[MARCH, 1875.
there is no other than you able to destroy him : not be overcome; and this Grâ haripa has therefore summon an army, and, as this vile one the command of the mountains, forest, and the cannot be destroyed by an army alone, seek for ocean-all three: therefore it is difficult, and some other resource also, and prepare munitions there is none on the earth or in the sky beside of war. It is fit to kill Grå haripu, who yourself who can subdue him. O Master, the exacts new taxes from some people, plunders the moment you bugin to advance against Gråproperty of others, slays others. The Raja who haripu and the other warriors of the Abhir can punish murderers and does not, is a murderer race, that moment their wives, hearing it, will himself: be assured of this and relinquish sloth. begin to lament, because your exploits are as As Indra slew Jambusar, as Vishņa slew MA famous as Arjana's."S dhava Daitya, as Siva slew Tripurasura, so you When he heard these words, great was the must slay this Grå haripu that afflicts the thirst in the mind of Mular aja to do battle. world."
Like a flower was his person with joy : looking Tbus spake Jehal. On hearing this, the at his two hands he stood up and came forth Raja asked Jambak, making a sign to him with from the court chamber, followed by all the the eye, whether or not it were proper to slay | chieftains that were seated there. Grå haripu and the rest. He answered
The Third Sarga. thus:--
Afterwards Mularâja prepared for vijayaya. "This Vamanasthali, where Gråharipu tra : meanwhile the Surd Ritu (Diváli) too relives, is seven kos from the Ujjayantádri turned. At that season a good crop was raised. mountain and twenty from the ocean, and he has The village lords took a share of it from the cultibailt another fortf one kos from the mountain vators, for it is they who have a claim upon the and four (224) kos from the ocean ;I and this cultivators; and the Raja took his share from Grå haripu closes not his eyes even at night, these lords of the villages, because the Raja's Bo that he may not be easily conquered. And claim is upon the village lords. you think of sending an army to conquer him: When the rains begin, the hansa, rising, flies that is as if one were to attempt cutting down off to the Manasarovara ; and after the rains a great tree with a grass-cutter's sickle. Your the linsu returns to the Gangå and the other army could not encamp within even a hundred rivers; and the Sard Ritu having come, so it kos of Grå haripu's city, and when he sur- happened. At that time the rice crop was rounds your army, then you cannot even render ready, and the cultivators' wives, guarding it, assistance. If, therefore, you wish to conquer sang songs in the fields, causing to look very this Grå haripu, you must not only send an beautiful the country. Then, from the day of army, but you must go yourself: then will he be Nararatri, the Raja seated Brahmans in the conquered. Moreover, Lakha, the lord of temples of the Devas to make the páráyana of Kachhdesa, is so great & friend of Gråthe Vedi and the Chandi Pát. Setting up the haripu's that one would think they were waterpot, the Brâhmans fasted for nine days, brothers; and other Rijas too are his assistants, sleeping on the ground instead of their beds at Turk and Mlechha, that cause fear to the world ; night, and abstaining from intercourse with and L â khá too is a great Raja that cannot be their wives. On the ninth day they made & overcome by any. Kachhdesa is thirty-two feast, -on the day of the Dasark they anointed kos from Sorath desa, so that that son of the head of the Raja with water from the jar Phulå Maharaja, L & khâ, is not far they had set up. At this time it is customary to off from Grå haripu, and there are many begin to teach children the Vedas and other Vidya, other Rajas to aid these two inimical ones; because this is the month of Sarasvati. It is be not confident, therefore, that the leader of the custom to hold a great festival to Indra from your army, going alone, will seize and bring Ashad Suddh 8th to 15th, and to raise great
flags upon the temples. The cowherds at this "O Raja, the enemy that has the aid of moun. Beason drink milk and coarse sugar. The young tains, or of Mewas (forest), or of the ocean can- women in the small villages sport, bantering Or Urjayantadri--Mount Girner.
1 Probably referring to Junagadh. + The Uparkog of Junegadh.
$ Ras Mal, vol. I. p. 55.