l'aria, who is banislıcd from all the towns and villages; he is the object of general scorn, is considered an abject creature, permitted to perform only the basest labor,
The same punishment may also be inflicted on a nicmber of the other caste; but he, however, by repenting, fasting and penances can re-enter his former rank in the castc, while the unfortunate Shudra, once driven from liis caste, is forever lost.
This explains the worship, by the Vaishyas and the Shudias, of jesus, wiio altitough menaced by the Brahmins and Kshatriyas, continued teaching them.
Now, Icsus in his sermons censured not only the inCisciz
atan? Sanaz and he worship of a munkes it piece of mirble or metal, but. also, lie condenined the very principle of Brahmanisni, its system of gods, its doctrines and its Trimurti, the corner stone of that rcligion
l'arabrahma is represented with three saccs upon one licad; this is tic Trimurti composed of Brahma, the crcator, Vishuu, the preserver and Shiva, thic destroyer.
Tlic origin of the Trimurti is:
In the beginning Parabrahma crcated the waters und in them cast the generative sccd which transformicd itself into a glowing egg rellccting the image of Braluna. Millions or centurics passed bymayhen Bralıma divided the cgg into two parts, one of which, the upper luall, became the sky, thic lower half, the earth. This done, Brahma descended on carth in the form of a child seating himself on a lotus-flower, and there began to ponder within liimiself thus: Who will watch over and preserve what I have created? An answer came from his mouth in tlic form of a flame "1" And Bralima gave to this word the name Vislinu, which means "he who preserves." Then Brahimit Jivielest his being into two parts, the one male, the other female-the active world
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