BENDER: THE NALARĀYADAVADANTICARITA (TRANS, AMER. PHIL. Soc. permit any slip. Afterwards, Kusala returned to you, to bring you easily to Kundinapura by sunrise; Kosala and, upon arriving, met with King Bhima. (237) prepare for me a chariot with good horses." (254)
The young Brāhman said, "Listen, lord, he is hunch- The king, heartened, then caused to be prepared horses backed in form and very ugly; but no other man knows and a chariot, and had them brought up with much as he does how to cook a dish in the sun or control an prancing. Delighted, he mounted the chariot well elephant. (238) He wept copiously at the Nātaka equipped and accompanied by his umbrella-bearer, his of Nala, [but] when questioned, did not admit himself chowrie-wavers, and betel-box-bearer. (255) Binding to be Nala. When I sang the song of censure to him, the jewel-casket and the vilva-fruit to his waist and, he gave me gifts." (239)
after uttering the invocation, the clever Hundika Then Davadanti said, "Father, that surely is Nala. whispered the syllable of a magic spell into the horses' There was in our house no hunchback Hundika, who ears; took his seat in the chariot; and drove it off. (256) had such an accomplishment. (240) His change of As the chariot went along with the speed of the wind form is due to [bad] food or to the altering effect of a scarf fell off and was blown up in the breeze. When some form of karma, etc. The combined knowledge the chariot came to a stop, it (the scarf) was on the of elephants, giving of Igreat) gifts, and so forth-all ground twenty-five yojanas distant. (257) The king these are the positive characteristic marks of Nala. saw a vibhitaka-tree and stated that the number of (241) He must be brought here by whatever means (its) fruits was eighteen-thousand. Then the Hunch
back knocked them down, counted them, and, to his The king's minister then proposed a means to the surprise, the count came out exactly. (258) Hundika king: "Order a second feigned svayamvara of Dava- taught Dadhiparņa the art of horses and received the danti and invite King Dadhiparņa. (242) Then, if science of calculation in return). At sunrise, the he is Nala, at the mention of the svayamvara he will chariot reached Kundinapura and stopped. The king come with the king. Nala, if living, would not endure was delighted. (259) his wife's disgrace. How will he remain there? (243) Meanwhile, Davadanti had a dream and, going to A near date should be set for the svayamvara. If he her father, she paid her respects and said, "A goddess comes then, he will be Nala, for the art of knowing a pointed out to me in Kośalā a delightful garden. (260) horse's heart is a mark of Nala." (244)
There was a large fragrant mango-tree covered with Bhima dispatched a messenger who went there and flowers and fruits. When I climbed up this superb said to Dadhiparņa, "Bhimi's second svayamvara will divine tree a very dark bird, which had previously take place on the fifth day of the bright fortnight of flown up on it, fell down from the tree with the sound Caitra." (245) Hearing this, the king (thought), dhas.' (261) The goddess gave me a lotus in my "Today is the fourth. It would take me with diffi- hand." The king said, "It is clear that this is a fruitculty many days to make the journey." (And] he ful and favorable (dream]. The goddess is to be squirmed like a fish fallen in a fire. (246) Then known as your heap of merit; the pleasure garden must Hundika approached and said, "Why do you grieve, be considered the acquisition of the kingdom; (262) o hero? If I could learn the cause), then I would climbing the mango-tree is the pleasure of meeting remove it as the flood of a river does a tree." (247) with Nala; the fall of the bird, the destruction of "King Nala is now but the subject of story. There- Kübara's good fortune; [and] the splendid fragrance fore, a svayamvara has once more been arranged for of the beautiful lotus given you indicates that today Davadanti who is still young [and] I am impatient to your husband will be reunited with you." (263) wed her. (248) The svayamvara will be held to- At that time Dadhiparņa had arrived at the gate morrow, and there are only six or seven pahars (and] Sumangala came and announced the good news. (watches) intervening. How, then, can I get there," King Bhima went to meet him. Davadanti's joy asked the king. (249)
was beyond measure. (264) Then the wise Nala thought this in his mind: "Even Dadhiparna was taken to the palace by Bhima, if the sun should rise in the west, nevertheless the without his seeing the svayamvara. When he was daughter of King Bhima, who is the last word among alone, Bhima asked him, "How did you come?" virtuous women, would not even look at any man other Dadhiparņa answered, "This very clever fellow, (265) (than me). (250) If Davadanti should make a choice Hundika, my cook, brought me here quickly, without at her second svayamvara, what woman, then, in this a stop." Bhima said to Hundika, "Let the clever one great sansāra will act as is fit!" (251) But the mind prepare a sun-cooked dish." (266) He (Hundika) reof a woman, capricious like lightning, changes in a plied, "We have come in haste eager to witness Davamoment. With me alive, however, what man will danti's svayamvara. First, perform the svayamvarawed that jewel of women, Davadanti? (252) By ceremony. Afterwards, attend to the dish." (267) means of the power of my magic art I will take Dadhi- The king said further to Bhimi, "Except Nala no parņa to the city of King Bhima in six pahars. I must one else pleases you. So what is the reason for the go with him for who can trust a woman?" (253) svayamvara? You say that you know of his death."
The Hunchback then said, "I guarantee, if I take (268) (Davadanti said,] "The reason why Dadhi