297 Consonantal:
consonantal base here. The future passive base is karisi (288) 'do'
formed by attaching -- (or -si- to the passive base in karasi (B 288) 'do
-2-. Passive bases occur with the third person singular chamdasi (B 101) 'abandon
and plural suffixes only. Third person.
Singular. (-isi-)
Third person. Vocal: jaisii (203) 'go'
ütārīim (91)
'scatter') hoisii (S 194). 'become
übhiim (26)
'erect') Consonantal:
karāvii (26)
'cause to be done ävisii (196) 'come
dasii (202)
'bite' cālisti (H 251) 'behave
dii (BH 98)
'give' bhogavisii (142) enjoy'
parinii (286)
'marry' milisii (263) 'meet'
bhogavii (302)
'enjoy [halāvisiim (142) 'move']
mamdāvii (89)
'cause to be begun' (-isi-)
melävii (96)
"join' vad hävii (H 95)
'welcome Consonantal:
(samtoșiim (88)
delight'] bhogavisii (H 142) "enjoy
[suniim (7)
'hear') (-is-)
(-iy-) Vocal:
diyai (98)
'give' jaisai (B 203) 'go'
bhogavīyai (P 302) enjoy hoisi (P 158) 'become (hoyasai (B 158) 'become']
dijai (29)
'give' pahucijai (249)
'arrive' Consonantal:
bhanijai (29)
“repeat' räkhisi (138)
'keep' (-as-)
Plural. Consonantal:
(navarāvii (B 91)
'bathe'] (āvasaim (B 196) 'come']
nhaväviim (91)
'bathe (-esi-)
poșiim (88)
'feed' Consonantal:
sinagārīim (91) 'adorn' cälesii (251)
[posīya (B 88)
'feed] (-si-)
(-ij-) Vocal:
dījaim (87) husii (H 162) 'become
4. Bases of the Causative. husii (162) 'become
Bases of the Causative are formed by: (1) variation hosii (320) 'become
of the vowel of the simple base; (II and VI) suffixation, (-:-)
with or without variation of the vowel of the simple Vocal:
base; and (III-V) suffixation. hasai (B 162) 'become
I. (a) a replaced by : 70 hasai (221) *laugh'
utāri (52) 'cause to alight' (conj. pt.) hosi (207) 'become
kāriu (269) 'cause to be done' (pst. pt.) Plural.
(b) i replaced by ā: 71
pāai (PS 152) 'give to drink' (pres. indic.) Second person.
paim (152) 'give to drink' (pres. indic.) (-si-)
II. -Uv-72 A long vowel of the simple base may Vocal:
be shortened. jāsiu (9) 'go'
karävai (296) 'cause to be done' (pres. indic.)
70 Cf. MG ularul descend' and utärvu 'set down.' 3. Bases of the Passive.
71 See Tessitori, 1914-1916: $141.4 and cf. MG piva 'drink' The markers of the Passive are -i(y)- and -īj- and pāvũ 'give to drink.' There are no examples of the occurrences of these with
72 Cf. MG kärvit 'do' and karāvvü 'cause to be done' cadvil vocal bases. The base of de- 'give,' upon which the
'ascend' and cadavull cause to rise'; calvu 'proceed' and calavat 'set
in motion': bha mi 'speak, recite and bhandul 'make learn or Passive is formed, is d-, and is, therefore, considered a study'; mamdva 'begin and mamdāvvü 'cause to begin.'