BENDER: THE NALARĀYADAVADANTICARITA (TRANS. AMER. PHIL. SOC. P avatämra, cf. H avatāru and B avatāra (30) 'in- All the manuscripts vary in several instances becarnation'
tween y and j.20 It is not certain whether the y was H pamvara, cf. BP pavara (43) 'excellent'
read as j. Hämrati, of. BPS ārati (91) 'lamp-waving ceremony' B sulimdhu, of. H sulīdhu, P sulidhau (147) feasily
B yogi, HS jogi (184) 'joining' taken'
BHS samjoga, P osamyoga (302) 'together with S humsii, cf. H husii, Phúsic (162) 'be'
PS Prāja, H oräju, В Prāya (70) 'king' Sümbhi, HP übhi (171) 'lift up
BHS viyoga, P vijoga (276) 'separation' Plūmthau, BHS tūthau (172) delighted
For the rhymes of ekalīya 'alone' with mächali-e 'fish' Other non-phonemic features are indicated by y.
in HBS 165 and visasi-e 'trusting' with ullasiya 'happy' Compare the alternations between "iya and 7, where in P 166 compare the emphatic particles e and y in the meter always requires a count of two morae. The
Modern Gujarati sentences such as: 'badhãy te-ni y(a) in such cases represents the non-phonemic glide
pāchal padya' and 'badhā-e te-ni pachal padya' "All
followed him." 21 Another example of this is found in following a long i. Examples are:
stanza 24 where H and P write sumdariya and B writes HPS niliya, B nili (57) 'blue'
sumdari-e 'Sundari. BH motiya, PS moti (56) 'pearls'
The process characteristic of Old Gujarati, wherein HPS vevahiya, B vevāhi (100) 'father of son's wife a geminated consonant is simplified with the compenH lädiya, PBS lādi (99) 'bride'
satory lengthening of the preceding short vowel, is not BHS gahagahī, P gahagahīya (169) 'excited'
strictly adhered to in the spelling of the manuscripts. HPS josi, B josīya (97) 'astrologer'
It is possible that this variation reflects traditional HP ladiya, BS lādi (96) 'bride'
spelling and that the combinations of short vowel and HPS gopavī, B gopaviya (293) 'concealed'
geminated consonant were pronounced as long vowel H varasiya, PBS varasi (298) 'rained
and single consonant. Examples are: BH vali, PS valīya (301) 'again'
didhi (42) and diddha (259) 'gave' y represents a glide between otherwise contiguous
sidhi (42) and siddhi (181) 'accomplished'. vowels:
lidhaum (316) and liddha (181) 'took'
rāja (304) and rajja (301) 'kingdom' H äiu, Paiya (99) 'came'
kajiim (222) and kajja (HP 221) deed' BH gäču, PS gāiyu (99) 'went'
vāta (284) and vatta (195) 'story' H hüya, BPS hūā (86) 'became' P joaim, S joyaim (66) 'see'
There are occurrences of the simplification of gemiHPS loane, B loyane (76) 'eye'
nated consonants without the compensatory lengthenBH mahīyām, PS mahiäm (116) 'superior
ing of the preceding vowel. Examples are: B jūao, PS jūyao (120) 'gambling'
navatata (28 'nine tattvas' (cf. navatatta (40) HPS joana, B joyana (154) 'yojana'
patarāni (4) 'chief queen' (cf. paffarani (118)) BHS joyana, P joana (154) 'yojana'
ikhāgu (70) 'Ikşvāku' (cf. ikkhägu (199)) BH sūāra, PS sāyāra (218) 'cook'
The features discussed following are dialectal rather The v of bhavi (H 65) 'state of being' is not pro- than phonological variations. nounced as is shown by its rhyme with nathäi 'is not. for u: All the manuscripts have instances of this.
Note also the intrusion of y between a consonant B has the greatest number. and a or å in the following examples. This is not found in H.
BP guraṇīya, cf. H gurunīya (41) 'nun'
P taranī, cf. H tarunī (65) ‘maiden' P cyaru, cf. HBS căru (92) 'well'
B samsamara pura, cf. HPS sumsamarapura (69) P nihyāna, cf. HS nihāna, B nihämna (106) 're- 'Sumsumārapura' ceptacle'
BP uttamga, cf. HS utumga (142) 'high' PS bhāsyā, cf. BH bhāsā (143) 'talk'
Haranodaya, cf. BPS arunodai (254) 'sunrise P nyahai, cf. HS näha-i (162) 'lord'
H dakkha, cf. PS dukha (221) 'pain P kalya, cf. HS kala (218) 'skill'
B samdarü, cf. BHP sumdaru (163) 'handsome' Psyāra, cf. BHS sāra (263) 'having'
B gapha, cf. HPS gupha (175) 'cave' B achyā, of. HPS iccha (139) 'wish'
Note this variation in the pronouns and adjectives of B dhyamna, cf. HPS dhāna (156) 'meditation' B camdrayasya, cf. HPS camdrajasä (297) Cam- 20 Cf. ibid., $ 22. drayaśas'
1 These examples are from Modern Gujarati data gathered
by me. 19 Cf. Tessitori, 1914-1916: $28.
Cf. Tessitori, 1914-1916: 8 5.1 and Pischel, 1900: $ 123.