117 and the passive workel--the union of which gave birth to Shival, tlic destroyer.
'The following are the attributes of the Trimurti: Bralıma, the creative being: Vishnu, the preserving wisdom; Shiva, the destructive wrath of Justice. Brahma is the substance of which everything is made, Vishnu the space in which all things live, and Shiva thc time which annihilates all things. Brahma, the air which invigorates all, Vishnu, the water which sustains the strength of crcatures; Shiva, the fire which breaks the bond that unites all things. Bralıma is the past, Vislinu thic present, and Shiva the future. Each part of the Trimurti possesses also a wife. That of Brahma is Serastative newisdom; that of Vishnu is Lakshmi. goddess of virtue; and Shiva is wedded to Kali, the goddess of death, the universal destroyer.
From this last union was born the wisc god Ganesha, and Indra, chief of thic infcrior divinitics; the number of which including all objects of worship of the Hindus reaches three hundred millions.
Vishnu came down upon earth eight times, incarnating himself first in a fish, to save the sacred books from the delugc, then successively in a tortoise, a dwarf, a wild boar, a lion, then in Rama, who was a king's son, in Krishna and finally in Buddha. He will come for the ninth time in the form of a cavalier mounted upon a white horse to destroy death and sin.
Jesus denied the existence of all these hierarchical absurditics of God, which obscured the great principle of monotheism.
The Brahmins, seeing that the people began to adopt the doctrines of Jesus, their opponent whom they had hoped to win to themselves, resolved to kill him; but being warned by his faithful followers of the
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