MARCH, 1877.
tender years at the time of the death of Puli- fesses only to be based upon an earlier copperkes1 II., and allow that the reign of Puli- plate grant, and consequently is, at the best, k 8 41 II. continued till about Śaka 550, which of only precisely the same authority as a copis perfectly possible, the lapse of time is suffi- per-plate grant; and it has, moreover, all the ciently well accounted for.
style of being a tonched-up and amplified verIn the case of such a discrepancy as the sion of the original. present, between a stone-tablet and a copper- ___Accordingly, I accept VikramadityaI. plate grant, I should be inclined, cæteris paribus, as the son, and not the grandson, of Puli kesi to allow a preferential authority to the stone- II. And I would further suggest the probabitablet, as being a record of a more public lity of Amara and Adityavarma being nature and in every way less easy to fabricate. really not of the Châluk ya family at all, but But, in the present instance, we have the con- two of the three confederate kings, who seized comitant testimony of other copper-plate grants upon the sovereignty after the reign of Puli. in support of the one under notice. And the kosi II., and from whom Vikran, aditya stone-tablet, with which it is at variance, pro- | I. wrested it again.
First plate. [1] स्वस्ति [u] जयत्याविष्कृतं विष्णो राहं शोभितार्णवं दक्षिणोन(न)तदंष्ट्राग्र[2] विश्रान्तभुवनं वपुः [u] श्रीमतां सकलभुवनसंस्तूयमानमानव्यस[3] गोत्राणां हारिति(ती)पुत्राणां सप्तलोकमातृभि(भिः) सप्तमातृभिरभिवाता[4] नां कार्तिकेयपरिरक्षणप्राप्तकल्याणपरम्पराणां
भगवन्ना[6] रायणप्रसादसमासादितवराहलाञ्छनेक्षणक्षणव[8] शीकृताशेषमहीभृतां चलुक्यानां कुलमल (लं)कं (क)रिष्णोरश्वमेधावभृ[7] थस्नानपवित्रीकृतगात्रस्य श्रीपुलकेशिवल्लभमहाराजस्य
प्रपो[8] त्रः
पराक्रमाक्रान्तवनवास्यादिपरनृपतिमण्डलप्रणिबद्धविशु[9] द्वकीर्ति (ति)श्रीकीर्ति (त्ति)वर्मप्रि(पृ)थिवीवल्लभमहाराजस्य पौत्रः समर
Second plate; first side. [10] संसक्तसकलोत्तरापथेश्वरश्रीहर्षवर्द्धनपराजयोपलब्धपरमे[11] श्वर(रा)परना(ना)मधेयस्य सत्याश्रयश्रीप्रि(प)थिवीवल भिमहाराजाधिराजप[12] रमेश्वरस्य प्रियतनयः चित्रकण्ठाख्यप्रवरतुरंगमेणे]केनैव [13] प्रेरिता(तो) नेकसमरमुखेषु रिपुनृपतिरुधिरजलस्वादनरसानायमनज्व-* [[14] लि(?ळि)तधवळनिशितनिस्त्रि(खि)शं(श)धारया धृतधरणीभरभुजगभोग[15] सशनिजभुजविजितविजिगीषुः
आत्मकवचाममानेकप्र[16] हार(र.) स्वगुरो(रोः) श्रियमवनिपतित्रिता(तया)न्तरितामात्मक साक(कृ)य कृतका[17] धिष्ठिताशेषराज्यभरस्तस्मित्राज्यत्रयेण विनष्टानि देवस्वं (स्व)ब्रह्म[18] देयानि धर्मयशोभिवृद्धयें . स्वमुखेन स्थापितवान(न) रणशिरसि [19] रिपुनरेन्द्रादिशि दिशि जित्वा स्ववंशजान् लक्ष्मी(क्ष्मी) प्राप्तपरमेश्व
* Some emendation seems necessary here. I would This 'syllable--na-is superfluous, as the locativo suggest jala-svådana-nama-rasdyana-jvalita, and have rdjya-traye is required with tasmin. Or, if rd jya-trayana adopted this in my translation.
| in to be upheld, tasmin must be corrected into tina.. * This syllable,-ka-issuperfluons, the nsnal form, and, | We must read here either sva-vavinsa-janam, or sear Iapprehend, the only correct form, being atmasat-kritya. | vailaba-jam.