MARCH, 1875.)
but took his seat on the throne. Afterwards, when opportunity occurred, the Rija told Jamhak and Jehal his thought of destroying Graha. ripu and the other injurers of Siva's tirtha at Prabhasa Kshetra. "Grâ haripu," said he, "was made of consequence by me, but, as if born in an inauspicious hour, he has grown shameless and slays the people performing penances; therefore, as a man who has been entrusted by another with authority should not be killed, I put it to you both whether, looking at it in this way, this one should not be killed ? Say, therefore, what is your joint opinion : should he be destroyed or not? O Jambak, slayer of enemies, who art like Vrihaspati, and 0 Jehal, who art wise as Sukra, tell, therefore, at once what is fit to be done." Jehal answered, -"Grå haripu, who is an Abhir (or shepherd) by caste, is very tyrannical: therefore the order given you by Sivaji for his destruction is right. I think you should act even so. Grâ haripu, being ruler of Saurashtra Desa, kills the pilgrims going to Prabhâsa, and casts their flesh and bones entire into the way, so that though people wish to go to that tirtha, no one can do so from this terror; and the seat of royalty in Sorath Deba, which, from the splendour of Sri Krishna, till now deserved praise, has become soiled by the tyranny of Raja Gråharipu. This is the cause of anger. Grâ haripu lives at Våmanasthalit-the city rendered splendid by the flags of Hanuman and Garuda, and in Durga pali and other places he permits to dwell thieves; and in his strength this Raja dwells at Vå maņasthali without fear. He is like to Rivaņa, and therefore the devout cannot live there ; like an arrow he causes pain in the breasts of the religious. He slays the armies of his enemies and is victorious; he eats the flesh of animals and drinks spirituous liquor; and in the fight he feeds the Bhutas and Pisichas and all their crew with the blood of enemies. He despises Brahmaņs; this lord of the west, Grå haripu, has caused many Râjas cfthesouth and of the north to flee leaving their chariots ; therefore now he regards no one, nor thinks of any, but looks loftily as he walks, as if he medi
tated the conquest of Svarga. The earth is afflicted from the weight of his sins; and the men of skill in his kingdom, from associating with such an evil one, practise their skill in constructing all sorts of weapons, from which it is impossible to escape, --in discriminating between religious and irreligious practices they do not exercise themselves. Gråharipu is young and lusty, and full of desire : therefore, slaying his enemies, he carries off their wives to his female apartments. In military force he is strong, so that all Rijas have to yield to him. Like Yama, Gråha ripu is huge in person, and in temper too he is like Yama,-he seems disposed to devour the whole world or to seize upon Paradise. This Grå haripu causes great calamity, plundering people passing along the roads, and destroying great forty and places of safety among the mountains. He can pass and repass the ocean also: therefore, as when Destiny is enraged with the world, people have no means left of escape. He is very wealthy : the Raja of Sindh Desa he seized, compelling him to pay a fine of elephants and horses; and many Rijas has he subiaed. Were he to make war on Yama, I believe his only means of escape would be submission. This Mlechha hunts in Revata chal, and slays the deer at Prabh â sa, which should not be slain. He eats the flesh of cows, which should not be eaten, and commits other tyrannical acts. Wise men say that any Rija who has the power of punishing this tyrant and does not, becomes guilty of his sins; therefore if you do not destroy him, yours will be the sin. If you assemble not an army and expel him, his strength will day by day increase, till at last he will be unconquerable by you, and, on the contrary, will overcome you. I
"O Raja, though now you could take him if you chose, yet still you keep on a sort of good terms with him. But he is a deceiver, un. worthy to be trusted. Besides, Mahadeva has ordered you, O Raja, in a dream at night; and it is the practice of the Chaluky a race to punish such tyrants: therefore consider this. O Raja, Sivaji has given to you the command, becauso before Mularija's time, and yet makes his son Kheng &r, the contemporary of Siddhar ja, in the 12th century!
+ The modern Vanthali or Banthali, eight miles from Jun gadh, where the ruins of the palace of Vera R&ja ere pointed out:conf. vol. III. p. 180. I Girns.r and the surrounding hills. $ Pattan Somankth. Conf. Rás Mald, vol. I. pp. 53-4.
TE- ter-animals, and fig-enemy :-The enemy of the water-animals-a title rather than a name. Conf. Tod's Rajasthan, vol. II. pp. 447, 451; Forbes's Ras Mala, vol. I. pp. 53, 58. Probably the Rio Day at of tradition, or his son Naughan, is here meant. The latter was reared by an Ahir Damed Devat. But Amérji Ranchodji Diwan's chronology places Nsaghan 180 or 140 years