MARCH, 1877.)
Second plate; second side. [20] रतामनिवारिता विक्रमादित्य (त्या) [u] अपि च मृदितनरसिंहयशसा वि[A] हिते(त)महेन्द्रप्रतापविलयेन
नयन विजितेश्वरेण
प्रभुणा [22] श्रीवल्लभेन जितः कृतपलवमई (दो) दक्षिणदिग्युवतिमत्तकाञ्ची(ञ्चि)कायो(यां) [3] भृशमाभिरनापि सुतरा(रा) श्रीवल्लभवमिदं वहति स्वमर्त्यवन्त रण[24] रसिकश्रीमदुरुबलस्कन्ध(न्धो) यो राजमलशब्दविहितमहामल[25] कुलपाराजितस्य [i] दुल(ल)घ(नय)दुष्करविभेदविशालसाला दुग्धदुस्त[26] रबृहत्परिखापरि(री)ता अग्राहि येन जयतेश्वरपोतराज(ज)काञ्चीव [27] दक्षिण दिशाक्षितिपेन काञ्ची [1] स विक्रमाक्रान्तसकलमहीमण्डलाधि[28] राज्यो विक्रमादित्यसत्याश्रयश्रीप्रि(घ)थिवीवलभमहाराजाधिराजपरमेश्व[29] र: सानेवमाज्ञापयति ] विदितमस्तु वो स्माभिः कौशिकसगोत्रस्य
Third plate. [30] नन्दिस्वामिना(ने) कृच्चा(च्छ्रा)तिकृछ्र(च्छ्र)चान्द्रायणादिकेन बहुविधेन तपसा सकल. [31] वेदान्तपरमााधिगतसतत्वे(त्त्वा)न(य) कण्णविषये कन्दुगुल्लामग्रामपूर्व[32] स्यान्दिशि चिन्तकुण्ठनामग्रामो दत्तः [0] काश्यपसगोत्रस्य शान्तिशर्मसोम[39] याजिन(ने) हारितसगोत्रस्य अशितितर्कस्य आदित्यशर्मणे सोमयाजिन [38] एतयोयो [र"]पि ग्रामार्द्धन्दत्तम् [u] भरद्वाजगोत्रस्य अगुन्यु(?)[35] भोयोपिदिशर्मणे द्वादशभागः दामशर्म एक[38] भागः लोहस्वामि एकभागः माण्डव्यगोत्रस्य भलस्वामि ए. [37] कभागः बादिशर्म एकभागः पिदिशर्म एकभागः काश्यपगो[38] त्रस्य निज़(?)भोयोदोणशर्म एकभागः गन्दभोयो एकभागः [] [39] ग्रामे
पन्नासभागम् Translation.
I purified by ablutions performed after celeHail! Victorious is the body, which was brating horse-sacrifices, and who adorned the that of a Boar, that was manifested of Vishnu, family of the Chalu k yas, who are of the which agitated the ocean, and which had the kindred of Manavya (&c., as in No.XXVII.); earth resting upon the tip of its up-lifted right --the grandson of the favourite of the world, tusk!
the Great King Sri-Kirttivarma, whose The great-grandson of the Great King fame was established in the territories (&c., as Sri-Pulakeki-vallabha, whose body was in No. XXVII.) ;-the beloved son of the
Some verb, such aachakara,'he made', or prdpayam- | SProbably tho ronding intended in mahamala-kularit dsa, has to be supplied here to complete the sentence. pardjitavdn. • A better reading would be naya for nayana, as the
Probably the reading intended is adhtta-tarkaya. latter is hardly capable of use in the sense of maya orniti
** This letter is omitted altogether in the original.
Ht From here to the end the characters are of a larger and which is evidently intended here.
inferior type, and this portion seems to have been added at † The reading intended is probably, abhiramann-api. a later data. The language also is very inaccurate, and the
I The letters are clear, but what they are intended for use in the last line of the Pråkpit or Markthi word pannas, is not very spparent.
| 'fifty', is peculiar.