488 B.C. as the Date of Mahavira Nirvana
भद्रवाणस्य तद्राज्यं गुप्तानां च शतद्वयं। एकविंशश्च वषार्णि कालब्रिदरुदाहृतं।।४९१।। द्विचत्वारिंश्देवात : काल्किराजस्य राजता। ततोऽजितंजयो राजा स्यादिँद्रपुरसंस्थितः।।४९२।। वर्षाणां षट्शतीं त्यक्त्वा पंचाग्रं मासपंचकं। मुक्ति गते महावीरे शकराजस्ततोऽभवत।।५५१।। मुक्तिंगते महावीरे प्रतिवर्षसहस्रकं। एकैके जायते कल्की जिनधमविरोधकः।।५५२।। Jinasena Harivanasa Purana Ch. 60. In the manuscript of this work used by K.B. Pathak, Guptas are given 231 years. (गप्तानां च शतद्वयम्। एक त्रिंशच्च वर्षाणि कालविद्रिरूदाहतम्।।) (In Ant. Vol. XV P. 142. If we assign 231 years to the Guptas then only we shall get 1000 years mentioned in these traditions as the interval between the death of Mahâvîra and that of Kalki. 231 years for The Guptas also given in Tileryapannati appear to be the correct version. The Ms. used by Pathak has Muruda instead of Puruda and Bhathavana instead of Bhadravana. The Ms. used by Jayaswal (In An Vol. 46) has Vijya instead of
Vishya and Bhattavana instea of Bhadravana. 12. अनन्तरं वर्द्धमानस्वामिनिर्वाण-वासरात्।।
TART Gerra TRIS 494:11 (IRO E, 783)
Pargiter D.K. A. P. 68. 14.
HER HOT TAI Tal-TERT PETITS 44 4:11 (PO C, 339) 15. Susunaga...18.
Kalasoka...28. Ten sons of Kalasoka...22. Nine Nandas...22 Calm. Hist of India Vol. I.P. 189. Susunaga of the Buddhist traditions has been correctly identified with Nandwardhana and Kalasoka with Mahanandin by S.N. Pradhan, "Chronology of Ancient India". P. 220 ff.
Pargiter, DKA. P. 69. 17.
The Puranas give the following reign-periods for these monarchs. Chandragupta 24 years. Bindusara 25 years and Ashoka 36 years.
Pargiter. DKA. P. 70. 18. The traditions as preserved in Mahavamsa give the following chronology of the
reign of these three kings. Chandragupta 24 years, Bindusara 28 years, Ashoka 41 years. (four years before his coronation and 37 years after it). We gather from the Jain work Dipalika Kalpa of Jinsundera that Samprati became king of Ujjain 300 years after Mahâvîra Nirvana.
दिनतो मम मोक्षस्य गते वर्षशतत्रये। उज्जयिन्यां महापुर्यां भावी संप्रति भूपतिः।। 20. Pargiter DKA.
Also compare Cam. Hist. of India. Vol. I. P. 511. 21. Liders, 'List of Brahmi Inscriptions No. 346' 22. Cambridge History of India Vol. I, p. 224. 23. Merutinga's Vicarsreni. 24. Brown. The story of Kalaka. 25. Nagpur University Journal, No. 8. 26. Liider's Brahmi Inscription No. 1123. 27. JBORS. Vol. 16 (1930) P. 248 ff. 28. Vincent Smith, Rapson, R.G. Bhandarkar and Raychaudhri give C. 125 A. D. as
the date for the defeat of Nohapana by the Andhra King Gautamiputra Satakarni. 29. "Beginning of Chandragupta Maurya's Reign" Proceeding of the III Indian
History Congress (1939) p. 371 ; also Journal of Indian History, Vol. XIX., Part 1. 30. Brown. The Story of Kalaka. p. 60.