is located about 9" long by 4'' broad, and the seal of the on the bank of the Pampà (river, or lake), on ring connecting them bears the emblem of a the day of the fall-moon of the month) Kart- boar. The charactors are still more carelessly tika, there is given by Us, with the right of formed than those of the preceding; so much enjoyment, to Bhima sarma, who is pro- so that in lines 28 to 42, where many proper ficient in all the sacred writings and who knows names occur, the reading is in many places very the Vedas and the Veda ngas, the son's doubtful. This is, in fact, the most indifferent son of Dê vasarma and the son of Durga- specimen of an early copper plate charter that sarma, of the lineage of Bharad v å ja, I have yet seen. The slant of the letters from .........$, (viz.) the Adityunchhamaru- left to right is still more distinct than in the manna at the village of T8 .........du, preceding grant. (and) the Márunchhamarumanna at the village The inscription is dated in the Saka year of Gulla vel endaru, (and) the Marunchha- 614, (according to the original, six hundred and marumanna. at the village of Varē y u, (and) the thirteen years of the Saka (era] having elapsed)', Márunchhamarumanna at the village of Bat- in the thirtec: fi year of Vina y å ditya's těy û, in the district of Pēdek ul. This (grant, reign, and, like the preceding, records a grant to or charter) should be preserved by future kings, celebrate some victory that he had just gained. whether they belong to Our lineage or to other At the time of making this grant, he was enfamilies, as long as the moon and the sun and camped at the village of Elumpundale, the earth and the ocean last, just as if it were a and the principal grant is of the village of grant bestowed by themselves, bearing in mind Musuņiparu. This village was somewhere that the charms of life and riches &o. are as on the north bank of the Krishna v êrņa, evanescent as the lightning. And it has been i.e of the Krishna after its confluence with said by the holy V y â sa, the arranger of the the Verņa.ll Except thus far, I cannot identiVedas:-Land has been enjoyed by many kings fy the locality in question; and the other two from Sagara downwards; he, who for the names in line 28 are very doubtful. The grant time being possesses land, enjoys the fruits of was made at the request of Vinay aditya's it! It is a very easy thing to bestow a grant son, Vijay aditya, who at that time was oneself, (but) the preservation of the grant of) holding the post of Yuvaraja, and who succeeded another is difficult; (if the question is) whether his father on the throne. The record of this giving or preserving (is the more commendable grant, again, was made by the Peace and War act), -preservation is better than giving! He Minister, Rama punya valla bih a.
* Krishna.
* Supply, to complete the comparison, the second mean. ing intended in sri-ramatuút, vis. 'just as Vasudeva was the beloved of the goddess Sri, 8c. because he was an incarnation of Vishnu, the husband of Srl or Lakshmi.'
1 In No. 98 of Major Dixon's collection (see below) he is called 'Vinay&ditya-Rájásraya.'
S See note to l. 30 of the text; some such word as two, due, or perquisite has to be supplied here.
|| Conf. Gadag Inscription No. 2, Ind. ant., vol. III., p. 300, Transcription line 13. The Vêrnå would seem to be the Vênå or Venya near Satårå. The 'Kudala-Krishravêni', or the Krishna and the Vêni of the confidence', of line 14 of a Dévagiri-YAdava inscription at Khedrapur in the Kölh&pur territory (published by me in the Jour. Eo Br. R. As. Soc., No. xxxiii., vol. XII.), seems to be another form of the same name.