VOL. 40, PT. 4, 1950)
piyu (P 204) 'father' ām: ghanām (241) 'many'
lahu (6)
'gain' saghalām (277)
sāhu (20)
'Sadhu' ā: alighanā (93) 'many'
ú: vanagajū (164) 'wild elephant' varū (251)
'choice' au ('extended')-bases, locative plural, masculine.
Adjective. Noun.
u: guru (73)
'grave' e: hemavae (22) 'Himālayas'
bahu (10)
'much' au ('extended')-bases, locative plural, neuter.
lahu (74)
'younger' Noun.
A-bases, nominative singular, neuter. e: hīyadae (94) "hearts'
Noun. au ('extended')-bases, genitive plural, masculine.
u: choru (33)
'child' pavittu (2)
'purity' Noun.
ú: kesari (58)
saffron ha: rāyaha (H 44) "kings'
chorū (BP 33) 'child' naravaraha (67) 'excellent men' ham: naraham (H 67) 'men'
Adjective. rāyaham (44) *kings'
u: bahu (98)
'much 05 ('extended')-bases, nominative singular, masculine. d-bases, accusative singular, masculine. Noun.
Adjective. o: camdo (28) moon'
u: bahu (192)
'great nayan'anamdo (28) 'delight to eye'
lahu (29)
'younger' Adjective.
A-bases, accusative singular, neuter. o: chatto (19)
'having umbrella' Noun. Past participle.
u: carittu (2)
'story' o: pahütto (19) 'arrived'
meru (304)
Mt. Meru' o 'extended')-bases, nominative singular, neuter.
Adjective. u: caru (2)
'delightful Noun. 0: phalo (33)
A-bases, accusative singular, feminine.
"result' 0 ('extended')-bases, accusative singular, masculine.
u: bahu (104) Noun. 0: kālo (22) "time
A-bases, vocative singular, masculine. dhammo (20) duty'
Noun. 0 ('extended)-bases, accusative singular, neuter.
u: ikkhāgu (199) "Ikşvāku' Noun.
d-bases, instrumental singular, masculine. o: jammo (20) 'birth
Noun. Adjective.
im: baduim (228)
'young Brāhman'
u (= nominative-accusative singular suffix): o: sahalo (20) 'fruitfull
guru (271)
'Guru' d-bases, nominative singular, masculine.
1 (= nominative-accusative singular suffix):
velu (175) Noun. u: dehu (S 226) 'body'
Adjective. naresu (212) 'monarch'
u (= nominative-accusative singular suffix): nāhu (69) 'lord
bahu (100)
'great' 52 See fn. 50 for replacement of -au by -ě.
d-bases, instrumental singular, neuter. 5 See Phonology for comments on the inconsistency in the marking of the length of u, especially in final position. The Adjective. u-suffix is from original u-declensions or from Apabhransa. See
u: bahu (62)
'great' the vocabulary for etymologies and fn. 7 for remark on confusion of-u with the "extended" nominative-accusative singular suffix. d-bases, locative singular, masculine.